Another chess piece

Adrian arrived at his estate late that night. The car ride was silent after his assistant let him remember his unpleasant past. But remembering Jill's face brighten up his mood. He didn't realize he fell asleep half of the way.

"Sir, we have arrived." His driver said.

Adrian was a light sleeper since he was young so he was awoken easily.

"Thank you." Adrian said lazily. He looked beside him and his assistant was not there.

"I have dropped off Ms. Sheila a while ago in a bus stop nearest her home." The driver said.

Adrian just nodded and exited the car. The inside of his mansion was dark, only dim lights illuminated the inside. When he opened the door a maid greeted him.

"Good evening sir." The maid greeted. "Someone is here waiting for you. I have told her that you would be coming home late but she insisted on waiting for you."

"Oh, who is this guest?" Adrian lazily asked. He didn't have the patience to entertain any stubborn person this late at night.