
It has been a tiring day. The coordinators are just wrapping things up.

"Jill." I hear Andrea called me. I looked behind and see her signaling for me to come with her.

"Honey. Andrea is calling me." I told Troy.

"Hmm. Go to her. But don't be too long. I'm gonna miss you." Troy said giving me a sweet smile. I smiled back and walked towards Andrea.

"What is it?" I ask Andrea when I was near her.

"Come with me for a while." Andrea pulled me while giggling.

We walked towards a small room used for changing clothes. Andrea opened the door and ushered me in.

"What is it?" I asked Andrea confused.

When I look inside I can see a white spaghetti strap cotton dress with a pair of flat sandals. I looked at Andrea with questioning eyes.

"You want me to change in that clothes? Isn't it a little too thin? It's still cold this time of year." I said giggling.

"Don't worry. You'll wear a coat over it. But once you get to your destination this dress will suffice." Andrea smiled at me and handed me the dress.

I took it and gave Andrea one last look. I sighed and gave in to her demands.

After a while I have changed from my wedding gown to the dress Andrea gave me.

"Here's your coat." Andrea helped me in it. "Enjoy." She gives me a hug and then pushed me out of the room all the while I am confused.

Then I saw Troy by the door. He has changed his white tuxedo to a more casual white long sleeves shirt and light brown coat and khaki pants. He looked at me with warmth and smiled.

"Let's go." Troy grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him.

"Huh? To where?" I asked confused.

We don't have any plans after the wedding. Because we have rushed the preparations of the wedding we weren't able to make any plans for our honeymoon. And I know Troy didn't take any vacation leave from his work. We just decided to go home and just spend our time together.

"It's a surprise." Troy said and winked at me.

Once we were back at the ballroom the guest have lined up towards the exit in two lines. Troy guided me to walk between the guest.

When we walked thru them they showered us with rice and roses.

"Congratulations to the newly weds." Guests shouted.

A smile crawled slowly on my face. The warmth they gave us let me forget what just happened earlier.

"Thank you." Troy said while ushering me outside.

"Thanks." I smiled to the guests.

At the door father was there waiting for us. He looks at me then Troy.

"Well son, I am entrusting my baby girl to you. Protect her and love her." Father said while patting Troy's shoulder.

Then father looked at me. "My baby girl. Be happy, okay?" He smiled at me sweetly.

"Yes daddy." A tear dropped from my eye. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too my baby girl." Father said and hugged me. "Well you better get going or you'll be late."

"Late?" I asked confused. I looked at Troy and he just smiled at me. I'm starting to get irritated. They are hiding something from me.

"Let's go." Troy pulled me away.

At the drive way our car was waiting for us. I see Sawyer behind the wheel.

Troy opened the door and ushered me inside. He followed after me.

"Sawyer." I greeted him.

"Mrs. Versales." Sawyer smiled at me. I know he was teasing me. Hearing him calling me Mrs. made me giggle.

Troy picked up a box from the front passenger seat and gave it to me. The box and ribbon was colored with red and gold.

I looked at it curious on what it was. Then I smell a sweet yummy scent. My eyes lit up.

When opened it, excited to see what's inside. And like I thought it was chocolates, Ferrero chocolates. I felt great joy. I smiled wide and looked at Troy.

"Happy Valentines day." Troy said. "I know you're craving for chocolates. But the doctor advised you to eat them moderately to avoid complications in your pregnancy. Well it's a special occasion so you can eat all of that."

"Thank you honey. I have been craving for then for some time now." I hugged him. "I love you. Happy Valentines day."

"I'm happy you liked it." Troy said while gently patting my back.

"Anyway. Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." Troy said and chuckled.

I pouted my lips. "It seems that everyone knows except me." I let Troy see that I'm irritated.

"Aww don't get irriated my wife." Troy pressed my pouted lips with his fore finger. "I will tell you when we get to the airport. Just sit tight."

'Airport?' I thought.

Troy retracted his finger from my lips but in exchange he pressed it with his lips. The kiss was sweet and deep.