A Terrifying Truth(2)

-A Terrifying Truth(2)-

"Me and Lady Ru Xue, we are not from this kingdom, or from any neighboring ones. We are from a 6-star sect from a distant place, carrying out a sect mission here. Lady Ru Xue is a concubine of the sect master of the sect we belong to. She is actually one of the most favorite ones among many. The old master would dote on her the most."

"What sect?"

"Bloody Sea Sect!" the cloaked man said carefully as he took note of Jie's facial expression. Finding no change in it, he felt disappointed. His plan to put some pressure with the help of his sect failed miserably.


"Yes, more than 30 years ago, an informant told us about a boy with a gifted physical constitution. Having a normal special physical constitution is already a divine gift, not to mention an Immortal one. According to the informant, the boy had a low-Immortal grade extraordinary physique. After coming here, we discovered that it actually belonged to the crown prince of this kingdom.

Our sect had a unique method that could steal away other's Special physical qualities by sacrificing their blood. It doesn't matter if it's the 'spirit root' or a godly meridian, we could take it as long as the blood is sacrificed of the victim. We had accumulated many heavily features and given them to chosen disciples by practicing this technique.

To not alert her rivals, she decided to act low key. Taking a long term sect mission, she reached here. After slaughtering that assassin family, she forged a fake identity. Initially, she wanted to enter the royal family. But after the birth of the crown prince, they had become extremely vigilant. She could only choose the second best option.

From then on, she was cooking a plot to throw the kingdom into a coup, and take advantage of the situation to steal the boy's constitution. But, now, it seems it would no longer be possible." The cloaked man sighed in resignation after speaking everything about their plans and their background.

"Wait! You mean to say that you guys can steal away a person's talent by using a secret method?" Jie found it hard to believe something like that. According to Ye's memories, the so-called special physique was nothing but a uniquely mutated part of the body that's involved in the process of absorption and accumulation of Qi. Although sometime that part would be a special bone in the body or a drop of dense blood on heart, on the other times, it was also something obscure like an extra meridian. How can be something like that be extracted?

"Yes, I am telling the truth. Our sect had found this secret method on the remains of an ancient temple. This technique was also tested and verified many times and proved to be authentic.

"And for obtaining that unique physique, you are planning to throw this whole kingdom into chaos for last 30 years? Are you guys serious? How many people would die if a kingdom was thrown into chaos you know? Even if people don't die from civil war, the neighboring countries will jump up at the chance of getting a piece of the pie, do you think they would spare any chance to take down a kingdom?" Jie looked very angry and mortified after hearing the plan of these guys. Even if he was carefree and easygoing, not caring about others, the notion of slaughtering millions never crossed his head despite having more than enough power to do so.

Due to the influence of his grandma, Jie never went that path of becoming a completely unfeeling man. Of course, he endured the society's scorn throughout his childhood due to his special circumstances. This made him self-centered while growing up, even still, that spark of kindness every child was born with, had never faded. Even if it had nothing to do with him; when he heard that millions of people will die due to the plot of these two, Jie couldn't help but shiver.

"Haha! So what? It's their fault for being a weak commoner. Their ultimate fate is to be devoured by, us, strong cultivators. To us, the common people are just like cattle. One thousand dies or one million, it's the same for us. This world is big, there was never a lack in availability in human resource, so what if a small remote kingdom like this is to be slaughtered? As long as it achieves our motive, such things are negligible." Despite being subdued by the cruelty of Jie's methods, the cloaked still didn't forget to put on airs given the opportunity. The pride of being a cultivator had deeply ingrained to his bones.

'These people! They are insane, power had made them crazy. Would I have turned out like this if not grandma? Shit! I don't want to know…' Jie continued to have a mental dilemma. Qianjin's words, although sounded extremely cruel and dripped with lunacy, it still explained the essence of this world. With that one speech, Jie understood the power division of the world.

'In the end, commoners of this world are like cattels…no wait. I shouldn't believe him blindly. He is already a lunatic, to begin with. I shouldn't entirely believe his distorted logic until I see the world for myself.' As he thought this, Jie clenched his fist in anger and frustration and rained them down on the face of the cloaked man named Qianjin. It's been too long since he was this angered. Jie didn't stop his fists until the cloaked man was bloody all over.

During his punching session, the cloak on the man's face was torn apart, revealing a plain, middle-aged face with thick eyes brows and one eye beneath. The mouth of the man was sewed shut, and he was talking by a device connected to his neck. Although the contraption intrigued him a lot, he was in no mood to inspect it.

Grabbing to the collar of the man Jie pulled him up and let him hang in midair. With his red eyes glaring at his black ones, he asked "What have you planned. For these last thirty years, what have you planned? Who is involved in this coup? How many people are involved? Spit out everything you bastard!!"

After being threatened by him again, the man started to sing like a bard again. He spat out every small detail about their plan to throw this kingdom into a disarray, throwing the country into chaos. He didn't even leave the names of servants of the families who were involved in this upcoming disaster.

After hearing everything and confirming that he had said everything, Jie threw him to the ground as he sighed, then looked up at the sky from the bamboo garden. His thoughts are jumbled up. Initially, he had come here to fore these two act as the villain so that he wouldn't miss a possible target to pursue later on. Using his death trap as an excuse, he would have forced the lady to go through his plans. But, he instead stumbled upon this cruel plot, cooked by two fake people to steal something obscure like talent!

Right now, he was unsure of what he should do? Should he protect the commoners under the danger of offending many strong powers, or should he just abandon this place and run away? Which way should he take?

He had never faced a situation like this…where his decision would affect the lives of millions of people. Lyon Empire, although only a level 3 empire, still had a total population of 2 million, excluding those barbarians in the jungle. If the country were to be thrown into chaos, not to mention all the people in the imperial capital, even the people in far away corner of this kingdom would be affected.

If it were only on the level of problems due to a changed government, then he wouldn't have minded it much, but the notion of slaughter and complete annihilation was a different thing altogether. That's why he was in a dilemma, he couldn't decide what he should do in this situation.

'That Fang family though! I didn't expect them to be a part of this too…sigh…no wonder they were in a hurry to grab on to thighs of a powerful force.' Now it became increasingly clear as to why the Fang family endured the humiliation and stuck on to that Elder.