The power of a Berserk Knight

Darkness envelopes the mountain desert, it`s already 7:30 PM but the heated battle between the 12 Dragon Riders and the Captain of the Queens personal Knight is about to come. Sword, Spear, Bow, and even Dragons is about to throw a deadly strike towards their enemies.

"COME!" Velrod shouted. This shout is like deep roar made by an angry lion towards the trespassers in his territory.


The roars of the 12 dragons answering back to Velrod`s provocation resonated at the night sky. In an instant Velrod entered the firing ranged of the 12 dragons. The Dragon Riders at the back controlled their own dragons to fire a long ranged attack.

Poison Breath!

Ranging flames envelopes the area below, but this flames are different from normal flames because this flames are made of poisonous flames. This flames can melt even the toughest melt there is. Raging poison flames shot towards Velrod like crazy manner.

Velrod watched as this flames appeared in front of him. When this flames is about to reached them, he stomped his right foot on the ground. This stomped is reinforced with his boosted strength. The ground cracked, instantaneously he lifted a large Boulder with his right foot. This boulder became the meat shield that protected them from this raging poison flames.

However, this wasn't enough to block the incoming attack. The boulder melted in pace that a human eye could see, if this goes on the boulder would melt entirety after 3 seconds. The 12 Dragon Riders on the sky grinned when they saw their attack was about to penetrate the boulder.

" Velrod you think that this boulder of yours can stop us? Hahaha." Brand let out a shout towards Velrod, he laughed out loud after that.

"Hump!" But Velrod merely snorted when he heard those words. " I might die to day but I can take you all with me."

The boulder cannot hold on any longer. The poison flame penetrated the boulder and headed towards the Knight and his Queen at his back.

Berserk wind slash!

Velrod didn't hesitate to release his most powerful attack. This attack is coupled with his berserk passive skill, thus, a second effect was added to it.

He slashed the air ahead of him, a powerful gust of wind came afterwards. A tornado was created in an instant he slashed. This tornado moved forward to block the incoming poison flames. The two attacks smashed into each other, nonetheless, no violent turbulence occurred when this two attacks bumped with each other.

It could be seen that the tornado created by Velrod swallowed the poison fire. The transparent colored tornado turned in to a dark green in color. Nevertheless, the momentum of the this raging tornado didn't stop. It move forward towards the 12 Dragon Riders and their Dragon mount wanting to swallow them as how it swallowed the raging poison flames.

"Dodge! Don't let it get near you!" Brand commanded the squadron to avoid this terrifying tornado. He knows how terrifying this attack if it hits them. An attack reinforced by a Berserk passive skill is really terrifying, however, this skill will drain a large amount of energy from him.

Velrod saw them avoided his attack, the 12 Dragon Riders with their Dragon mounts scattered. He didn't let this chance to slip away, he eventually made his move to attack them.


He jumped into the air, the force of his jump create a loud boom that resonated into the surrounding area.

The noise was loud enough to reach the ears of Brand, he had a bad premonition about this. His eyes never left Velrod. But when Velrod realesed that attack his view was blocked by that tornado. His eyes left Velrod and he knows this was a big mistake. Added by their messed up formation, they were vulnerable to any attack now. He immediately looked for Velrod after his visibility came back. Surely, he was not there. Where was he? Holy f***k. He was not on the ground and also he ain't attack yet. That means!!

" Look above you!" he warned his subordinate out of instincts. This command lack any formality but they didn't need any formalities now. The enemy is coming fast and furious.

The 12 looked up to the sky while preparing to receive an attack. Brand on the other hand felt chill down his spine. His instincts told him he in danger, as expected, a silhouette appeared above him. He rapidly raised his spear to block the incoming attack from above.

Velrod on the other hand didn't mind his sneak attack was found out by his opponent. He thrusts the sword in hand, packed with his momentum from his descent and also coupled with his boosted strength. His attack arrived in an instant, Brand parry's this attack with his spear.


The two weapons collide with each other, a loud "boom" was created by the collision. Surprisingly, Brand felt his entire two hands turned numb from the force he just received. He received this attacked without any damages except his hands that turned numbed.

But when he's about to counter attack, he lost his balance from a sudden change of events. After the two weapons collided Velrod maintained his altitude because of the counter force he gained from that parry. On the other hand Brand was descending, his losing his altitude fast. He was dropping from the sky rapidly.


Question filled his mind after that collision, but instantly he knew the reason why it was like this. The dragon can't endure the impact!

His faced darkened when he realized this issue. He looked at his unconscious dragon mount with shock. That strike was powerful enough to turn this mighty dragon unconscious? He knew that his Dragon mount received the most of the impact of the collision. But to his shock this dragon can't handle it? F**ck how strong was that strike. More questions filled his mind but then again he doesn't have time to think through it because another attack will soon arrive.

He spent years with this Dragon so he know how tough this dragon is. However, he didn't know that the impact from above is far more powerful that receiving an attack from below. Because when he received that attack the force only travelled through him and hit the dragon below. The dragon received the full brunt of this attack and broke his bone from his back. This caused the dragon to collapse from mid air, his life was taken instantly.

Sky watched this fight from below, with keen eyes he discern everything what happened. He might appear that he doesn't care but in reality he was ready to enter the battlefield at any time. He would only move at the right moment and the right time. Now is not the time for him to show his strength, because this Knight needed to bent out his rage right now.

"A Berserk Knight is sure strong, however, his energy is draining fast. He can't maintain this kind of fighting, fighting against many is not meant for a berserk knight." Yuimi said. She admired this Knight's strength when she saw how easy for him to kill a dragon in mid air. A strength like this won't last long enough for him to finish the fight.

"I know, that's why I'm here right?" sky said to Yuimi. He was grinning when he said those words.

"Are you planning to help them?"

"Yes." Sky straight forwardly answered Yuimi's question.

"This two was just like me, betrayed by their own people. So I can't bear to see them fall right here."

"So that's the reason eh?" Yuimi said. She didn't ask anymore and just watch the battle in front of her unfolded.