Cana vs Buiko

"Now for the last battle of the second round. Cana from the Saiyans versus Buiko from the Hera race! This will decide who the last person to reach the top 10 is! After a short break we will see who will win, Cana or Buiko?"

Broly saw Cana sitting in the resting area, thinking about something. Her legs were slightly shaking indicating that she was a bit nervous for the next fight. Understandably as the attack of draining one's energy could quickly result in someone's defeat. If Broly didn't know that they are actually thin-threads of energy, a specialty from the Hera race, he wouldn't see through how it works either. One had to know what one should be looking for, otherwise it just looked like they were controlling the opponent with their minds before falling unconscious.

Broly walked up to Cana to give her some tips.

"Hey Cana, want some advice for your next match?"

"Hmm? Oh, Broly what are you doing here?"

Broly furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you thinking about?"

"About what you said earlier, if this is really the power to transform into a Super Saiyan than I can soon have my revenge against Frieza! I will become the strongest! I only have to find out how to unearth this power. But I think it has something to do with my emotions!"

"The strongest? A mere Super Saiyan? This is not the whole extent of our race. Don't think about Super Saiyan now, focus on the next battle or you won't be able to become a disciple."

"Super Saiyan is not the strongest?! You only think that way because I'm the one who the legend speaks about and not you! If I can transform I will be stronger than anyone in the whole universe! And what about being a disciple? It will probably only help me achieve the form quicker and learn some tricks! Besides what do you know about being a one? If you were one, you would have already shown it to us."

'Alright I'm getting pissed. Only because you turned into a Pseudo Super Saiyan, you're getting cocky all of the sudden? Ignorant kid! Saiyans should be prideful, not arrogant!'

"Suit yourself!" Clearly getting more frustrated as Cana was babbling on, he just left her on her own devices.

Alea approached Broly as she asked, "Are you alright? It seemed you had a fight."

"Not a fight, she's just being stupid."


"Breaktime is over. The last fight, starts now. Into position! And Fight!"

Cana without waiting charged towards Buiko. They engaged in a close combat fight. Exchanging numerous blows, before Buiko backed away creating distance. Cana instead of following him, started to shoot ki blasts towards him, quickly filling half of the stage with smoke.

A blue energy ball suddenly broke through the smoke dispersing it, as it flew towards Cana. She redirected the ball with a swipe of her hand. After doing so, she dashed towards him but this time he already has risen his arms pointing his hands towards her.

'A ki blast?'

She quickly tried to charge up a ki blast of her own to meet it, but after a few meters she realized that she couldn't move anymore, as if a rope wrapped around her, not letting her go. Caught inside Buiko's threads, she rapidly lost her strength.

"It is over! You're completely caught in my Psycho Threads!"

Cana tried to transform like she did earlier, to trigger her power, but what greeted her was nothing. She unsurprisingly fell unconscious.

In the previous rounds Cana was too concentrated on her seemingly newly attained powers, that she didn't watch the other fights. Too focused on herself, that she was easily caught by the threads. If she had let Broly gave her advices, she would have known that the threads are almost unnoticeably, but they move in straight lines before wrapping around her target.

Although she turned into a Pseudo Super Saiyan, it is a form that is incredible rare to achieve, maybe even more so than a regular Super Saiyan. And even achieved once, it is not a transformation accessible by will, even if she recreated the feelings she thought to be the trigger.

Her eagerness for the prospect of her way to revenge, was her downfall.


"Now the top 10 is decided! Please all contestants come on the stage, the city lord has something to say."

After they moved onto the stage, they looked towards the host of this tournament.

"You have fought bravely to become a disciple of mine. In the end your strength and determination brought you here, succeeding what others couldn't. Now before we move one, are you willing to become my disciples?"

"Yes Sir!"

With a shout, the contestants answered him.

"Good! Since this is the case, I will tell you that for the rest of the tournament, there will be credit points. The higher you place, the more credit points you get. There are many techniques I know, and you can exchange them for those credit points. There will be other ways to receive credit points, but this is something for later. Now go and determine the winner of this tournament!"

"Alright before the next round starts, we will have to decide who will fight against each other. Everyone of you will take out a random number out of this box. The number will decide, who you will be fighting and when it is your turn. Number 1 for example will be the first fight, number 2 the second and so on. Now draw your number!"

One after one went to the box and drew their number deciding the next matches.

1. Yenari, the Harpy versus Alea, the Saiyan.

2. Noyd, the Hera versus Atrog, the Troll.

3. Aize, the Saiyan versus Zinjo, the Myrmidon.

4. Blitz, the Wolfman versus Buiko, the Hera.

5. Taro, the Saiyan versus Broly, the Saiyan.

"Since we are an odd number, we will have another drawing after this round. This way we will determine who will be getting a free win and move to the finals. The finals will be 3 fights between the last 3 contestants. Alright let's start with the first fight!"

"Yenari versus Alea!"