The twin’s arrival (1)

We arrive at the hospital faster than I expected. I didn't even know that we have arrived until Adrian opened the passenger door. I only felt the pain in my belly the entire time and cannot focus on anything else.

"I'll carry her." I hear Adrian said. Maybe he was talking to Andrea because my back was facing him.

Then I felt arms grab me gently. Adrian carried me in his arms carefully and walked towards the emergency room. Andrea was right behind us.

"Excuse me, Dr. Castro is expecting us." Andrea said to a nurse in the reception area. "Mrs. Jillian Rose Versales."

"Wait a moment please." The nurse said.

"Why do we still need to wait!" Adrian shouted. "Can't you see she is in pain?"

"I'm so sorry sir but we still need to check you in. It is our protocol." The nurse replied.

"F*ck protocol!" Adrian said in anger. "Take her to whatever room she must be in right now!"