Dinner date 1

Shawn was waiting by the ground lobby floor waiting. It was Saturday evening, the date he and Queenie has scheduled for the dinner he proposed. He looks at his wrist watch. It's 5 minutes before 6pm. He was looking dashing with his black long sleeved shirt and denim pants. His hair was styled with wax.

Just a few moments Shawn saw a beautiful blonde girl walking towards her. She was wearing a peach spaghetti strap dress with just the right length to call it sexy. It was accented with beads at the center to emphasize her chest. Her golden wavy hair was free flowing down her head gracefully. She was holding her peach sweater in her right arm and in her left was her small clutch bag that was also peach colored accented with beads. She was wearing a pair of dirty white sandals with a flower on the center. Shawn was mesmerized with this goddess. She was walking elegantly towards him.

"Hello Shawn. I'm not late, am I?" I said looking at him apologetically.

"No you're just in time." Shawn said with a smile.

"That's great." I felt relieved. "Am I wearing the right attire to where we're going? You said to be casual."

"Yes, what you're wearing is fine. You look lovely." Shawn complimented me.

"Thanks." I give him a smile.

"Well let's get going then." Shawn said.

He extended his arm to me as a courtesy. I place may arm inside his then smiled at him. I start to reminisce the past. This position, I am very familiar with. I was always comfortable beside him, feeling that this place is where I should be.

At the valet lounge a black Corvette stopped right in front of us. A valet attendant exited the driver seat and came near us.

"Sir Andrews have a great night ahead." the valet attendant said while giving the car keys to Shawn.

"Thank you." Shawn answered. "After you." Shawn opened the passenger side for me.

"Thanks." I replied and got in.

He also entered the driver side and started the engine and drove towards the main road.

"Where are we going?" I asked a little curious.

"At Gerald's Sea Side Restaurant. It is just by the sea and has a great view. They serve great food there." Shawn said.

"Oh. Then I'm looking forward to some seafood then." I said.

After a while of driving we arrived at a road by the sea. The moonlight is reflected on the waves. 'How beautiful.' I think to myself.

We arrived at a bungalo size building. This restaurant is new. When I was still here there was no restaurant like this standing but an old abandoned house. I remembered telling Shawn when we passed here once that the run down old house can be renovated to a beautiful place by the sea.

The car stopped in front of the restaurant. Shawn exited the car and went straight to my side to open the door. He offered his hand and I took it.

"Well this is a beautiful place." I said.

"Yes. I am a part owner of this place." Shawn said. "A friend of mine runs this restaurant. I'll introduce you to him later."

Shawn gave the keys to the valet attendant waiting. We enter the place. It has a very comfortable ambiance. I can smell the sea and hear the waves.

"Mr. Andrews." a girl greeted us at the lobby said. "Right this way please." the girl gestured

We were led to an open terrace near the sea side. Shawn helped me to my seat then he took his in front of me.

"This place is amazing. No wonder you thought of making a restaurant here." I said to Shawn.

"I was planning it for quite some time. I have acquired the land a long time ago and don't know what to do when a friend of mine, a chef, was thinking of opening his restaurant. So I proposed this place to him. And then this happened." Shawn said while gesturing around us.

I smiled. 'Maybe he still remembers our past conversation about this place and bought it.' I thought. I stopped what I was thinking suddenly. 'Queenie, you are not here for hearts and roses. You're here for revenge.' I scold myself.

In the past 8 years I have forgotten my love for Shawn. But now spending time with him, that feeling tends to slip again inside my heart. I can't deny the fact that he was the first man I've ever loved. But the way he had hurt me in the past, I can't forget.


I opened my eyes feeling dizzy. "Where am I? What happened?" I said while clutching my head. I'm having a splitting headache after waking up. I look around to take in my surroundings. By looking at it I was in a hotel room. The sun was sipping between the curtains.

"How did I get here? I remember getting dizzy after drinking some glasses of vodka last night." I was trying to remember what happened.

Last night was my bridal shower. Julia was the one to organize the event and surprised me with some of our girl friends. She booked a room at a hotel. We celebrated and had drinks. I felt dizzy then after that was all blurred and blacked out.

Then I realized I was sitting on the bed naked with just bed sheets covering me. I heard someone breathing beside me. My heart started to race. I looked beside me and there was a bump under the sheets. 'Who is beside me?' I was starting to panic. I used all my courage and opened the bed sheets.

I was shocked to find a naked man beside me. What happened last night. 'Is it possible that....' I looked at my body. Red and blue dots covered my entire body. 'Kiss marks' I thought. Then I feel my body is sore all over.

"No." I said to myself. "This can't be happening."

Then the door bursts open. I see Shawn full of rage entering the room. Julia is following behind.

"Shawn I'm sorry. I didn't know something like this would happen." Julia said pleading with Shawn.

Shawn was looking at me. I can feel his eyes piercing thru me.

"Sh-Shawn. Let-let me explain." I stuttered.

Shawn strode from the door to the bed. He grabbed the man beside me and punched him square in the face.


The man was punched awake. When I looked at him it was Brad. He was a close friend of ours. But why, why did he do this. Tears started to stream from my eyes.

"Shawn, man let me explain." Brad said.

"What do you mean explain. How can you explain sleeping with my fiancee who I will marry in just a few days?" Shawn said with rage.

"Shawn I'm sorry we didn't tell you. We love each other. Jill and I, we have been seeing each other secretly. We were thinking to elope." Brad explained.

Once I heard those words rage overcome me. "What are you saying Brad. There is nothing between us. We were never together. Whom I love is Shawn." I shouted at Brad trying to explain he was lying.

"Jill if what your saying is correct then why are you here with Brad. And both of you are naked. It is obvious that something happened to the two of you." Julia said.

I was shocked. Why did Julia say that? She should help me out of this.

"I-I don't know what happened last night. I just remembered we had my bridal shower that you organized and after a few drinks I blacked out." I tried to explain.

"Yes that happened. But after the party you are still conscious Jill. After the party you said you still have something to do here and told us to return first." Julia said as a matter of fact.

My tears started to flow non stop. "No, no that can't happen. Why can't I remember last night?" I said holding my head trying to remember. But what I get was a splitting headache.

"I can't believe this." Shawn said. I looked at his eyes. Those blue eyes I love so much to look at are staring thru me full of rage. My heart started to clench.

"No, Shawn. Please believe. I didn't do this. Brad and I don't have any relationship." I reached out to hold his hand. The bed sheet covering me lowered and exposed my shoulders. Shawn gazed at me wide eyed. I realized he was looking at the kiss marks visible on my body. Shawn snapped and beat Brad to the verge of death. Both me and Julia wasn't able to do anything but stare in fear.

After a while Shawn was out of breath. He has stopped beating Brad who was bleeding on the ground unconscious. Shawn turned his back to me and was about to leave.

"Sh-Shawn, wait." I said while standing up. I rushed to catch him. I don't know what has gotten into me or what to say but all I know is that I don't want to lose him. I grabbed his hand. But Shawn yanked my hand away forcefully. He looked at me with disgust. As if I am the most disgusting woman he ever saw in his entire life.

My knees felt like it lost all it's energy and I fell on the floor. I was rooted on the spot shocked. The love of my life, my whole world is walking away from me. I just stared at his back, my tears doesn't stop falling. I felt my life ended that time he left me.

"Shawn wait." I heard Julia said while chasing Shawn leaving me behind.


I came back to the present. I can feel the hurt I felt back then. I see the same guy that looked at me with disgust back then, now seating in front of me looking at me with tenderness.

"Let's order." Shawn said.

I smiled back at him.