In the car

Troy retracted his finger from my lips but in exchange he pressed it with his lips. The kiss was sweet and deep.

"Hmmm." I moaned. I know Troy was distracting me but I am enjoying this distraction.

Troy pulled me closer to him. Now I was sitting on his lap. He didn't stop the kiss but let it deepen further.

"Hmm Troy... we're not alone." I said.

I can feel his lips on my mouth curve up. He was smirking. He continued his assault on me.

Then I just realized that a divider was now placed between the driver and us. It was placed so that the driver can't see or hear anything from the back.

Troy continued the kiss trailing it from my lips and down to my neck.

"Hmmm..." I wasn't able to contain my voice and I moan.

"Just let it out. Don't worry, no one can hear you." Troy said.


I can feel Troy's hand inside my dress and brush up my back. He was caressing me gently. His touch ignites my inner desire.

I remember my doctor telling me that sex is okay in pregnancy if there are no complications. She said that once pregnant there are two scenarios from the woman's sex life. It's either she doesn't have the mood or the opposite which was always in heat. And I'm afraid I'm the latter.

This past few weeks I have always craved for Troy's touch. I want him to always make love to me.

"Hmmm...Troy." I said while moaning. "We're in the car."

"It's still far away from the airport." Troy said.

I can feel Troy's hands make it's way down south. He held the seam of my panties and tugged it off in one go.

His ever so skillful hand are massaging my opening. Then his other hand found my plump breasts that are now sensitive.

"Hmmm... ahhhh.. Troy." I feel hot and yearning.

"Your already ready." Troy said smirking. "Pregnancy has done wonders to your body."

I felt embarrassed and blushed.

Troy opened his pant's zipper and took out his manhood. It was also ready to take me in.

"Careful." Troy said while helping me up on his lap.

Then I slowly lowered my body to him. I can feel his manhood filling me from the inside.

"Ahhhh." I moan with the sensation.

After that we were moving.

"Hmm.. Jill. I love you." Troy said while thrusting in me. He was holding my waist supporting me.

"I-I love you too. Hmmm...ahhh." I answered stuttering.

Troy's thrust together with some bumps on the road I was building up inside. I can feel my body at its peak.

"Troy. Ahhh... I'm coming." I said to him.

"It's okay. Just come my love." Troy said.

We were both panting. I can feel something building inside of me. Together with the warmth from Troy I feel the intensity.

"Ahhhh...." I found my release.

"Hmmmm.... ahhh." Troy followed.

I slumped forward exhausted. Troy hugged me gently.

"Are you tired?" Troy asked.

I nodded weakly. These past few weeks I am always getting tired quickly and taking naps often. Probably because of the pregnancy.

"Take a nap. I'll wake you up once we get to the airport." Troy said.

I was so tired that I didn't want to move. Troy helped me sit up in his lap. I snuggled on him and he hugged me.

"Sleep well my wife." Troy planted a kiss on my forehead.

Then I fell into deep sleep.