Dinner date 2

The night was still young. We were done eating.

"You like shrimps?" Shawn asked me. He saw my plate was empty and clean.

"Shrimps are my favorite especially the buttered ones." I answered.

Shawns looks at me with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You can't imagine a fashion girl like me can eat that many." I giggled. "Well I'm not a model so I don't have the need to watch I eat. And I also work out at the gym in a regular basis."

"Oh so you work out as well. Do you have a gym to go to here in N city." Shawn asked very interested.

"Not yet. I guess I will ask Andrea to find me a good one and also an instructor." I answered.

"Then why not try out the gym I go to. My friend runs it. I can also be your personal gym instructor if you want." Shawn said excitedly.

I laughed. "Is it another joint business with one of your friends? You have many businesses here in N city." I said jokingly.

Shawn scratched his head embrassed. "Well not really that many but I have many friends that needs help at starting up. I can gauged peoples abilities well. And once I see potential and they only need a boost to start up then I lend them a helping hand.

Shawn is like that, a kind hearted man. He has always helped those in need. Not only his friends but also in charity, especially orphans. He has a charity institution that helps orphanage here in N city. I remember every birthday of his was always celebrate in an orphanage with a feast. He's the one giving gifts to children. I remember the face he wears when he sees the children happy. I smile internally. This man has a kind heart but also ruthless when he get's mad. I felt a pain in my heart.

"Then I'll take you on that offer personal instructor." I said to Shawn. This is a great opportunity to get close to him I thought.

"Would like to have dessert? I believe you would like mangoes? I suggest the mango float, they are to die for." Shawn said.

"How did you know I like mangoes." I chimed. I give a huge smile towards Shawn.

"Then it's mango float then. Waiter 1 mango float please." Shawn said. "And please tell Gerald that I want him to meet someone so if he can come here for a bit."

The waiter nodded and walked away.

"Is he the friend you want me to meet?" I asked Shawn, curious.

"Yes. He is a great chef and a good friend of mine." Shawn answered.

I also know Gerald. He is a childhood friend of me and Shawn. We basically grew up together. I have a hunch that Shawn is up to something.

After a little while I see a man wearing a chef's uniform walking towards us. 'He hasn't change that much' I thought to myself. He has light brown hair and brown eyes. He is still wearing glasses. 'How many times have I told him that he will be more good looking if he wears contacts.' I thought.

When he arrived at our table he stood their for a moment looking at me.

"Um, hello." I said to break the stare.

"Ah, oh yes hello. I'm Gerald Stales, the head chef and part owner of this restaurant." he smiles at me and extends his hand.

I take his hand and shook it. "I'm Queenie Versales. I'm new here in N city." I said. "I came from Paris. I'm a fashion designer."

"Oh yes. Shawn has told me." Gerald answered. "You really look like her." he whispered.

"Look like her? Oh the one that Shawn has mistaken me for. Your dead fiancee." I said looking at Shawn.

Shawn gave a sad smile.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm being rude." I apologized.

"No it's okay." Shawn said.

A waiter came with our dessert and placed it on the table. I looked at it and stared at it hungrily.

"Um well can I take ah bite?" I looked at them shyly.

"Oh please go ahead and enjoy. I personally made it." Gerald said to me.

I take the fork and dug in. When I took a bite memories flooded inside me. This is the mango float that Gerald first made and perfected with my help. He knows I love this dessert that's why he have made it to perfection.

"Hmmm, heavenly perfection." I said unwittingly with a huge smile on my face.

The two men was shocked with my remark. I looked at them curiously. "Why, did I say something wrong?" I asked. Actually I know why they made shocked faces. The Jill before always say this comment whenever she eats Geralds mango float.

"Oh no, no it's nothing." Gerald gave me a warm smile. "Well I better get back to the kitchen."

"Oh okay. Don't let us stop you." I smiled. "By the way your mango float is delicious. Is it okay if I visit you here sometimes to eat this?"

Gerald was taken aback. "No need Ms. Queenie. I can give you my number. If you feel the urge to eat this then just call me and I will let it be delivered to you wherever you are." he gave me a sincere smile.

"Wow thanks. And you can call me Queenie." I said with a smile. Then we exchanged numbers. After that he left.

We finished dessert. "Would you like to walk by the shore? The night is still young." Shawn asked.

"That would be great." I answered. We stand up. Shawn quickly stood beside me and helped me wear my sweater. 'Still the gentleman I see.' I thought to myself.

"Thank you." I give him a smile.

