The Promise Of An Opportunity

I was walking through the hall in my house with a neutral face. The door leading to my room was looking at me from a couple meters in front of me. The steps that I was taking were exerting a positive feeling. I was finally able to test my first ability. I pushed the door, leading it to make a squeaky sound. I ignored the sound and carefully sat down in my chair in front of the desk. The desk itself was made of wood in a dark-red color. I opened a notebook that was lying there and stared at the blank page, thoughtfully. I put my pen down on the paper and before I realized it, my hand was moving around the paper. I looked at the page and focused on what to actually draw.

"I can't believe this is something that's happening..." I said to myself while drawing. What I was drawing wasn't a manga, but just separate illustrations.

-I'm so happy that my manager is so understanding. Thanks to this mission, I'm going to miss out on this whole week of work. -

After doing the line art, I looked at the page with a dry facial expression. The illustration was utterly mediocre, probably good enough for publication but would probably have no impact on the readers. At least it was consistent.

After the planning session had ended, I went out and bought Manga supplies like a dip-pen, ink and a set of color markers using the money I earned from my aforementioned job.

I started inking, and when I was finished I started using the color markers.

After a couple of hours of hard work, I finished 3 illustrations.

After that, I fell asleep again, but this time I managed to get into bed first.

The following day, the morning classes passed quickly. Kenjiro left his classroom to meet up the others at the rendezvous they had decided on.

"Do you think this will help?" Narino asked, standing in the opposite side of Kanton on the roof.

"Yeah, definitely. I think the two of us need to see him in order to get a sense of how strong he is." Kanton, standing on the other side, said to Narino.

Suddenly, Kenjiro burst through the door that separated the two people who were talking.

"You're a little late, Kenjiro..." Kanton said and looked at Kenjiro with a neutral face.

"Yeah, I ran into some, let's say, 'unexpected' inconveniences."

Narino looked at Kenjiro, puzzled. She decided to ask the question instead of just ignoring it

"What does that entail exactly?"

Kenjiro sat down on the ground in exhaustion. He was exhaling heavily and looked down at the ground. Some leaves blew past him dramatically as he made a dramatic pause that could hold a whole theatre audience in suspense. Kenjiro looked up at Narino in a serious manner and stared at her for a couple of seconds. Inside Narino's head, she thought

- This for sure is something stupid, let's be honest here… I already regret asking. -

Kenjiro opened his mouth slowly and let out the fateful words

"… Who cares? Let's do this already! This is not how I want to spend my time."

Narino instantly commented

"You've gotta be kidding me! This time you didn't even say it!? Usually, you would say something stupid like 'I-I dropped my pen in a garbage can, and I had to chase the garbage dude for like 20 minutes until I got a hold of it.'"

Both Kenjiro and Kanton stared at Narino in a dumbfounded way.

The pose Narino left herself in after speaking was interesting, to say the least.

Kenjiro quickly looked down at the ground in a reflective way, drawing the attention of Narino who thought

- I knew it! It's always something stupid like that. -

Kenjiro stood up and said

"That's quite some Kenjiro-level thinking right there. I know I'm stupid and all, but I don't think I'd chase a garbage man just because I dropped a pen…"

Kanton also commented in a casual manner

"Yeah, I agree with this guy. You just showed a classic example of human-level thinking."

"Shut up! You would totally do something like that and you know it! Whatever, let's just go." Narino said in a depressed manner. She thought

- To think that I was just humiliated by two insane people is insane to me. You see what I did? I thought 'insane' and 'insan'--- Wait, I almost made that weird grammar thing that Kenjiro does. Now I'm legitimately concerned for my mental health.-

Whilst walking towards the door once again, Kenjiro said

"I actually accidentally dropped my pen-case in the garbage. It was also 15 minutes that I spent chasing. School supplies can be expensive, you know? I have to save money for my hobbies."

"YOU FUCKIN'---" Narino screamed and ran towards Kenjiro.

The three high-school students were walking through the long corridor that led to the classroom of Kori. Kanton was walking with a concerned look on his face. Narino was walking with a satisfied grin. Kenjiro was walking with some newly-made mental damages.

"See, Kanton? That's an example of the peaceful nature humans have."

Kanton sighed and said

"You screamed profanities at poor Kenjiro for 5 minutes straight. Including phrases like 'How dare you embarrass me like that?' and 'Never think that you are right ever again.'. In what world is that peaceful, you Human?"

Narino smiled gently and said

"Did I hurt him physically? Also, please don't ever use 'human' in a negative way like that."

"No you didn't but that doesn't mean anythi---" Kanton got out before being interrupted by Kenjiro who said

"Don't worry, Kanton. I'm extremely used to talk like that. I'm barely affected by it."

Kanton simply said

"Dude, that's just sad."

After the conversation ended, they had reached the classroom of Kori Hanesawa. The classroom exerted some sort of mysterious feeling, the closer they got the stronger they felt the suspense creep up on them unexpectedly.

