
"We have lost too many to them! We have to leave the forest, maybe we can find shelter in this encampment, a scout found yesterday. Maybe they know what we are going against!"

"You want to run away with our tails between our legs? We can still fight them, they haven't gotten that much stronger! We have to nip them in the bud, before we can't deal with them anymore. Besides we don't know anything about those at the camp!"

"We already lost more 26 of our people and they only get stronger. We have to seek alliance to the people of the encampment, even if they don't know what we are fighting. If we can make an alliance our chances would still be higher than to confront them now!" A stout man with typical spiky Saiyan hair shouted right back at him.

"I agree with Daz we can't lose any more people. Our numbers are few to begin with!"

Shortly after a fierce discussion broke out. Whether to leave or to fight. In the end against their usual willingness for a direct face off, they decided to leave for the encampment.

"Give out the order, we can't lose any more of our people and if things are getting worse we will have our last stand at the camp." As Daz said those words, the rest went out of the tent with solemn expressions. They knew that if those at the camp don't have any useful information, that they have no place to run to.

Right after the order came out, around 300 Saiyans heading south to the camp a scout seemingly saw. Most Saiyans were unsatisfied with the order of retreat but still followed it through. They had to work together.

As they approached the camp they weren't greeted with, what they expected to be a lively camp but destroyed buildings and bones scattering around, it was dead silent. Only a faint breath could be heard under a few rubbles. As they removed the debris, they saw a shriveled-up body with reddish skin, which looks as if the person was hundreds of years old and was heavily malnourished.

A whisper escaped his mouth as he looked at the people who unearthed him. "Safe the fruits, b- bring it to Elpis!" Before they could ask him any questions, his lifeforce ran out.

"They seemed to have encountered those things as well. Go search for these fruits, if he used his last words for this, it has to be of importance probably carefully stored away!" Not wasting any time, they moved out to search.

Daz went inside the centered building to take a look. As he moved into a room, which looked like an office, he noticed a big map from the surroundings behind a desk. A location was marked on it 'Elpis', a city further down south outside the forest.

'A 6 hours march. It seems to be a gigantic city, let's hope it's defensive are as strong as it is big.'

After he stored the map, he saw two identical boxes in a slightly opened drawer. As he pulled it out, an image of a fruit covered the top of the box. He opened it and was greeted with the fruit of might, strangely attracted to it, he stored both away and went out.

After he went out, he began to give out orders.

"I have found the fruits, let's move out to the city, it is not far from here!"

The journey went smoothly but Daz sense of danger was growing as time went out. 4 hours in, without accident, until a black creature attacked them.

With its 3 meters of height, it dashed towards Daz.


It instantly appeared in front of him and struck out. Barely able to cross his arms, he blocked the incoming attack. Pushing him several meters back as his feet sunk into the ground.

The other Saiyans as battle experienced they were, instantly shot out dozens of ki blast.

Being stopped for just a second, it let out a deafening roar with his faceless head, as it seemed to ignore the others and went for Daz.

With every hit his ki shield was rapidly dwindling. The creature finally breaking through landed a solid hit on his chest.

Coughing up blood as he was sent flying for tens of meters before hitting a tree.

He was feeling as if he aged for tens of years and was barely able to move.

Hardly conscious, he saw the fruit next to him, rolling on the ground. His instinct told him to eat it, so he did. The next moment his muscles increased as if it was pumped up like a balloon, he felt his strength increasing at an alarming rate. His muscles shrank again.

With his strength increased and his body energized, he jumped back on his feet and without to hesitate he shot out a ki blast. "Ha! Take this." *Swoosh* a direct hit on the monster.

As the dust settled, a humanoid creature was still standing, now with one of his arm missing. Black liquid falling down his stump before disappearing midair.

"What are you waiting for? Kill it!" Daz shouted as he shot out another blast.

Dozens of ki blast followed as they flew towards the monster. After a minute of bombardment not a sight could be seen of it.

"Come on move! We have to keep going before more of these are coming!"

As they were moving he felt his strength has increased tenfold, and even his lifeforce which has been sucked out has not only been replenished but increased.


Year 745 Present time

"That's how we discovered the uses of the fruit. After we went to the city we had to give the remaining one to the city lord. He used it to plant a tree of life in the center. We got this building as our residence in return and live here ever since. Strangely we were accepted fairly quick, they are probably thankful for every help they can get.

Additionally, Daz powers were approaching a million at that time and with him we rarely got into any troubles. But it wasn't enough to monopolize the tree with the city lord being here, but we will get privileged if we want to exchange one. There are also other benefits and it is one of the reason why we can sustain ourselves in this gigantic city.

There are exceptions of course, Bates for example, who cut in line and was provoking us, belongs to the race who got wiped out in the camp. He hates us because we disrespected his people, as we took advantage after they got killed."

"But that was his dying wish!"

"Ah. Yes, but you know how we are, which Saiyan would bother with a stranger. Well even if we did, he wouldn't believe our 'lies'. We would have probably still taken everything even if he spoke out these words. Either way now it is already at the point of no return, as we already have a few confrontations that led to hostility.

Anyway after we settled down, we began to increase our strength as fast as possible. Especially ki control since we can't have physical contact with them. With the different races around, techniques for ki control were widely spread.

The city also gave us time to train. It has a powerful energy shield which makes it relatively safe. And the only good thing of the CE is that they need a few years of rest after a period of attacking.

They just attacked half a year ago but luckily, they already retreated. There are also a few weaker ones who may be still around attacking every living being, they come across, but it seems you are quite lucky to not have encountered any.

Apparently 9 years ago they started appearing, causing mayor trouble around the planet before all the races gathered together to fight their common enemy, the CE. Well this is the situation with those things.

Beside that everyone is searching for capable younglings of all races to train them to be the future pillars of all of us. So obviously you are one of the top choices! For where we are, we suspect that we are at the boundary of the universe."