Plan Power Surge; The Fall, The Rise... and The Fall...?

Kenjiro was, simply put, frozen in his tracks when he heard the aggressive response from the one and only Kori Hanesawa.

He looked to his right in search of Kanton's reaction, but Kanton had the same confused face. Kenjiro quickly thought to himself

- Figures… One would naturally be confused over such a statement. Speaking of figures, I really want that new one they're making of 'Green-hair boy' from 'Not Really My Hero Academia, Since I Do Not Own It'--- Wait, there are more important matters to attend to right now!-

Kenjiro suddenly burst out with

"Wait, what!? Why are you so angry about me saying your name?"

Kanton suddenly leaned in towards Kenjiro and whispered

"Oi! What're you doing!? You're just going to make this situation worse by angering him! I've studied the ways of humans for a respectable amount of time at this point, and I know how this will end."

The two were suddenly shocked to see some sort of blue aura rising from the corner of their eyes, they suddenly turned their heads and discovered a severely angered teenager, who was gripping his hand aggressively with the intent to deal some blows.


Kanton looked around in search for that strange sound and even looked at Kenjiro for an answer. Kenjiro shrugged and said

"No clue what that sound is, but I've heard it at least 4 times at this point."

Kanton responded with a quick "Oh, I see..." and shrugged it off, considering the imminent danger that was ahead of them.

Kori finally decided to respond after at least a minute of total and oppressive silence, he said

"Shut up! Don't ask any questions when you don't know a single thing about my past!"

Kenjiro paused in his tracks, not because of sympathy, but out of a small feeling of confusion that was growing. Kenjiro decided to question Kori

"Kori, what the hell? How was I supposed to know any of that!?"

Kori gritted his teeth and responded

"Tch, let's just fight. I'm getting a growing desire to end you. Let's go, Level 2.0 Activate!"

With the scream being shouted, the aura that Kori had been exerting was suddenly multiplied in strength.

Just one feeling of it and some of the faint-hearted people out there would surely pass out.

Before Kenjiro even had the chance to react, Kori immediately dispatched from his location with an insane momentum towards Kenjiro.

Right as Kenjiro even noticed that Kori was in front of him, Kori threw a punch aimed directly at Kenjiro's Solar Plexus.

Kori shouted

"Harsh Reconquista!"

Even Kenjiro's reaction time, at an average speed of 0,25 seconds didn't give him the opportunity to dampen the blow by blocking. Instead, the blow went straight for the solar plexus, landing Kori a clean hit and in the process making Kenjiro fly back into the wall that was behind him.



Kenjiro's body slowly slid down the wall, leaving him lying in the cloud of sand that surrounded him like a fog.

Kanton didn't properly register what had happened until Kenjiro already was thrown into the wall, at that point, he backed up 3 paces and commented

"1 punch…? And that quickly? How is this even possible?"

Kanton stared at the cloud of sand with an astounded facial expression, but he quickly reminded himself of the foe's existence and turned his head towards the newly presented threat.

But that same threat was now laughing lightly, causing Kanton to look at Kori with a somewhat disgusted face.

"Hahahaha, this is great! It's been such a long time since I got to use my Level 2.0 ability. I almost have to thank you, Kenjiro! I forgive you for the rude comment before!"

Kanton wasn't really able to comprehend the sentence that was just formed out of Kori's mouth.

He thought

- What the hell is this…? Something's wrong here, why is he so happy over getting to fight this guy? More importantly, is Kenjiro okay? Did he die!? This is bad, this is bad… Should I run? And do what? This is not the time to be a damn coward, Kanton! Show this human your determination!-

Kori then turned his attention to the pridefully standing Kanton, he pulled a satisfied smile at the sight. Kori said

"Of course, I'm not going to forget about you either, Kenjiro's friend. Once I'm done with you, I think I'll be satisfied enough to leave."

With that said, Kori suddenly burst forth towards Kanton.

Kanton didn't even notice it happening until it was apparently too late.

Kori smiled and whispered to himself

"I'll go ahead and show you one of my new moves with this Level 2.0."

