
Inside a dark room where only the moon's dim light illuminates the interiors, the distinct voices of two persons are heard. Erotic sounds are echoed inside the dim lit room.

"Hmmmm." Adrian was standing naked. Below him was a blonde haired woman, sucking his manhood. "Ahhh, yes." He moaned.

Adrian looked down the woman doing a blow job on him. In this dim lit room the features of this woman closely resembles the woman that awoken his hidden emotions of love, Jill.

'At this angle she really looks like Jill.' Adrian thought.

"Yes, oh fuck." Adrian cursed from the sensation he was feeling.

He held the woman's head and made the motion to suck even faster.

"Ahhh yes, ahhhhh." Adrian released himself in the mouth of the woman.

The woman coughed after gulping some of the fluids that was just released. Adrian cupped the chin of the woman to see her face clearly.

The face of Angeline was looking up at him, flushed from what she just did.