When the wicked meets the Devil

-When the wicked meet the Devil-

Jiang Jie was selfish, would not care about others easily. He, although, looked like he cared for Hou'er, but it was just his whimsical action. His upbringing and the hardships he had endured, only he knew. As a result, a selfish person with enough power to end a world was born with a slight sense of compassion.

Not having friends, no family, and even no one to care about…when all these things were combined, it was impossible that a child would grow up to be a hero of mass. Except for laughing after seeing a comedy show or watching someone's idiotic actions, he had never truly smiled from his heart. Even in the presence of his grandma, he couldn't bring himself to smile. After living like an emotionless human for more than ten years of his life, it was hard for him to change his attitude. Even when he was attending high school, his power would flare up, causing him discomfort and bringing him trouble from the government.

Due to this, he was labeled as a weirdo by the students of the school he was attending. But even his bland days had a few instances of flavor when that day, a beautiful short haired girl with a pair of glasses came to him and asked: "Are you alright?"

From that day, Jiang Jie started to appear cheerful, he became more faithful to his own feelings. In his heart, he was never a bland, emotionless loner kind of guy. He loved to make mischief, he wanted to have friends. Although after that day she never talked to him, he was still felt happy and tried to change himself so that one day he could confidently talk with her.

That's why he was always looking for a fresh start. A place where he could be more truthful about his feelings.

After coming to this world, he had got that opportunity. Although he only came to this world 24 hours ago, he had already addicted to the freedom granted to him by this world. In here, having a bigger fist means you are right. Jie would be like a dragon that returned to the sea or a tiger that returned to mountains. This world was tailormade for him.

He didn't want to interfere with matters of this world and only live his own life. Seeking various adventures and fight with powerful enemies, it was his foremost intention. After utilizing his forbidden ability, when he saw things going out of hand at a rapid pace, he felt indignant and helpless, until he remembered the powerful enemy of Jiang Chao that loved to play strategic games with him.

As if light cast upon a dark place, Jie became happy and seek her out to play the role of the villain so that he could pursue that girl at a later date. But who would have thought that he would encounter such a cruel plot unintentionally?

Jiang Jie felt himself standing on a parted divided road. On one side, there was a way where he abandons everything and becomes an observer as millions of people slaughtered due to a single person's greed. On the other side, the road where he actually does something to change the situation.

In this situation, it was evident that he should take the first road as all this thing had nothing to do with him…but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to behave as if he didn't care about any of this.

"I hate this dilemma!" muttering to himself, Jie looked at the unconscious pitiful looking lady Ru Xue and then to the cloaked man named Qianjin who was doing everything in his power to save her.

'What should I do? For now, I will do what I came here for. As for other things, I will think about them later.' Thinking of this, he turned to Qianjin and shouted "You. I have a job for you."

"Eh!" Qianjin was startled at the shout. Glancing fearfully at Jie, he pitifully turned around, giving off an impression of a kicked dog. But Jie didn't care about this at all. Without considering if the man agreed or not, he started "Currently Fang family is trying to duke it out. They are clearly relying on that powerful girl and her background, so their confidence was unshakable. Go and beat that girl up, at the same time make some lies about how you have a grudge against her mother and would not stop until you kill everyone related to her family."

"Impossible! Do you want me to get killed? Do you even know who was behind her? Its sect with the same standing, if not greater than ours. Once my sect knows about this, they will rather kill me than to offend her sect." the cloaked man named Qianjin immediately denied while thinking 'What a joke? If I really go with what he says, not even bones on my body would be spared.'

"Hmm! Will you really? Do you think you can deny me I will accept it? Remember this, you have two options, either you do it willingly, or I will force you to…and I have many ways to make you agree to my terms. You have already tested one method, right?"

Towards Jie's threatening, the cloaked man named Qianjin could only gulp down his saliva and bitterly look down. It's as he had said, he had no other way around. Not to mention he could control his body and achieve the same result. More importantly, he had become even more astonished at this brat's abilities and brain.

Jie's strategy might not be the best one, many could even see through it immediately…but Qianjin couldn't say for sure that it wouldn't work. Everyone knew that strong cultivator often tends to have many hidden enemies. Who can say for sure that he wasn't really an enemy of Yun LingLing's mother?

He also understood Jie's plan. He wanted to make them fear the unknown and chip off their confidence. By doing so, not only he was breaking off the current clash between clans, but he was also stopping any future complications for the clan. Afraid he might be, Qianjin came to admire the third young master of Jiang Family. A combination of strength and brain, not many people were like that.

"What's your response? Quickly come with one. The fight outside had already reached an unsalvagable situation." Jie once again shouted as he used his telekinesis to grind a large rock near Qianjin to dust. And this had the desired effect, making the later gulp his saliva loudly again as he began quack like a duck.

"I-I will do it! I will do it…but please don't do anything to my mistress." The cloaked man pleaded as he unsteadily stood up. Holding the nearest bamboo as his support, he tried to lift the lady so that he could lay her in a more comfortable position.

"Don't bother with her, I will look after her. You just do what I asked…ah! Wait.." Jie stopped Qianjin when he was about to leave after hearing him. Jie's hand shined in rainbow luster as a small cylindrical shaped object conjured above his palm, it then divided into two. One side entered into Qianjin's brain while the other one entered Ru Xue's head.

"What is that?" Qianjin asked shakily. He had already made a guess what it was already, but for the sake of conforming, he asked again.

"Just a little insurance for me. You see, I can't trust you. So I have to think of something else. Listen well, if you even think about betraying me and announcing my identity to anyone, be it verbal or signal or even written, this lady's brain would be fried to crisp. Be careful…okay!?" although Jie was smiling when he talked about this, Qianjin felt that even the death god's laugh would look cute in front of such a cruel expression.

Qianjin's body shuddered involuntarily once again, throwing one last glance at Lady Ru Xue, he left silently. Watching his retreating back, Jie took a breath of relief. Thankfully he had a guinea pig like him readily available, or else he would have to make appearance personally.

"Now then, what to do with you?" as he said so, Jie looked at the pitiful unconscious face of Ru Xue with a weird glint in his eyes. "I know just the thing!! Haha!" Suddenly his hands started to glow in rainbow luster once again, as he extended it towards her face while laughing like a devil.