The twin’s arrival (2)

I am now wearing a hospital gown. The contractions have become more frequent. The pain is now more intense than before. If I describe it, it feels like menstrual cramps to the nth power.

"Ahhh, f*ck." I cried out in pain.

"Mrs. Versales, hang in there." A nurse that was left in the room to monitor me said.

"How long would I endure this pain?" I asked.

"It differs for every woman ma'am. But for you I guess it won't be long. You have dilated fully and the doctor will be back to get ready for the birth." The nurse replied.

"Troy, my husband?" I asked weakly. I felt drained every time after a contraction.

"I heard he had arrived ma'am. He is just doing necessary procedures so that he can accompany you here." The nurse answered.

I sighed in relief. 'Troy is here.' I thought to myself.

Then not long after the door opened. Two people entered. One was the doctor and the other was no other than my angel, my husband Troy.

"Troy, you're here." I smiled weakly.