3: Assassination


"Miss-" Mimi called out.

Jing Xuan gave Mimi a glare, before she quickly shut her mouth and change the way she addresses her.

"Young master, we will be reaching the army camp before nightfall." Mimi reported what the soldiers said.

"Good. First i got to start training my body." She mumbled to herself.

As nightfall came along, they parked the carriage by the side and rode on their horses towards the campsite. During the week, Jing Xuan practiced horse riding countless times so that she'll be able to ride a horse at the army camp.

"Yu." She said to stop the horse and swiftly got off the horse. She cupped her hands as she bend down.

"I am General Mu's nephew, we are here to train with the army. Please report to the lieutenant."

"Wu yi, report to the lieutenant." The soldier quickly left to report while the other soldier was left with them.

"Please wait a moment while we report to the lieutenant." He said politely.

"Of course."

Ming De at the side was a little stunned to see the young miss like that. She was always cold and kept to herself, slightly arrogant at times. He couldn't believe just after an assassination attempt she would go to such lengths. Just to strengthen herself?

"Ming De?" Jing Xuan called out.

"yes young mis-"Jing Xuan quickly shot him a look,

"young master, is anything the matter?"

Ming De looked at Jing Xuan again, her beauty was far too strong. Although dressed as a man, she still isn't able to hide her charms, even the guards can't help but to spare her a few more glances.

Ming De walked towards Jing Xuan and whispered, "Are you sure this will work? You clearly look like a young miss, you see the guards they couldn't help but spare a few more glances at you."

Jing Xuan chuckles at Ming De's worries, "Fear not, if they say i look like a female just say I'm a cut sleeve and likes to make myself look pretty. Heh heh I'll like to see who'd dare to come near me after that."

(Cut sleeve: Homosexual)

Ming De stared wide eye at this young miss, and couldn't believe his ears. Is this really how a miss should behave? He slightly shake his head before agreeing.

"Young master..." the guard called out

"Just call me Jun Xuan."

"Jun Xuan, the lieutenant invites you into the camp. Please follow me."

Jing Xuan and her small group of bodyguards followed after the soldier and headed into the camp.

"Jun Xuan greets lieutenant Gui." Jing xuan cupped her hand as she bend down and greeted.

She got back up and walked to a seat that the lieutenant had waved her to.

"Why have young mast-"

"Just call me Jun Xuan. I've came here as i want to train along with the soldiers, fight along with the soldiers. I will leave here in two years."

Two years... i just need to stay here for two years to avoid getting killed by the crown prince.

"HAHA! Be it then, you will train here as a soldier like everyone else. Although you may be a young master, however when you're here you're just like everyone else." The lieutenant, Gui Cang said as he laughed.

"Thats good then. I hope to leave here tough and strong." Jing Xuan said as she down her drink, she stood up and cupped her fist and bowed to the lieutenant before leaving.

"Did she believe that I cannot see through her disguise?" He chuckles as he looked at her fading back.

Gui Cang was about 22 and is 8 years older than Jing Xuan. He was surprised that the eldest miss of General Mu would come to the army camp and train like a soldier isnt she only 14? He then decided to keep a close eye on her.

She headed back to the tent assigned to her and started making herself comfortable. Ming De's group are assigned to the tents beside hers so they can still be able protect her.

After thinking of her plan, Jing Xuan then rested for the night.

Getting up at dawn together with the other soldiers to start training. She tied her hair up into a pony tail and wore a red male hanfu with a black sash. She started jogging together with the soldiers, although it was a cold day after jogging for a few minutes their body started warming up.

"Look, that is the Young master, Jun Xuan." One of the soldiers whispered.

"Doesn't he look a bit feminine?" The other soldier muttered.

"Lets see when this little young master will return back home."

Jing Xuan ignored all their comments and just silently trained with all of them. Other than just training, they also cultivate and train their martial art.

Within a month, Jing Xuan could feel the difference in her body. Her body became lighter and it is easier to move around.

"Jun Xuan you lucky ass! In a month you managed to advanced in your cultivation by two level!" Yu Heng, a friend that Jing Xuan made at the army he was about 17 years old.

"Heheh if you're jealous work hard!" Jing Xuan chuckled as she patted Yu Heng on the shoulder.

They were chatting and eating when suddenly arrows started flying towards the tables shocking everyone. Everyone immediately stood up and Ming De hurry towards Jing Xuan side to protect her.

An arrow flew towards their direction and struck into Yu Heng's shoulder. Jing Xuan instantly started paling and fury started burning deep inside her as she saw black blood oozing out signifying that the arrow head are laced with poison.

She grabbed the bow and arrow and left the dining area. After she had started training, she started having a tendency to keep her weapons close to her, her dagger and her bow.

She carried the bow and jumped onto a tree that is hidden as she scout the area. She's not going to die and she cant die. Not far from the camp, hiding in the bushes and trees are 4 men in black.

Assassins? Ex-convicts?

Whatever it is, you're going to die for hurting my Huang Jing Xuan friends!