A knight and his queen

South side of the Desert mountains, 7:00 Pm.

A middle aged man and a girl was running desperately in the middle of the desert. But the girl stopped and uncontrollably fell on the sands of the the desert because of exhaustion.

"( panting) Your majesty !"

When the middle aged man saw the girl fell on the on the ground he immediately stop and called out to her. This middle aged man is covered in wounds nonetheless he can still bear the pain and persevere. But the girl can't keep up from exhaustion and fainted.

"Hang in there Your majesty! where almost out of this desert mountain."

The middle aged man didn't waste any more time and directly lifted her on the ground then carried her on his back. Afterwards he started running again with the girl on his back. The eyes of the middle aged man was filled with loyalty when he looked at the girl on his back. He would willingly sacrifice his life for her just to keep her from harm's way. This was not a love of a father to his daughter or a husband to his wife but a knight to his queen.

This two came from another kingdom. They fled their own kingdom from unknown reason via the teleportal gates and appeared at the north side of the Desert mountains. To their surprise the pursuers didn't let them get away and followed to in the portal. This knight tried his best to flee with his queen while defending from all sides. He succeeded, the pursuers called for back and continue the pursuit though.

The Hunt came all the way from the north side of the desert mountains until they reached the south side. From then on they move forward without any worries that someone might assassinate them if they let their guard down.

The Knight's body can't hold on from exhaustion but his will let him persevere and continue to walk forward.

" Your majesty I saw the border!" The Knight said to the little girl on his back.

"W-water~ i-I need water." The Little girl said those words with her weak and fragile voice. Even though she fainted she could still hear her Knight's voice saying that they were nearing the border. She mustered up all the strength left in here just to say those words.

Her exhaustion wasn't caused by an injuries but because of running for two days and two nights without stopping. Later on her weak body can't endure any longer and failed her. Added by the lack of water that lead to dehydration. All in all with her weak body even if will power is strong she was still going to collapse.

" yes your majesty! I'll fetch you some water if when reached the border." The Knight said.


He was about to take a step forward when his body tremble after he heard those loud roar coming from the north.

" Oh God help us. They really want us dead."

He can't help but to call for help from God's above when those roar reached his ears. He know who cause this roar and their origins. This roar came from a dragon from their kingdom but that's not the scary part. He trembled because he knew who was pursuing them this time. This roar is a sign that a dragon rider is coming for them. They are not nothing like the one he fought at the portal. This guy's are dangerous.

"your majesty please hold on a bit more some trouble we first need to escape this disaster before I could get you your water."

This Knight's will power is so strong that even death is nearing he didn't care. If he could save his Queen that's enough for him. Even if it cost him his life he must let her escape no matter what.


He roared to muster up his strength. This roar caused his entire body to glow, it was a sign that he was in a Berserk state. This state let him exceed his own limits. He dashed forward madly without care if he was using his own life force to gain a massive gain in strength.


" This kill leveled me to 120 hehe. Yuimi thanks for the leash." Sky said to Yuimi. His face was filled with excitement because of this sudden leap of level.

" it's nothing. It so boring watching you to kill a mere level 200 monster so slowly so I help you out."

But Yuimi merely shrugged him off because this was nothing to her. She was just annoyed watching this guy killing a low level monsters with difficulty and also wasting a lot of time with one monster.

" thanks anyway."

However sky didn't her attitude towards him and simply thanked her.

" where's your teacher? It's been 3 hours since we arrived here but he doesn't showed up until now." Sky asked. He couldn't control his curiosity towards this issue and can't help but to ask.

"Teacher said we just have to wait here for his arrival. Don't ask because I don't know either."

Yuimi replied with uncertainty. It's not because she didn't trusted her own teachers words but because it's the first time that her teacher missed an appointment like this.

" okay." Sky replied. He didn't ask anymore questions afraid of infuriating this demon princess.

" what's that? Ehh a dragon, no 12 dragons?"

Meanwhile when the was about to search for their next target sky spotted something flying towards them.

" What dragons?! Where?" Yuimi asked in curiosity. She was used to seeing dragons but a dragon in this desert? This the first time she saw a dragon flying around here. She can't even remember if a dragon lived here in this desert mountains.

"over there!"

Sky pointed the location of the dragons with his finger.

" 12 dragons and it seems their after a man." Yuimi activated a skill that could let her see from a afar.

" A man and a girl on his back. This dragons are after the two." She continued.

" oh look. A dragon rider? They were riding dragons so I suppose they were dragon riders." Sky also activated his own spell maginify. He saw that there's people at the back of this dragons.

" Your correct. This are dragon riders and it look like they came from a different kingdom because I can't recognize one of this dragons." Yuimi commented

" Poison flame Dragon!" sky said.

" how do you know it? Even me a mighty princess didn't know it's name. A mere ant like you shouldn't have know it." Yuimi said. She was shocked that this guy know something that she didn't know. And this make her irritated.

" !!!" Even though she said those words sky didn't comment about it. He merely knitted his brows and endure the humiliation. He then respond her question.

" I encountered them in the past. I nearly died because of it's poison breath so how could I ever forget about them."

" Hmmp! Weak." But this story only made Yuimi looked down on him.

"…" He was speechless. But he still endured it. He then ask her.

"Then who is that guy that they are chasing?"

" I can't tell now because their too far from the range of my universal eye."