With nervous and wary movements, Kenjiro's right hand approached the door slowly. It got closer and closer. Narino who was squatting to the left of Kenjiro thought

-I've always wondered how a monster looks like, I'll probably get my answer today...-

Inside Kanton's head, he thought

- I'm not ready for this! I'm about to witness some of humanity's worst.-

And inside the simple head of Kenjiro, he thought

-I'm going to make him tell me stuff. Pretty unspecific, but who cares? -

A little sweat ran down the three people's foreheads before


"AAAH!" Kenjiro suddenly reacted.

"What're you guys doing? Just sitting there" A random girl who walked out the door she opened asked.

"Ah, don't mind us." Narino quickly said with a shocked face.

"Oookay… I think I'll just go then." The girl, who had hazelnut-brown hair and what seemed to be smooth skin, said before leaving in an awkward fashion.

"Holy shit, that honestly scared me too much" Kenjiro commented while taking a deep, relieving breath of air.

"I agree. That was some weird timing for her to open the door right at that moment" Kanton said in a relaxed tone.

"Don't be so relaxed! It's time to look now!" Narino said hurriedly.

They all quickly looked inside the classroom to get a view of the legendary guy.

"Well, who is it then?" both Narino and Kanton asked Kenjiro.

Kenjiro scanned the room carefully and upon scanning the back row, he found the culprit.

"It's the guy in the far back, second seat from the window."

Kori Hanesawa was sitting at his desk in an extremely casual position, even picking his nose once during their peek.

"That can't be. He looks like a completely normal person, doesn't he?" Narino said

"Yeah, that's right. Are you sure it's him?" Kanton asked Kenjiro.

Without a moment of hesitation, Kenjiro responded

"No doubt about it, I might not remember some things of that morning but Kori's looks aren't something I'd forget."


"That curry sure was good..." Kori mumbled to himself while reminiscing about yesterday's dinner. He suddenly heard some weird mumble in the background, something that wasn't very normal in this classroom. Kori suddenly sat up normally and looked around the room in suspicion. After scanning the room for about 10 seconds, his eyes finally landed upon the opened door and the people that sat there, talking about something. He tried to look through his mind to see if he recognized any of the people.

After a moment of thinking, he remembered Kenjiro's face and recognized him. What also popped up in correlation was a line from 'Boss';

'Some of my henchmen have gotten the info that some witnesses have reported you to the Magical Arts Club.' us the exact line that popped up in his mind. He thought to himself

- So they sent out a task force to bring me down. That's really great! They seem like strong people, and it would be pretty fun to fight against them. Although, I don't really want to meet that new recruit yet! He has barely received any time to get strong, so it won't be any fun going against him.-

Kori stood up and pointed at Kenjiro, he suddenly yelled "Ey, You!"

While wrapping up their heated argument, the three people noticed something important.

Kori had suddenly stood up and was now pointing at them.

"What the hell!? Why did you have to argue so much?" Kanton blamed Narino. Narino instantly said

"Eeh? How is this my fault? It just seemed very illogical that such a normal person would be a monster."

"Ey, You!" Kori yelled out while pointing at Kenjiro.

"Mission aborted!" Narino and Kanton screamed as they started sprinting towards safety.

Narino continued running, but Kanton stopped once he realized Kenjiro wasn't moving.

"Yeah, Kori?" Kenjiro answered carefully.

"Is it true? Are you guys really chasing me?" Kori asked confidently.

"Well, yeah." Kenjiro said abruptly.

"Any reasons?" Kori asked sincerely.

"One is that my president forced me, if I don't do this; I'll have a bad time. The other one is a personal one. I'm going to be a bit forward and abrupt here: I don't really like you, Kori. It's not necessarily that I'm against you as a person, but more because of what you did to me. You cursed me with these powers, Which I dislike very much. Tell me how to get rid of them, and I'll leave you alone. Without these powers, my president can't really force me to stay because of the rules of the club so there are no problems on that front."

Kanton looked at Kenjiro with a surprised face, he thought

- I had no clue that Kenjiro could be so confident and honest. -

Kori started laughing and did so for a solid 20 second-interval.

He then proceeded to say

"Whoo, that was a good line, Kenjiro! I have to applaud you for that. But I'm not going to tell you how to rid yourself of your powers. That case, I wouldn't get the pleasure of fighting you, now would I? The only way I'm going to tell you is… Hm, let's see. Oh, I know, you defeat me in a battle! I'm not going to set up a specific time-point, because that's not how I do things. Just come at me whenever."

Kenjiro smiled and said

"If those are the conditions, I shall clear them. Just wait, I'll defeat you and earn my freedom!"

Kori also put on a smile and said

"Yeah! I'll be waiting then."

Kori turned around and calmly sat down at his desk again.

Kenjiro also turned around and started walking towards his own classroom.

"What the hell just happened!?" Kanton asked himself in a concerned voice.

I walked towards my classroom with a feeling of anxiety that hadn't settled yet

-Wheew. That was absolutely terrifying and not like me. But that won't slow me down! This afternoon, Plan Power Surge will commence. Not the best name, but what would one expect from a nobody like me? -