We walked outside. The shore was not far. I took of my sandals and held them but Shawn took them away.

"Let me." Shawn said with a smile. 'Always the gentleman.' I say to myself. My heart started to beat fast.

"This is a great spot." I started a conversation to break my reverie.

"Yes. Actually I was planning on constructing a villa where the restaurant stands now." Shawn said while looking at the bungalow building.

"Was it for your dead fiancee?" I asked slowly waiting for him to open up.

He paused for I bit then sighed. "Yes. She gave me the idea actually. Once we passed this way she saw an abandoned house where the restaurant is standing right now. She said that if the house was renovated it could be a beautiful place to live in. She loved the sea, she said the sound of the waves calms her. The villa would be my gift to her after we're married. But it didn't turned out that way." he said with a sad face.

My heart softens. So he really remembered that time. The future full of hope and happiness the should be was shattered in one night. I clenched my fist the time I remembered.

"Does she really look like me?" I asked acting curiously.

"Well there are some differences but the resemblance is huge." Shawn answered looking at me.

"If it is okay to ask, how did she die?" I asked.

He looked at me. Dark blue eyes to sky blue. It was like he was entering my soul itself. Prying something hidden within me, hypnotizing me in the process.

I snapped back to reality. "If you don't want to talk about it then it's okay. I didn't mean to be rude." I said averting my gaze from him.

"She killed herself." Shawn said finally.

That surprised me. I wasn't expecting him to say that straight forwardly.

"It was my fault. I let my anger get the better of me. When I came to my senses it was too late." Shawn said. Sadness was evident in his voice. "If I can only turn back time, I would not have lashed out on her. I would have heard her first and forgave her. I was a fool and now I'm paying the price."

I can see him clenching his fist so hard. 'He is regretting it?' I asked myself. 'Is there a chance to get back what we have lost?'

I hold his clenched fists and looked at him. I gazed in his dark blue eyes, embracing the depths in them. "Maybe she knows your pain. Maybe wherever she is right now she can see what your going thru and try to understand." I say to him with a smile.

The words I have said, I don't know if it was just Queenie acting or Jillian really saying it from the depths of my heart.

"Thanks." Shawn said with a smile.


We arrive at the driveway of the hotel I'm staying in.

"How long will you be staying in N city?" Shawn asked.

"I'm thinking of staying here for a while." I said. "I have Andrea find me a good house to live in."

"I know a real estate agent that can help you." Shawn said.

I looked at Shawn in wonder. "Wow you really know many people here huh?" I said jokingly. "You can run for a government office with so many connections." I giggled.

Shawn laughed. "Well uncle Julian is the current governor here in N city. He is the father of Jillian. He always pesters me to enter politics, saying that I am a natural born public servant." Hearing my father's name gave an ached in my heart.

"Oh then have you thought of it?" I asked.

"Not really. My hands are full now with Andrew Holdings so entering politics is still at the back of my mind. Maybe if it was back then. " he said. 'Back then if he married Jill he was thinking of helping his father-in-law to be and enter politics.' Shawn thought to himself.

No wonder Julia is a prospect wife for Shawn. My father has eyed Shawn for a long while now. He can see potential in him. That's why he was so happy that I was engaged to him. He knows after making him a son-in-law can broaden the chances of him entering politics and also the seat of power will still be under his grasp.

The car stopped at the front door. "Well then let's call it a night. Thanks by the way. I had a great time." I said.

"Let's do this again. If it's okay with you?" he asked me.

"Sure." I smiled sweetly.

"Then can I get your phone number." Shawn asked shyly.

"Of course. We're friends now, right?" I said to him.

"Yes, friends." he said slowly like he was hugging the words and savoring it.

We exchanged phone numbers. I exited his car and closed the door. I wave goodbye at him and he waved back. He accelerated through the road.

I looked at his car until it was gone. I have learned many things today. I know that Shawn regretted what happened and he has been blaming him self for this past 8 years. No wonder he is still single. I remember what Mark said "most sought of by women" meaning he is the most eligible bachelor here in N city.

My feeling is starting to sway. I have known since then that Shawn has never been a bad person. But he has hurt me. A wound that was cut deep in my heart. I also know that he was just used to make a huge blow right at me. The mother daughter pair, Victoria and Julia. They were the ones who had planned this from the start. They are the ones my revenge is aimed at. For now I will focus on using Shawn for my revenge. Maybe he is regretting and guilty of what happened in the past. But now is not the time to think of him. I need to focus on one thing. And that is to take back what's rightfully mine and get my revenge.