2: White Lotus


"Miss, Guan family's Eldest Miss requests to meet you." Mimi reported.

After getting up from bed and getting ready, Jing Xuan was by her bed as she recalled what happens after the assassination attempt.

A few days after resting, Guan Yu Xuan will pay her a visit to express her worries and concerns and talks about his highness crown prince Zi Feng.

"Invite her in."

The wooden door open as a beautiful figure walks in, half of her hair put up into a bun she had on make up that does not look too much neither does it look too little. She had mono lids however her eyes were still big, pointy nose, small face, pulp lips.

'She is gorgeous, very model like. She'll be very popular and well liked if she appears in the modern world.'

"Jing Xuan! How are you feeling?" Guan Yu Xuan asks as she took a seat across from Jing Xuan.

"Better." Jing Xuan replied coldly.

'Why is she so cold? Could she have found out? No. No... Jing Xuan only have so little friends she would believe me. Yes. stupid.' Yu Xuan thought.

"Have you heard that Zi Feng will be back soon?" She asked

'There we go again, trying to dig out information from me.' Jing Xuan thought as she hid a sneer.

"Not interested. Yu Xuan I know you like Zi Feng however we are not compatible with him. He is his highness the crown prince. I am merely a general's daughter, what help can i offer to him? I've thought it through and given up."

She widen her eyes, Guan Yu Xuan believes that she had hid her feelings very well and no one knows about it. Instead, Mu Jing Xuan wasn't good at hiding them she would often see blushes on Jing Xuan's face when she looks at Zi Feng. Could she actually give up on him?

"Jing Xuan don't you also like Zi Feng?" She asked.

Jing Xuan chuckled, "liked. I'm no longer interested in him. Actually I'm planning to travel away for a period of time. I want to train myself, after the assassination attempt I realised how weak i am. Moreover i am a general's daughter i should live up to the name."

"Where... will you be going?" Yu Xuan asked.

"Not sure yet. We'll see. Yu Xuan I've got stuff to do so i wont see you out, please." Jing Xuan said politely.

"Alright. You'll be going to the school right? See you there."

After Yu Xuan left, Jing Xuan headed to her father's hall.

"Father." Jing Xuan greeted as she walked towards him.

"Father, daughter have a selfish request, hopes father will grant it."

"Jing Er, whatever you wishes Father will grant it." He said smiling.

"I hope you wont regret saying that." She chuckled, "I want to head to father's army camp and train on a disguise as a male. I know father you will not agree however when i realised how weak i was during the assassination attempt i want to get stronger. And aren't i the general's daughter? I should live up to my name." She smiled.

"Even if father agrees, your mother will definitely not agree." He sighed at the end.

"I agree to let Jing Er go to the army camp, however she must bring along Ming De's group of soldiers to protect her and i want letters every week!"

Jing xuan smiled widely and immediately nodded her head happily.

'Leaving here means, escaping death. How hard could the training be?? I've been to the army.'

"I will set off in a week!" She said excitedly as she left the hall.

Mu Xuan De gifted her a small dagger as a protection a few days before her departure. With Jing Xuan's knowledge from the 21st century, she drew up some design of keychains and send it to be made.

She also have to build up her reputation in school.

"Although i usually kept to myself, i appreciate everyone of you in this class. I may have seem unapproachable and cold, but i was just shy and afraid. I will be leaving in 2 days time and wanted to give everyone something so i had these made." Jing Xuan lifted a bag full of keychains up as she pours them out onto the table.

"These are my creations, the pinks are for girls and the blues are for the boys. I hope you guys like them." She said earnestly and politely causing a sneer to form on Yu Xuan's face.

"Oh look its really cute!Jing Xuan is actually really talented!! When she was speaking just now she was blushing, so cute."

Looks like she's really shy. All those fake rumours!"

"She's actually really cute!"

Jing Xuan smirked inside, as she looked at all the reactions of her classmates. Yu Xuan painstakingly helped her build her reputation is all worthless now.

2 days very quickly pass by and Jing Xuan is on her way to the army camp.

"Jing Xuan! Be careful! Have a safe journey." Yu Xuan wishes.

She knows about the dangers that Jing Xuan will have to face at the army camp. It was near the boarder, there's lots of wild animals and most of all there are also many abandoned convicted criminals.

She will be in a lot of trouble if she actually headed to the boarder.