I’ll save her this time

'Bang bang' two gun shots were heard simultaneously.

"Queenie!" I here Troy was close.

When he arrived on the scene he saw Victoria and I pointing our guns at each other. The guns both have smoke coming out from them showing that the gunshots heard were from them.

Troy's eyes were opened wide in shock.

After a few seconds that seems to be an eternity Victoria and I both fall on the ground.

"No, Queenie!" Troy shouted. He ran towards me.

"Queenie, my love. Speak to me." Troy cradled me in his arms.

"I'm okay." I said weakly. "I got shot on my left shoulder a while ago. But at least it's far from my vital organs." I smiled at him weakly.

"Oh Queenie. I'm sorry to be late." Troy said with a worried face. In his eyes there were starting to form tears. My hand reached his face and wipe away his tears.

"I'm fine really." I said.

"Queenie, Troy!" Shawn shouted.

We see him running with police behind him.

"How is she? Is she alright?" Shawn ran towards us.

"She looks fine. She was shot in her left shoulder.

"Please check on Victoria." I said.

It was the police that checked Victoria who was lying on the ground.

"She's shot by the abdomen." The police officer said. He took her pulse. "She's still alive! Call the paramedics here."

"Hmm, that's good." I said weakly. "Troy I'm sleepy. I want to sleep." My eyelids were very heavy. I can't seem to open them for too long. Then darkness engulfed me.

"Queenie? My love?" Troy said softly. "Where are the paramedics?" He can see a lot of blood was soaking in his hands.

"Sir." The paramedics arrived. "Let me look at the miss."

The paramedic looked at my unconscious body. "Sir she lost a lot of blood. We need to get her to the hospital fast."

"Please save her." Troy's face was full of agony.

The other paramedics brought the stretchers. They put me and Victoria in them and carried us to the ambulance.

Troy and Shawn followed behind.

"She's going to be alright. She's going to be alright." Shawn was saying this over and over like a mantra.

"She IS going to be alright." Troy looked at Shawn. "She's a fighter." Shawn nodded.


At the hospital Troy and Shawn was outside of the operating room number 4.

They looked exhausted. At least 2 hours have passed when I was brought to the operating room.

"How is she?" Andrea just arrived. "I just got the news that Queenie was brought to this hospital."

She walked towards Troy who was sitting, his face buried in his hands. She gave a pat to him in the shoulders.

"She's in there for two hours." Shawn answered. He was standing near the double doors. "It looks like the operation is still ongoing inside."

Andrea looked at the door and the sign with 'Operating' has it's light on.

"Are the both of you okay?" Andrea asked.

"Were fine. We didn't get any injuries." Troy answered as he lifted his face from his hands. "But Queenie...." Troy sighed. His face is full of agony.

"We were to late." Troy was blaming himself.

"Don't blame yourself. Troy, you did everything you could do to save her. Don't worry I'm sure she'll be okay." Andrea said encouragingly.

"How is she? How's my baby girl?" My father arrived. He walked towards the door and wanted to enter.

Shawn stopped him. "Uncle you can't go in. The operation is still ongoing."

"I have to see my baby girl. She can't die. No, when she just came back to me." My father was crying.

"Uncle calm down. The doctor's are doing everything they can." Shawn said.

"Oh my baby girl." Father started to calm down. He looked at the two men who were both haggard looking full of dirt and sweat. "Thanks, both of you."

The two men just nodded.

"After this is over, I want you to tell me everything that happened." Father said. "I can't believe Victoria would do such a thing on her daughter's wedding day non the less." He pressed his temples.

"She's a demoness." Shawn gripped his fists hard. "She and Julia were the ones that planned what happened 8 years ago. They ruined our lives."

My father looked at Shawn seriously. "I will make sure to do everything I can to give the punishment they deserve."

"But the incident that happened 8 years ago would be difficult. We don't have any evidence." Shawn held his chin in thought. "After what happened today at least we got tangible proof of what happened. And Victoria was also at the scene of the crime."

"How is miss Victoria? I heard she was also shot in the abdomen." Andrea asked.

"She's also here in this hospital at operating room number 2. Julia is there with her husband." Father answered. "Police are standing on guard there so don't worry. She won't go anywhere."

Then the double doors of the operating room opened. A man in a scrub suite and surgical mask came out. Troy stood up from his sit and walked towards the door. Andrea followed.

The doctor took off the mask.

"Who is the patient's family?" The doctor asked.

"Doctor, I'm her father." My father stepped in.

"Good evening Mayor Williams. I'm Doctor Howard. I was the surgeon assigned to your daughter." The doctor identified my father right away.

"How is she?" Father asked.

"I have pulled out the bullet from your daughter's shoulder. It was in so deep that's why it took us a long time." The doctor explained. "But she lost a lot of blood. And we need a transfusion. Unfortunately your daughter's blood type is negative AB. It's the most rare type of blood and we don't have it now in stock here on the hospital. We can make a request to the blood bank but it will be to late once the blood arrives."

"You're daughter is gambling her life now. We need to make the transfusion as quickly as possible. Is any of your family members with the same blood type as your daughter?" The doctor asked.

My father's face was full of worry. "I'm afraid that my daughter got her blood type from my deceased wife." He said sadly. "I'm a positive O type. Her grandparents are also old and can't donate blood." He pressed his temples.

The doctor looked at the other's present.

"I'm a positive B." Andrea answered.

"I'm positive O as well." Troy said sadly.

"I think I can donate blood. I'm a negative O." Shawn answered. He knew some basic things about blood transfusion. And an O type is a universal type that can donate to any type. It's just the positive and negative that makes a difference.

All the people there look at him and the doctor with expectation.

The doctor nodded his head. "Mr. Andrews can you please come with me. We will just ask you some questions as protocol in blood donations." The doctor gestured the way.

"Okay." Shawn nodded. He looked at the people present. They were looking at him with hope. Then his eyes stopped at Troy's. "Don't worry, she'll survive. I'll save her this time."

Troy nodded in agreement. Shawn entered the operating room and the doctor followed.