Kori, standing around 1 meter across Kanton, looked up at his chest and threw a punch after screaming

"Icicle Ice cream!"

But once he threw the punch, he noticed something in the corner of his eye, namely a flying Kenjiro.

Kori suddenly thought

- What the hell? He's still functioning after that punch!? Impossible! I'm in the middle of this punch right now, I can't defend myself!!! This is bad, this is bad...-

But everything wasn't going too well for the one flying either.

Since Kenjiro had to sacrifice accuracy in order to get the maximal speed he could get, he wasn't able to quite come at Kori at the best angle possible.

Kenjiro thought

- I'm heading towards Kori's punch! The place one wouldn't want to head towards in this situation!

This is bad, this is bad…

Wait, no not really!

It seems as though this body is a lot better at handling pain than my previous one.

It still hurts a fuck ton, and I'm pretty much the most suicidal that I've ever been right now.

I'm still somewhat functioning, so that's something. -

Kenjiro's body was approaching the dreaded fist with incomprehensible haste.

When Kori realized what was happening, he started smiling the widest he ever had. He thought

- Hahahahaha, I'll basically hit two birds with one stone right now! When I hit Kenjiro, he'll fly right into Kanton behind him!-

Kenjiro finally arrived at his destination, although not the one he was wishing for.

For him, it felt like he had gotten into a black taxi that took him somewhere else and still forced him to pay.

With that, the hand of Kori, which was covered in sharp icicles, reached its destination with a loud



The cold sensation of the icicles making contact with Kenjiro's stomach was insufferable to him.

The worst part wasn't necessarily the pain he felt from having something penetrating his skin, the worst part in his mind at that moment was the dread of hurting the human behind him.

Thankfully, the coldness of the icicles mixing with his warm blood was enough to wake him up real good.

Although, saying 'Thankfully' might be a bit of an exaggeration, since the pain was honestly something out-of-this-world.

After waiting for the moment Kori started to retract his fist, Kenjiro decided to make sure the dread he thought of didn't happen.

Kenjiro, whilst in the air and accelerating towards Kanton, grabbed a hold of Kori's fist with both of his hands.

He then used a lot of force to push himself forth.

This was a 'double-edged sword'-sort of tactic, since he could get out of hurting Kanton but he still accelerated himself which meant that he was now heading for the wall ahead of him with an even faster speed.

This was also a result of Kori's punch, since he didn't punch Kenjiro with a straight arm. Instead, it was a bit crooked which made Kenjiro sort of accelerate towards the right side of Kanton.

Kori stared at the passing Kenjiro with an astounded look, he was quite simply amazed that Kenjiro managed to think, act, and pull off such a tactic at this point.

Kori thought

- That is impressive, but it's all for nothing in the end! Now you have to be out of the game, so to speak. Leaving me with this wimp to beat up!-

Kanton also managed to register the event that just occurred and was quite astounded himself.

That Kenjiro would be willing to do that for him was quite the shock.

Kenjiro flew forth and raised his arms in an 'X' shape in front of him, before crashing into the wall ahead of him


Once again, he slid down the wall slowly.

Whilst sliding down the wall, Kenjiro remembered his earlier encounter with a wall straight to his face.

He quickly mumbled

"This is just great..."

and then fell down to the ground in a tired way.

Kori once again took a look at Kanton, with an eye that was set out to finish things up. Kori then threw a punch once again, after shouting the magic words

"Icicle Ice Cream!"

Kanton once again didn't have the time to react in a proper way, he was way too distracted with what had just happened with Kenjiro.

"Oh, come one Kanton! How about you do something?"

Kenjiro screamed out and rushed towards Kori once again.

Kori looked at Kenjiro once again and just outright said


The punch approached Kanton's face and Kenjiro managed to arrive in the nick of time.

He pulled out his arm in front of Kanton's face, making the punch hit Kenjiro's arm instead.

Kori just stared at Kenjiro's arm with a tired facial expression, he said

"You've got to be kidding me..."

