The sins of the past

Adrian was in the car. After Jill and Troy left, his assistant came to pick him up. He was looking outside smiling as the road goes by.

His assistant looks at him confused.

"Sir why are you smiling?" His assistant asked. "You're plan was foiled when Ms. Jill's husband came."

The traffic accident that happened just a while ago was Adrian's doing. With his power in the underworld, manipulating such things is a walk in the park for him.

"Haha. Like I anticipated, Troy doesn't dissapoint me in the slightest. He really is a formidable foe." Adrian smiled. "The more I fight him the more I want to win Jill."

His assistant looked at him carefully. This is the first time he saw her boss infatuated with a woman. And he was enjoying every second of playing this game of catch.

"Sir what are your plans now?" The assistant asked. "Ms. Jill is still the daughter of your enemy. Mayor Julian was the one that ruined your parents that leaded to their deaths."