PDA at the airport

Tha car arrived at the airport. I was still asleep when the car stopped at the departure area.

"Love, we're here." Troy whispered in my ear.

"Hmm." I was still sleepy. I can't seem to open my eyes.

Sawyer opened the door.

"Sir?" He confusingly looked at Troy.

Troy gestured with his fingers to stay silent. He slowly exited the car carrying me in his arms, princess style.

"Please help us with our luggages." Troy said softly to Sawyer.

Sawyer just nodded, afraid that I will be woken up.

I can feel that I am being carried but I was too lazy to open my eyes. I hooked my arms around Troy's neck. My gesture made Troy smile.

Some personnels at the x-ray machine looked at us in surprise and some are giggling.

"Sir, would you like to request for a wheel chair?" A personnel asked.

"No need. I'll just carry my wife. She is pregnant and very tired. I don't want to wake her up." Troy smiled handsomely.

You can here murmuring of girls around us.

"How cute."

"They look so sweet and adorable."

"I heard the wife is pregnant and very tired so the husband is carrying her."

"Ahh. I want to have a husband like that too"

"They look so good together."

Some girls are envious but some are amazed with us as a couple.

Troy walked proudly carrying me in his arms. He didn't mind the stares and the talks around us.

"Sir, the private plane is parked at gate 302. You and Mrs. can go directly there for boarding." Sawyer said.

"Okay. Thanks Sawyer." Troy said. "Please go first and take our luggages there."

"Yes sir." Sawyer nodded and pushed the luggage cart.

Troy took his time walking while carrying me. We caught the attention of some passengers. They were taking photos of us.

"Isn't that the famous young bachelor CEO of Versales group of companies?"

"Yes he is. But he isn't a bachelor anymore."

"I know today is his wedding day. It was in the news."

"Then the woman he's carrying is his wife?"

"Looking at it yes she is. She is the famous fashion designer Queeine Versales."

"But now she has come back to her old name Jillian Rose Williams. She is the lost daughter of Mayor Williams."

"I heard she had amnesia and it was Mr. Versales that found her."

"They fell in love after that? Wow their love story is like those from fairy tales. A prince and princess."

The murmuring and taking of photos goes on until we reach our gate.

"Mr. Versales. Your plane is waiting for you. Have a safe flight." An airport personnel greeted us.

"Thank you." Troy said and entered the gate.

We passed the hallway leading to the private plane.

Troy entered and two stewardess are waiting to welcome us.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Versales." The two greeted.

Troy only nodded and walked right towards the seats. He gently puts me down.

"Hmm." I jerk on my chair finding a comfortable spot. Troy chuckled.

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt that Troy's smell and warmth left me. I realized that I always want to snuggle close to Troy when my pregnancy started. And I can't sleep well if he wasn't by my side.

"Hmmm, Troy?" I was adjusting my eyes after woken up, searching for him.

"I'm right here my love." Troy said walking towards me. "I just came out from the lavatory." He explained.

Troy has been adjusting to my mood swings. And by now he knows that I can't sleep without him beside me.

"We're on the plane already?!" I asked surprised when I realized we were inside the plane. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Troy chuckled. "I did. But you didn't move an inch."

Then my phone rang. There was a message notification from Andrea. I opened it.

'Public display of affection of Mr. and Mrs. Versales? 😍🤣'

My eyes went wide with the picture attached to it. It was Troy and me. He was carrying me princess style in the airport. Many people are looking at us and taking photos. Troy looked like he didn't care about the onlookers and walked proudly, while I am sleeping soundly in his arms. And I scrolled down to read the Andrea's message next.

'It's all over the internet and news. The newly wed couple was seen lovey dovey at the airport. Sleeping beauty and prince charming LOL.'

I looked at Troy with wide eyes. "You... carried me all the way here?"

"Of course. Why won't I? You're my wife. I won't let anyone carry you but me." Troy had a wolfish grin on his face.

I blushed with embarrassment. What will people think of me? That I'm too lazy to walk by myself?

"Don't worry. They know your pregnant. It's understandable to be spoiled by your husband." Troy said answering my hidden question.

"B-but.." I said unfinished when the intercom beeped.

"This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be taking off shortly." The captain said.

When I heard that I became tense. Troy fastens my seat belt then his.

"Don't worry love. I'm right here beside you." Troy knows that I am always tense when the plane is taking off and landing. He holds my hand and squeezed it gently.

I looked at Troy's face and he gave me a sweet smile. My tense body started to calm down. Seeing him makes me feels at ease. He is my angel, now and forever.