Power Level

"The boundary of the universe?" Broly pondering about a plan to visit earth if it isn't too far away or after he learned something similar to instant transmission.

"Yes, we are at a remote solar system to the very north."

"Ah so we are still in the northern galaxy?"

"Yeah but we are very far away, it would take us probably 4 years to the general area of our home planet."

"You mentioned your second son, Kakarot? How distant is the planet you send him to?"

"From here it would be 1 additional year, why do you ask?" 'That's not far. Yadrat is also in that area. Maybe I can learn the techniques from them.'

"No particular reason, I thought we could visit him in the future."

Gine smiled at the idea. "Yes, that would be nice but for now let's stop chatting. We first measure your power level."

"You can all sense ki right? Why bother with measuring my power level?" Broly inquired as they moved to the upper floors again.

"Of course, we can sense your ki, but as all senses, it can be deceived and there are bound to be subjectively made errors. Despite being able to sense your ki, we let a machine have an impartial look at you, so we can have a general idea of your strength."

'This is actually reasonable, are they really Saiyans?'

As they talked, they went inside a room, where a circular device was placed in the center of the room, a tube was hanging right above it, being a perfect fit for the circle.

'This is their scanner, huh. It is quite big for scanning power levels though?'

A purple alien, which looked like the one Broly saw at his birth, fiddled with a panel, seemingly calibrating their scanner.

"Please stand in the circle, Broly. The tube will be lowered encasing you."

"Alright. But why don't you just use scouters for this?"

"Because they are rather fragile. As even our weakest have a power level above 90 thousand, we got ourself something that would last us some time. This should be able to measure power levels to the billions."

"In the billions?!"

'Even Perfect Cell wouldn't be able to break it without attacking!'

The purple alien butted in, getting impatient as they babbled on.

"Alright. Enough talking. If you could first try to restrain your ki as much as possible, after I give you a thumbs up. Thereafter I will give you an ok sign, then show us your full power. Draw as much energy out of your body as you can. And I don't mean ki blast! Don't want to repair it yet again…"

'Restrain my power? But I already am.' Broly thought to himself as he stepped inside the circle.

The tube got lowered until it clicked.

'Well I try my best, I guess.'


The scanner started working, after about 10 seconds the purple alien raised his thumb and Broly tried to suppress his power even more as he usual does.

As usual he had difficulties to suppress it under a certain point. As his ki is constantly rising, it gets more difficult to suppress it to the same level as the day he did it before.

20 seconds later he gave the ok sign and Broly went all out.

His ki started rapidly rising. Broly's ki was manifesting itself on his body, like a green flame burning his skin, quickly growing in size. Completely filling the tube with green light.


As the tube opened again, he stepped out of the circle.

"Sooo, how did I do?" He felt awkward as the purple alien stared at him with an open mouth and Gine had a wide smile on her face, constantly nodding.

"Hahaha. You did well! You did well!"

"Y-you! Gine I thought he hadn't eaten any fruits yet." The purple alien still in disbelief, thinking Gine pulled a prank on him.

"He hasn't! Hahaha" The laughter only increased after the outburst of the alien.

*Cough* *Cough*

"My power level?"

The alien answered him still in daze.

"Suppressed: 213.358; Full power: 1.231.327."

"I'm already in the millions?!"

'That is higher than I thought. I am already a match for second form Frieza! As expected from the Legendary Super Saiyan's natural talent.

Well even if I had only relied on my talent alone, I would probably be around 500 thousand!'

"Hahaha. Wait 'til you eat a fruit of life, most of our warriors have a tenfold increase! Almost everyone is already approaching the millions. But you are already at this level. Although the increase of your strength will be lower, since the fruit is more effective on weaker people, you will still be one of our strongest. Great! These are really good news! Come let's get you to Mr. Daz"

"Mr.Daz? You mean the one who is currently the strongest of us and manages the defenses? Why is he going to train me?"

"Yes him. Since the recruitment of all race's talents start in 2 months, we have to train you as much as we can! You have a lot to learn, especially your ki control. Even though your strength is massive, you won't be able to bring out 100%, if no one teaches you."

"Ah by the way, what is it all about this recruitment you mentioned?"

"I already told you that everyone is searching for capable younglings. It is because the city lord wants to teach the best out of the next generation and soon there will be a tournament for the top 10 to go under the tutelage of him."

"Is he that good, certainly there are races naturally stronger than Saiyans but that doesn't mean they have better techniques."

"Indeed, but the city lord is different. He trained from the bottom up and no one in this city can top him, in case of ki control."

'Ha! Awesome! I don't need to travel all the way to earth to learn ki control and I can learn from the strongest here. Besides with what I have seen, their control doesn't seem to be worse than those on earth. The city lord must be even more impressive'

"But first you have to win the right to represent us. You will first meet Daz. I already told him about you, he's waiting on the 3rd floor. Our training floor."

'Need to win the right? It seems I'm not the only choice for the Saiyans, huh.'


They entered the 3rd floor. As they stepped out they were greeted by a floor which was covered with white tiles. The floor, the ground and the pillars, there were no windows. A floor entirely build to be durable.

In the middle of the room a figure was sitting cross legged with his eyes closed.

They walked towards him.

"Hey Mr.Daz here he is." He opened his eyes and looked at Broly.

"So, you are the newest one who popped up. I can already sense that you are exceptionally strong for someone your age. We will start training tomorrow at 6 in the morning. Go eat something and go to bed you had a long journey."

"Sure, see you tomorrow."

Daz's eyelid twitched at the casual response. 'Eh? Don't you want to introduce yourself… He's already leaving.'