Chapter 3

I started to fidget with my skirt..."Sir what I meant by that. Its like sort of like slang you how are you doing my China but in this case It's how you doing ass..."( I couldn't finish my statement ) He looked at me bemused.

"Well Haley" he leaned in putting both his arms on the opposite side of my chair and whispering in my ear, "I hope you are ready for the ride this Asshole is about to take you too."

"I look forward to every single moment". His breath was tickling my neck and ears. He then leaned back once more to his normal stance.

The look in his eyes was one of which I felt as if he had undressed me at that moment. ( violation didn't begin to describe how I felt) "So I got the job.." I stammered at bit...

"Oh you got the job alright but you will work for it".

Clara got in once more and looked at the exchange weirdly. ( was that jealousy I saw in her eyes.)" Valerian there are expecting you". ( is it me or her voice became sultry and why was she looking at me like that?

Like she wanted to kill me. If only this bitch knew I didn't like that Asshole)As if he was reading my mind he clenched my jaw and lifted it up and in a low tone, "I guess I will be seeing you tomorrow" and his gaze dropped to my breasts.

Emotions weren't my forte too so I didn't bother blushing because I was used to it. But this man in front of me should also know he would be getting nothing from me and I was determined.

His eyes also had a determination. He stood up straightened his sleeve and left.