Chapter 24

They all turn and see Valerian walking towards them and looking serious, he stops next to Brie. "Morning Sir."

"Morning Brie, where is the female model?"

"well she couldn't make it and Gaston suggested that we use Hailey. And she said she doesn't mind to model and of course we are paying her."

"I see, you can carry on with the shoot."

"Action," Gaston yells, as they carry on in the position that they were in. Then Blake pulls her closer. "stop!" They turn to Valerian's voice, "I think it would be a bit better if you had a bit of space between you two." They nod, and move a bit apart.

"Okay carry on my prodigies." as Gaston says. Even as they have a bit of space apart, Blake puts his hands on her waist. "That won't work!" they turn to Valerian again. "No touching is required." They proceed with the shoot and Valerian keeps on interrupting them.

"I can't work like this, I quit. Find another model who will do all these ridiculous demands of yours." Blake storms out. Brie tries to chase after Blake in vain, she stands there as she fidgets a bit. She looks up and is met by Valerian's eyes, he doesn't blink, so she decides to look away.

Brie comes back, "I don't know where we will find another model in such short notice."

"I will model with Hailey." as he takes off his suit jacket and hands it to Brie, then he walks up to her slowly as he rolls up the sleeves of his shirt. Valerian comes next to her and he holds her very closely. "Perfect," Gaston yells and commences with the pictures.

They shoot and after half an hour they are done.

"Thank you, everyone," said Brie.

She goes to the changing room and changes back, she can't stop replaying the way Valerian held her. She walks out the changing room and she sees its time for them to go home. She gets outside as makes her way to the bus station when a car stops by; the window rolls down. "get in." and She sees it's Valerian. She walks into the car and sits next to him, She decides to send Matt a text letting him know that she might be a bit late.

They get to Valerian's house and he opens the door for her. They get into his house and she follows him slowly. When he closes the door, he comes up to her and pulls her into his arms and he plants a heavy kiss on her, Hailey kisses him back but then she comes to her senses and pushes him away.

"Is this why you called me over sir?"

"No, Hailey. I fucking missed you," he growled out.

"I can't stay away from you because it drives me absolutely insane to not see you for that long and to see another guy touch you like that." he carried on. She doesn't know how respond to him. "I have something to show you Hailey." as they exit his house. His car pulls up and they get in. They drive, and get to the airport, and they move to his private jet.

"where are we going?" as she looked at him puzzled.

"You will see."

Once they take off, she falls asleep.

She wakes up to the sun blinding her. She turns to find Valerian standing by the window. She wakes up slowly, "where are we?" as she asked.

"we are the city of love."

Her eyes turn wide "Paris?" as she stutters.

"You right," he replied.

Hailey runs to the window and opens the curtain and they are really in France. The view looks amazing, it is breath-taking

"how? What about work sir?"

"Don't worry about work, I told them we had an emergency business meeting to attend to. So, go and shower and get dressed, we have a city to see."

She nodded as she raced to the bathroom and got dressed. When she got back in the room,

"How long are we going to be here for Sir?"

"About a week or so, depending if I have a work crisis or not." as he replied her whilst sipping on his coffee. She was so excited when they were done they walked out and went down the street, she took many pictures as she had never been here and when will she ever get another chance like this one?

"How many pictures are you going to take Hailey? You are even taking pictures of things we have back home."

"You know taking pictures has never killed anyone and this is a moment to remember."

"Okay, come here." he sighed.

She went next to him, then he turned to a bystander "Bon après-midi pouvez-vous prendre une photo de nous?" (Afternoon can you take a picture of us?)

"Bonjour oui Je peux" (Hey yes, I can) as the bystander replies and takes the phone.

She can tell the bystander is telling them to smile. Valerian puts his arm around her, and she smiles.

"You speak French?" she asks him after they have taken the picture.

"Yes, I do."

They spend the rest of the week, trying new things and food. They take more pictures and get dinner.

They go to dinner and laugh out through dinner and she can't remember the last time she felt this happy. Valerian tells her about his busy schedule and the projects he has been up to, she doesn't remember the last time she had seen him have a gleam in his eyes.

The wine is delicious and bubbly. This was their last night here so she wanted to indulge as much as possible.

They go back to the hotel, and the view is beautiful, she got in and went to the bathroom to undress, but she can't unzip her dress. As she looks at the mirror, she finds Valerian standing by the doorway. "Let me get that for you." as he walks up to her and unzips her dress. She makes eye contact with him through the mirror and she freezes, he turns her around and he presses his lips on hers. She returns his passionate kiss, with one of her own.

He looks at her, and he pulls her into his arms as he lightly bites her ear "You are fucking beautiful Hailey." She helps him take off his shirt and felt his tight muscles, then he kisses her down her jawline, to her neck and then to the swell of her breasts.

He unclasps her bra and drops it to the floor. "Let's get rid of these too shall we." as he takes off her underwear. He picks her up and she is left straddling him. She closes her legs around him and he carries her to the bed were he throws her on top. She tries to cross her legs a bit, but he opens them. "Don't hide away from me, I want to see all of you." as he gets on top of her.

He cups one of her breasts as he sucks on the other. Then he kisses her down to her belly, then he goes lower and she can't help to arch her back and say. "Valerian." as her voice is breathless, he makes it more intense when he puts two of his fingers in her and he keeps on pumping them in and out. She keeps on moaning "this is too much."

He slowly gets up as he takes off his pants and puts on a condom, she stares at him wide-eyed.

He lowers himself into her slowly and gently.

He lets out a groan as he goes in fully and she squirms. "Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yes," she replies.

He starts moving in and out of her slowly and steadily.

Then he goes faster, and she starts to moan louder and louder with each stroke

She clenches around him and as they both climax.

Valerian rolls off her and then she turns to her side. A few seconds later, she feels his arms around her and they both sleep.