Chapter 20

Haiey looked around and the lights are so bright, and they're blinding. There is no turning back. Valerian and Hailey walk down the stairs that is covered by a red velvet carpet, he was supporting her well and she felt steady. She could see so many people staring and muttering under their breaths.

She was quivering lightly, they got to the bottom of the stairs and a waiter came to us "Evening Sir and Mam your table is right this way." They followed him and when they got to their table Valerian opened her chair."

Thank you." She said to him.

"You are welcome little one." he responded.

"Little one?" She questioned him, as has never called her that.

He just shrugs "It suits you."

She look around and It looked very beautiful, they were glistening chandeliers. Their table is round and there is beautiful decor on it. There is silver cutlery and it is very shiny, and the flowers on the table are very beautiful. The stage is also decorated, and they are a bit close to it.

"It's beautiful." She says more to herself. Valerian smiles at her "It is." She is in awe at how gorgeous the place is. Suddenly Valerian's hand goes up and he pats her head slowly.

"Look who we have here." She looks up to see Charlize. Then next to her is Colhane opening a chair for her to sit. She doesn't say anything, Valerian and Colhane shake hands and exchange greetings. She stands up as Colhane extends his hand towards her. She takes it thinking he wants to shake it but he doesn't he places a kiss on it. "Evening to the more lovelier than ever."

"Evening Colhane." she responds. She sits back down next to a tense Valerian. She sees Charlize sneering at her. The m.c gets on the stage and says a few announcements that she doesn't even pay attention to. She snaps out of her thoughtless process when Valerian hands her a glass of wine.

"Thank you." as she takes the glass and starts to drink the wine. The wine was really nice and bubbly in her mouth. "come, let's go." as Valerian whispers to her. She takes his hand as he leads her close to the stage. There she sees a beautiful emerald necklace.She is in awe, Valerian takes the necklace and he tells her to turn around. She does so hesitantly, then he puts it around her neck.

Hailey touches the necklace, and Valerian turns her so that she is facing him. "It's looks beautiful on you." She smiles at him "Thank you sir." he escorts her back to her seat and she sees that everyone is staring at the necklace that is around her neck. She had never had this much attention.

They sit back down, "beautiful necklace." Colhane comments. She just smiles at him in response, She sees Charlize's gaze boring into her. She feels so glad when the food comes, it was a starter then the main meal then dessert. She felt very full, and sighed in happiness.

"Did you enjoy your meal?" as Valerian whispered in her ear. Then she also did the same thing back "I did." Then Valerian and Hailey kept on whispering back and forth as it becomes an inside joke. "What are you two whispering about?" said Colhane.

"Nothing much." Valerian responds.

"If it's nothing then you guys should speak out loud." this time it was Charlize.

"This conversation is between Hailey and I, if you two have a problem then why don't you also whisper among-st yourselves?" said Valerian.

She just sat there quiet, not saying a word. After a while she tells Valerian that she is going to the restroom and this gives him time to speak to Colhane and Charlize. She walks into the restroom and then she goes to the bathroom stall. After she had relieved herself she go out and started touching up her make-up.

Then the door opens and she sees Clara and the other clerks from their work. "Look who it is?" as Clara sneers at me. "Hey guys." she responds, as she is happy to see familiar faces. "Don't hey us!" as one of the other girls respond. "Now you think you are too high and mighty for us since Valerian is your date."

"No I don't." as she is confused with their tone."Valerian only wants to sleep with you." as Clara laughs. She doesn't respond to them. The bathroom door opens, "Get out all of you." the girls scurry out and she sees it's Charlize drinking out of a wine glass. "Thank you." She says to her, so relieved that she had helped her out.

"Don't thank me yet." as she responds. She looks at her and she really looks stunning in a light pink dress with fluffy heels that matched. She looked like a real life princess. "How can a girl like you possibly think that Valerian bought you here for no reason." Charlize said.

Hailey just stares at her and says nothing."He doesn't love you, he has done this before and we always do this all the time. We break up and we get back together. You are just some whore he wants to get his pants into. After that you will go back to the low class bitch you really are. Do you really think we can't tell a fake from afar? You can't even afford a quality dress!"

She just stands there shocked, as Charlize carries on "Do you know how much that necklace is worth? One million dollars and you are not even worth a dime of it! You managed to make that necklace look really cheap, you filthy slut! You don't even have the decency to earn your job like the others but you had to sleep your way to the top! Take off that necklace!" as she was growling at her.

Hailey takes off the necklace and she hands it to her. "Good girl, and by the way." She turns to her, then she feels a liquid being splashed on her. It was red wine, her dress was drenched. She wanted to hit her but what was the point.There would always be mean girls like her in life who never seemed to mature.

"Oh, white is not a good color on you sweetie." as she went to one of the bathroom stalls. She tried to wipe her dress and It was no use. She was making a bigger mess,the stain was much bigger, when she walked out the bathroom and saw Valerian talking to some girl and it was clear he was flirting at the way she was laughing and batting her eye lashes.

Hailey decided to go outside, she saw a beautiful garden and sat on the bench. The moon was glowing and there was gentle breeze which was really soothing. She thought about what Charlize had said, it sucked to feel like an outsider. She knew didn't belong with them at all.

Hailey wanted to go home and watch movies with Matt. She sighed at the thought that Matt was upset with her. Who else could she tell about her problems but him.

Then she feel a jacket go around her shoulders.