A stubborn Knight

At the sky above, 12 dragons` massive dragons could be seen. These dragons are looking down on their prey on the ground, with their glaring eyes. At the back of these dragons Dragon Riders could be seen also looking at the girl below them. They knew her identity; this was their former Queen, the one who ruled their kingdom with love. They looked up to her and admired her, but that was in the past. Now they were under the rule of her uncle, Dennis the former General who dominated the battle field. He who was not satisfied with the kind of ruling his niece in the kingdom, decided to overtake the throne. The former kingdom that ruled with peace became a kingdom that ruled with power and dominance.

The 12 Dragon riders stared at their former Queen, filled with mixed emotions. They can`t disobey the orders that came from their new King himself, however, this order to kill their former Queen is a bit over board. That's why they just stared at her without moving, taking their time to think what to do.

Queen Gy also did the same, merely stand at her spot not moving a bit. She's waiting for them to make a move. She didn`t know what her uncle wants with her, but clearly, he wants her out of the kingdom. Right now if she died or lived, only the Gods know the answer to that.

"Brand, you don't need to hesitate anymore. I know that all of you didn't like my kind of ruling so you choose the side of my uncle, and I respect your decision. An Elite Dragon Rider like you thirsted for battle, but a kingdom who governed with peace could never give you what you loved the most." Queen Gy looked at the leader of the group solemnly. Brand the leader of the group, also looked at here solemnly. She continue "I`m only a 15 years old girl without any experience on ruling a kingdom. However, with my father and mother dead I was given this biggest responsibility in the entire kingdom. Without any other option I accepted the throne. It was my dream to create a peaceful place for my people, thus, with the power I had I gave the people of Felrod a quiet and peaceful home to live in. But I would never have thought that this action of mine would be my down fall. My uncle who turned down the throne after my father died, surprisingly; lead all the officials to overthrow the throne he once turned down. I know you came here to kill me, but I hope you`ll spare my Knight."

"Queen Gy, the Dragon Rider Squadron only obeys from His Majesty. And he said "leave no one alive" including these two strangers at the back." Brand said. He then looked at Sky and Yuimi while saying. "Blame your own bad luck for being here."

"Brand, you don't have to do this." The Knight Velrod interrupted.

"The mighty Knight of Felrod, Velrod. It's been a long time since we`ve last met, but fate really does playing with the two of us. We had fought side by side, conquering the entire continent but now we are on our both sides. Sigh." Brand sighed knowing that this loyal knight would die soon by his hands. Nonetheless, he must show no mercy. It's an order from his King, even it was an unreasonable one still he must do it.

Sky who was standing at the side heard the words that came from this Brand. He looked at Yuimi the acting leader of the two and asks.

"He said he`ll kill us two, are still going to turn blind eye to this?"

"I know you wanted to ask me why I didn't want to help them. I'll give you my answer, helping them would implicate the kingdom of Eros. It`s their own problems and let them deal with it." Yuimi said with an indifferent tone.

"I'm not that type to help others but if I saw them worth helping with, I won't hesitate to give them a hand." Sky said. At first, he didn't think of helping them but now he saw the situation unfolded. He felt pity for this Queen and her Knight. The reason is they were the same, betrayed by their own people.

If he could turn back the time he wish, he'll forbid the his group from entering that dungeon. If they didn't entered that dungeon and cleared it, then that Item won't be in his hands. If he didn't have that Item, maybe his comrades would still be his comrades until now. But the reality struck him, everything had already happened and he can't turn the time because he's not the God of time.


Queen Gy the most loving Queen in the history of the Kingdom of Felrod was standing motionless in front of the Dragon Riders, she was waiting for her death to come. It was her sin to love her people so much, however, if she was given a second chance her way of ruling would never change.

A kingdom need war to increase their land and power. A war if won can strengthen the Kingdom's might, that's why every kingdom sought to start a war. But in her rain war is forbidden, every military activity was put on hold. This action put almost everyone who live at kingdom at ease. However, some rage with this order, specially the soldiers who seek war for pleasure.

After 2 years of her reign, her Uncle finally started to move. He convinced the entire army to join him, the officials, the council, and even the grand elders. She was left with nothing, only her 12 Knights protected her until the end. And now only Velrod was left alive, the eleven died trying to protect her while escaping the palace.

"Dragon Rider Squadron hear my command! Kill!"

Brand the captain of the group didn't hesitate anymore, voice out his command.

"We hear and obey!" Every last one of the members of these Dragon Rider Squadron simultaneously said those words.

At the same time they descend from the sky simultaneously, aiming for the primary target of their mission. The dragons opened their mouth, preparing to attack the person below.

Queen Gy saw this scene unfolding in her very own eyes. She watched them aimed their attacks on her, however, she didn't move not retreat. She said only waited for them to come at her.

"My Queen, forgive me for neglecting your orders but I can't just watch as my queen being killed in front of my eyes." Velrod said. He was still kneeling on the same ground when his Queen ordered him to stand down. He slowly get up on his feet without her permission and looked at incoming enemies. Right now his eyes turned blood red and a tremendous killing intent surged out from his body.

He could never watch her Queen being slaughtered by this traitors, not when he still alive. He was a stubborn knight, he would do everything just to keep his Queen safe.


A desperate roar sounded within his body. The berserk skill "Final stand" was activated. This skill would let him increase his strength by 3x for a minute.

Without waiting for her Queen to stop him, he immediately stand in front of her and unsheathed his one-handed sword. A "shiing" sound rang out when he draw his sword from it's sheath. He grip the sword with his two hands, he then waited for the attack to come.