Kenjiro smiled a bit and yelled

"I don't care about myself one bit, therefore I can take as many hits as possible! But I bet you care a lot about yourself, don't you Kori Hanesawa? That's why you shouldn't get distracted in a fight!"

Kori instantly looked into Kenjiro's eyes with an outraged expression.

But that's where his mistake was made.

Kenjiro quickly grabbed Kori's fist with his left hand, which was pretty close to the spot where he'd gotten punched.

This made Kori pull his attention to that spot, which made for a perfect opportunity for Kenjiro to strike.

Kenjiro made a fist with his hand and punched Kori's left cheek with all the force he had. But due to Kenjiro holding his fist, he wasn't able to fly into the ground. Instead, he started to dangle a bit from side to side. Next, Kenjiro jumped up into the air and drop-kicked left thigh with all the force he had in his legs.

This made Kori lose his balance completely, causing him to start falling a bit.

Kenjiro then let go of Kori's hand while he was also falling towards the ground, Kenjiro looked up at Kanton's face and winked at him.

Kanton immediately understood what he wanted from him, he raised his leg and shouted

"High Kick of the rising sun"

He aimed at Kori's head, but the accuracy of his kick was a bit wobbly so he ended up missing Kori's head by a couple of centimeters. Instead, landing him a solid hit on the air in front of him. Kanton immediately thought to himself

- What? Is this all I can do!? I've been nothing but dead weight for Kenjiro this whole battle! Is this really the extent of my ability…? -

Kanton got a gloomy look on his face, but when being reminded of Kenjiro's bright and brave smile: He got a change of mind. He thought

- Like hell it is! I'm going to finish this damn bastard off, even if it's the last thing I do! -

Since the force of his kick was so strong and so high up in the air, he himself started to fall as well; Well, at least his leg was moving towards the ground at a fast pace.

Kanton did some quick-thinking and decided to use this to his advantage.

He quickly put up his left fist in the air and used his muscles to hasten the movement of his leg. Smoothly, but still roughly, his right leg slammed against the ground with a

*DON* sound. Almost imitating a sumo wrestler in a sense.

Immediately after his impact with the ground, he inched a bit closer and delivered his devastating blow. Kori could only glance at Kanton's fist for a second until he felt its impact on his right cheek.


The sound was a combination of the hitting sound and the sound that was made when Kori slammed against the ground. The interval between the two events was so short that the sound almost merged into one another.

With the momentum that had been achieved with that slam, Kori's body rolled backward intensely a couple of meters before stopping.

Kori now laid on the ground, almost lifelessly.

But the duo of Kanton and Kenjiro were almost sure that he would rise once again, They didn't want to approach him in case he tried to do some sort of rising attack.

~Several minutes earlier~

The two military people were still sprinting around the school, searching for the legendary Kori Hanesawa.

Narino followed them, stealthily.

The man struck up another conversation

"So, Have you met Kori before?"

The woman collected her thoughts in her head, then she said

"Well, not personally. I did see him once inside of Boss's office one time. You wouldn't believe his appearance."

The man got a bit intrigued and asked

"Oh, really? Care to explain?"

The woman smiled and said

"Get this, he has a black bowl hair-cut. You know, pretty standard and plain. But his body is completely muscular, so it's pretty disorientating when you see it with your own eyes. Not only that, the way he dresses is pretty normal as well! His clothes are very tidy and clean, it's honestly really bizarre."

The man got a bit surprised and said

"Oh, really? That's interesti---"

But he interrupted himself when he heard a loud


Both of them stopped, so did Narino. Then, all of them heard

"Hahahaha, this is great! It's been such a long time since I got to use my Level 2.0 ability---"

The voice seemed to be somewhat nearby, but it still sounded to be a bit far away so The man's comment was easily louder

"I think we have our guy."

The woman nodded and said

"He should be in this area, then. Let's go look a bit."

Narino stared at the direction the sound apparently came from and thought

-What the hell? Are they losing against him!? That's really bad, considering he pretty much has some sort of backup coming in the form of these people.

This whole situation is honestly so bizarre, I'm going to honestly yell at Anami when I get the chance,

I mean,

What the hell is really going on?-