4: Burning Fury


Grabbing an arrow for her back, she started drawing on the bow. Pulling the strings, she aimed and releases, although her shooting skills is still not amazing it was enough.

Before transmigrating into the novel, Huang Jing Xuan used to be a surgeon. Her precision is one of the key skill for her to operate on her patients hence why her aiming are terrifying accurate. Moreover, when she was in college she took up archery and was familiar with it.

She jumps onto another tree to avoid the assassins eyes as they would surely look at where the arrow was from. Hiding away, she quickly shot more arrows towards the bushes at the assassins.

A few soldiers who are directly under lieutenant Gui's command notices her arrow and where it was heading and stared charging towards the area with their swords on their hands.

"Shit! Why are there so many!?" She cussed under her breath when she saw more assassins appearing.

She quickly shot the neighbouring assassins who are hiding and dragged them away. She wasn't sure what's going to happen however she knew that the army wouldn't be in danger as they will defeat the South kingdom under the lead of lieutenant Gui.

After ensuring that there isn't anymore hidden assassins, she jumped down from the tree and made her way towards the assassins. Pulling down their masks, she found a small snake tattoo slightly below the corners of their right lip. This signifies that they are from the Python organisation, they are highly skilled in poison and are usually the worked for the royal.

'Who could it be? To send assassins that are associated with the royal? Are they trying to cause a war to break out between the two countries that are currently both on their toes?'

"The python organisation was a main focus in the novel..." she whispers as she stood up and started pondering. "Python organisation, one of the top 5 assassination organisation, and one who are skilled with poison. Their headquarters are in West Kingdom and a small branch in South Kingdom... god! Could it be that the West Kingdom's king is planning to make the East and south kingdom go to war!? Because the West kingdom standpoint is to stay away from the fight, plus they're too strong anyways so we wouldn't suspect it to be them! What a laid out plan. Wicked."

Hiding in the dark, there a man wearing a black robe with gold embroideries heard everything that Jing Xuan had said and the corners of his lips tugs upwards to form a smile as he looked at the back of Jing Xuan.

"What a smart women." He whispered.

"Haku, find out who is she and why is she here at the army." He commanded.

"Yes master." Haku came forward, bowed and quickly left to fetch the information his master wanted.

He took another glance at the lady and embedded her side face into his mind before he turn to leave.

Grabbing the bow she placed on the ground, she quickly left the forest and headed towards back to the army camp. Secretly headed back to her room to clean up before heading towards Yu Heng's tent.

Upon entering the tent, she could see a lot of the soldiers crowding around. Her heart beat quicken as she made her way towards Yu Heng's bed. Blood was still flowing out of his wound, black coloured blood. His lips was turning blue, while sweats are dripping down his forehead.

'Should i tell them about the python organisation? They probably didn't have enough time to check their identity.'

"Ming De have you called a physician?" Jing Xuan asked as she stood beside him.

"Yes, however there's quite a distance from the nearest village to here..."

They, the soldiers without the slightest knowledge about the art of healing who could only rely on the physician that is on his way, are unable to help Yu Heng. The poison in Yu Heng's body is spreading fairly quickly.

"Ming De, grab me clean cloths, hot water and scissors. The medicines i bought, bring them to me hurry!" She commanded.

"Please do not crowd around Yu Heng, he needs air and you guys crowding around him will make it harder for him to breathe." Immediately, the soldiers started stepping away. As they did so, Yu heng's breathing seemed to have calmed down slightly and more paced out.

After Ming De bought back the stuff Jing Xuan asked him to bring, she grabbed the scissors as she cut the cloth around his shoulder where the arrow struck and pulled out the arrow, gush of blood started flowing out more rapidly. She Quickly pressed a clean cloth onto the wound, afterwards she wet the cloth in hot water and started cleaning the wound up, pouring some healing powder and then pressed another cloth over the wound.

"Ming De pressed down on this cloth."

She then took out a few pills, one of which is a cure for basic poisons, as long as it potency does not exceed 70% they will help to cleanse the poison away. It was a gift from her parents as armies usually lace poison onto their weapons.

She also took out a pill to prevent him from having fever and a pill similar to a pain killer and force them into Yu Heng's mouth.

"Leaving open his wound, will cause infection... but i don't have any necessary equipment... i guess will just have to wait for the physician to arrive."

"Keep pressing onto the wound, I'll head to the kitchen to make some porridge. I'm sure all the soldiers are already very tired go ahead to your tents to rest and i will go prepare some porridge for tonight." Everyone thanked Jing Xuan and headed back to their tent.

"Jun Xuan, i will go hunt some meat for you to add into the porridge." Xu Kang offered. He was also another friend that she had made at the army through Yu Heng. Smiling, she nodded her head and they went their separate ways one headed to the kitchen and one headed towards the forest.

Jing Xuan grabbed a big pot and scooped rice into it, filling it up she started washing the rice. Filling the pot with water, she place it above the fire as she started making other dishes. She couldn't cook amazing restaurant like food however simple home cook food that she can make.

She grabbed another big pot and crack eggs into them, adding some seasoning into the egg she starts whisking them before pouring batches into the frying pan and started frying them. She cooked up some vegetables and she was done with the side dishes.

She checked in on her porridge and added in more firewood.

"Jun Xuan." Jing Xuan turned her head around and saw Xu Kang standing there with a few dead bunnies and fishes on his hands.

"Oh god, you got so much! Thank you!" Jing Xuan smiled, she didn't know how blinding her smile was that Xu Kang felt his heart skip a beat. He stared disbelieving at Jun Xuan.

'He looked so feminine that i cant stop thinking he is a female. His hair tied up, while he was frying the eggs reminds me of a housewife... his smile too looked so much like a girl's, he is too pretty for his own good...' Xu kang thought as he looked at her figure.

Xu kang calmed his heart down as he bought the fishes to Jing Xuan so she could clean them up and add them into the porridge while he roasted the bunnies.

"How is he?" Ming De asked the physician as he stood aside.

"Oh? Who is the one that help treat him? If he hadn't asked you to help press the wound down he would he easily infected with the condition of the camp. Not only that she also had him take fever prevention pills, pain reduction pill and also a poison cure. Such a level headed and smart kid." He chuckled.

He opened his medical box and took a some thread and needle and sown his wound up.

"I have help stitch him up and he should be alright already. His wound cannot touch water after I've stitch it up, feed him watery food instead of dry hard food as his body is still recovering from the poison. Then i shall take my leave." After leaving behind the instructions, one of the soldiers thanked him and escorted him out.