
I felt someone kick my stomach hard. A wave of pain engulfed my stomach area and was transmitted to my whole body. I writhed in pain. "Shit. Ahhh fuck." I cried.

"Bitch! So you're here." Victoria said looking down on me.

I was curling in pain on the ground. When I look up I see Victoria.

"So you're really wounded you little slut." Victoria said. "I followed the trail of blood you left behind."

'So that's why she found me." I thought. I was losing a lot of blood and I can feel my strength draining from me.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. At least I have to buy some time before Troy and Shawn get here. I need to make a conversation so Victoria won't kill me yet. "What have I ever done to you for you to do this?"

"You look so much like her, your mother." Victoria said. "It just pisses me off. Even now that she's dead Julian still loves her so much. He doesn't even give me any affection as a wife!"

"What are you talking about? You everything now, right? After my mother died you have the title of legal wife." I said.

"Haha if you just knew. I have to wait so many years until your mother died. Good thing I made that happen sooner. But even after she died your father still loves her so dearly. And with you looking so much like her it just pisses me of even further." Victoria gave a vicious laugh.

Sudden anger engulfed me. "You bitch! You killed my mother!" Because of rage I forgot the pain I was feeling and charged right at her.

I was able to disarm the gun she was holding and gave her a punch in the gut. The gun was tossed away a fee meters.

"Gahh!" Victoria shouted in pain. I was preparing to attack her again but a wave of dizziness engulfed me. My vision blurred and I fell on the ground.

Victoria recovered from my initial attack and kicked my wounded shoulder. "Fuck you bitch! How dare you!"

"Ahhh!" I shout in pain.

Victoria slouched in front of me and squeezed my wound hard with her hand.

"Ahhh, fuck!" I can't stand the pain.

"You think you can take me on, huh?" Victoria said with rage.

"You won't get away with this Victoria." I said while writhing in pain.

"Oh I will get away with this. There is someone so powerful backing me up that there won't be any evidence pointing to me." Victoria said. She took a knife from her pocket and pointed it at me.

"You're going to die anyway so let me tell you a little secret." Victoria has an evil grin on her face. "Julia isn't really your half sister. She isn't really Julian's daughter."

I was shocked. I thought all this time that Julia was daddy's daughter. "But Julia said..."

"Julia also doesn't know the truth. She really believes that Julian is her biological father." Victoria explained. "I had conceived her before something happened to me and Julian. And it was all planned by my powerful backer. Really I never knew that your father will do big here at N city before. And I never liked a long distance relationship that's why I broke up with him. If I just knew he would be this successful I wouldn't have left him for another man. I would have been the 1st and only wife and Julia the only heiress. I wouldn't have gotten together with Julia's father."

I was processing all of this information. So then my mother never got in the way of my father and Victoria's relationship, unlike what Julia said.

"That son of a bitch left me after impregnating me. It was just my luck that my benefactor came. Because of him I was able to get Julian and be his wife. Well I have to wait for so many years and becoming a mistress before having the legal wife title. And after you are gone, the Williams' group will be in my hands and Julia will be the sole heiress. Hahaha." Victoria gave a chilling laughter.

"Why? Why did this have to happened. My mother didn't do anything bad to you." I said.

"If you want to blame someone, blame your father. My benefactor has a deep grudge against him. As a matter of fact if my benefactor didn't approach me, then I won't be here doing this to you now." Victoria explained. "I don't know what Julian did to that boy in the past. But because of that I am here at the top now. I don't really care about his grudge, just that I gain this by helping him is enough for me."

'Boy?' I thought. 'He was the one that planned all of this? But why?'

"Well little Jillian. It's the end of the road for you." Victoria raised the knife on top of me and was about to plunged it.

With all my strength that was left I blocked it. I was fighting with her for the knife.

"You bitch! Just die already!" Victoria put more strength on her hand and pushed harder.

I can hear gun shots firing from a distance. 'They're here.' I thought. 'I just need to fight until they get here.'

"Queenie! Queenie where are you?!" I can hear Troy's voice.

"Troy!" I shouted with evrything I've got.

"Shut up!" Victoria was pushing with all her strength now. The knife was just inches away from my throat.

I was fighting it away but I can feel my strength fading. But then I saw the gun I lost just behind the bushes. It was a few meters away from me on my right side.

I losened my grip on Victoria's hand and dodged the knife just on time. The knife scratched my left cheek and it bled.

I kicked Victoria off of me with all my might. When I was free of her I dashed towards the gun under the bushes.

Victoria noticed this and also found her gun lying on the ground. She also hurridely picked it up.

And at the same time we got our guns pointed at each other and pulled the trigger.

'Bang bang' two gun shots were heard simultaneously.

"Queenie!" I here Troy was close.

When he arrived on the scene he saw Victoria and I pointing our guns at each other. The guns both have smoke coming out from them showing that the gunshots heard were from them.

Troy's eyes were opened wide in shock.