Soft Bun

Sky and Yuimi silently walk along the road without any stop. The didn't even talk or make a sound because of the awkwardness happened a little while ago.

An hour earlier

Sky saw Yuimi's lower body twitching, so he ask her about it out of curiosity. But this little princess didn't even answer his question and simply continue to walk forward. After awhile sky saw her again twitched and now it was her whole body.

"What's happening to you?"

" You don't have to care about it just walk forward."


After a while of walking sky discover that Yuimi suddenly disappeared. She was just behind her a while ago but now she's gone? Knowing the situation is dire he didn't panic though. But he needed Yuimi to get to the desert mountain so he must not lose her or else he would lost his way. So he started his search for he instantly.


Sky was searching for Yuimi's tracks when he heard a girls shout. He ran towards it's location. "She might be in danger so I needed to get there fast." Sky thinking about Yuimi's situation right now. "Wait?! Her strength is far stronger than mine. And if she really was in trouble how could his current strength solve the problem even a demon princess can't achieve." sky suddenly had a second thoughts about rescuing her.

" Haist but if I didn't save her now, she waqs the one who would kill me if she luckly survived and found out that I coward in front of danger ." sky just gritted his teeth and just moved forward.

" damn!?" " Ahhhh"

Without him noticing sky fall from a cliff at the end of the road. He was in deep thoughts so he forgot that there was a cliff here.

"ohh? What's this? Why was this rocks are felt so fluffy and soft? And this is? A bun?"

Sky fell directly on a large and dark whole below the cliff. He was expecting a rough and painful fall but instead fell1 into a soft like cushion rocks. This surprise him a lot. And also his hands was currently grasping a bun?

"Get the F-word away from me pervert!" Yuimi's voice sounded in the entire hole. She was so angry and embarrassed that her face was so red. She then let a powerful blast wave directed at sky.

Sky was blasted out of the hole and summersaulted 4 times in the air before hitting the ground.


"This guy touched my boobies, and also~~~ ahhh!" when she thought of it her embarrassment skyrocket even more. She really wanted to kill to kill this guy right now but she still needed him. So she just endure the humiliation and left him live for a little longer.

"Ouchh! What was that for?" Sky complained.

"Hump." Yuimi snorted after hearing his complaints.

She casted a flight spell and flew out of the hole. While sky steady his body preparing to move out and continue their journey.

Back to present

The two reached the 2nd mountain along the pathway towards the desert mountains. This mountain is named Bandit mountains because bandits filled this mountain. And all the traveling merchants would always choose a roundabout path than pass through this mountain. Even if the roundabout path would extend their journey for over 2 hours they didn't ever complained about it.

But this two didn't take the roundabout path and just head straight through the mountains. Sky alone is powerful enough to scare those bandits so there's no need to take the longer route.

"Yuimi about what happened, I'm really sorry about it." Sky broke the ice covering the two.

" if your really sorry then kill yourself right now."

"…" sky was speechless about those words that came from Yuimi. "kill myself? What the Hell. I just touched your boobs and you want me to kill myself? Hah!!" sky didn't want to voice his thoughts though. He simply hid it at the back of his mind.

The two walk for another half a minute silently again. Sky was afraid if he talked again this demon would kill him on spot.

" Woah! Brother look at this two dating at the middle of nowhere."

A man appeared in front of sky and Yuimi with a teasing smile written all over his face. Two more followed behind him also looked at the two with the same expression.

"This three are bandits" sky said to Yuimi. But Yuimi didn't replied to him. When sky was just about to confront them. " can~"

" We're not a couple, and also can get your ugly faces out of here we're in a hurry or else." Yuimi cut off sky and began to speak first.

" else what? Haha what a little girl like you can do?" one of the bandits said.

"hey brother their not couples so maybe this guy won't be angry if we take this little girl away hahaha!"

" your right bro~"

One of the bandits didn't even finish his sentence when he saw a large raging ball of energy was floating above their heads. Sky also saw this scene he reacted faster this time afraid of being caught in the after shock of the spell.

Just one glance for him to remember what was this spell and what can it do. This was the spell that wrecked havoc inside the dungeon hall before he got here on this kingdom.

"She really was infuriated sigh it's their bad luck for meeting her in a bad mood."

Super Nova!

Her enchanting voice rang out all over the mountain. But this enchanting voice was a voice from hell caused thousands of mortals to flee in panic.


The spell hit it's target and they instantly perished. Even the surrounding can't endure the force and also crumble. A large 100meters crater appeared in the middle of the roared. When sky saw this scene he still felt his entire body shivered.

" This princess can't really be angered. Whew I really thank those guys for being a punching bag for her or else she would have to bent her angry on me afterwards." Sky murmured. " I need to avoid touching her the next time even if it cost me my life I can't anger this demon princess"

"Let's go" Yuimi turned on sky and said.


The two walk past the mountain without any more hindrance. And also they reach the desert mountains at scheduled time.

The desert mountain was not really a mountain filled with sands but Rocky mountain surrounded by desert. At first glance you would have thought that the mountain was covered by sands but in a closer look it was a mere rocks that has the same colors as the sand grains.

They merely called this mountains the desert mountain because it was like a desert no plants any living creatures could grow in this mountains. A mountain only filled with rocks and nothing more.

"Where here" Yuimi said.

"I know." "where's your professor?"

" Said he will come at sundown so he will come later."
