The top 5


Yenari jumped up, flapping her wings. Feathers shot out like bullets with every flap, but Alea just dodged all of them. Alea jumped upwards passing by the gliding harpy before dropping down towards her with a kick. Before the kick landed, Yenari covered herself with her wings. Sent to the ground, it gave in creating a small crater. Yenari opened her wings to face her opponent again, as she looked up to locate her, but she couldn't find her.

"I am here!" A voice sounded out before her. She looked to the figure but only saw a fist coming closer.


Too slow to react she was directly sent flying outside the ring like a cannonball. Crashing headfirst into a wall, directly falling unconscious.

There was a significant difference in raw strength between the two. Most of the contestants are hovering around a power level of a million, with only Broly in the second million.

Next fight was Noyd from the Hera race against Atrog the Troll. A highly anticipated fight as it was an opportunity to see more from the city lords' race, but Noyd could barely retaliate. Although the Hera race are very powerful, and their Psycho Threads are dreadful, against Atrog a Troll who mostly rely on their physical strength, their threads, meant for ki absorbing, became meaningless. Atrog could just rip apart the threads with his bare claws and without this Noyd wasn't nearly as strong Atrog.

In close combat Atrog completely trashed Noyd and even in exchanging ki blasts Atrog was surprisingly not far worse than Noyd, easily ensuring his victory.

Aize and Zinjo was barely a fight. Aize barely approaching a million was beaten to a pulp against the Myrmidon who was almost twice as strong. As a Saiyan Aize wouldn't back away after a 10 minute of beat down he passed out, declaring Zinjo the winner.

Blitz, the Wolfman like the rounds before used his sheer speed to overwhelm his opponent. Buiko couldn't even use his Psycho Threads as Blitz was too fast for him to lock on to. Blitz used his speed while running to gather power for his punches and slashes. He never stopped once, leaving Buiko completely defenseless for attacks until he couldn't endure his injuries anymore. Over 200 times was he hit in a timespan of 1 minute.

As all the other injured, he was brought towards the resting area before eating a small capsule made from the fruit of life. It doesn't boost your lifeforce or increases your strength, but it was engineered to be most effective for repairing wounds.

The last fight for this round was Taro versus Broly. Taro just stood on stage with a bitter smile looking at Broly opposite of him. Not confident in defeating Broly.

In the last 2 months they often sparred against each other but even with Alea they weren't enough to trump Broly's raw strength, but this of course didn't mean, he wouldn't try now. Even with experience of Brolys talent, he still wanted to be strongest, still determine to strive to the top! Even if he lost today, it doesn't mean he won't win tomorrow, Taro thought.

"Broly! I won't go easy on you! I will go all out"

As he fixed his conviction, Taro changed his bitter smile with a determined one.

"I hope you will, for your own good, that is! Hehe"


The two Saiyans rushed towards each other, meeting in the middle with a punch. Taro overpowered slid across the floor before stopping. He held his arm which he punched out.

Not giving him any chances to recover, Broly jumped towards him. Broly's body shot towards Taro parallel to the ground. He reached Taro in an instant, aiming his palm towards Taro's chest.

Taro barely blocked it with his other arm, but Broly wasn't done. Broly closed his palm grasping onto the arm which blocked him. He rotated his body still with the arm in a tight grasp, before throwing Taro over his shoulder to the ground.


A crater was created on impact.


The air inside Taro's lung escaped him as he made contact with the ground. He had difficulties breathing but it was not long before he was lifted up again. He was thrown towards the outside ring. Barely conscious after one exchange he still wanted to continue. He tried to stop but couldn't, in a last attempt, he stabbed the ground with his fingers, piercing into it.

Ripping the ground open as he still headed towards defeat, only stopping right at the edge. But he couldn't relish his success as he heard a voice just beside him.

"Persistent. I like it!" Broly said as he looked at the half-kneeling Taro before sending him out with a kick.

"Ending this round and coming out victoriously in a dominant manner is Broly! Now! We are going to select the one who will have a free win, directly going into the finals!"

For the next round these battles were drawn.

1. Broly the Saiyan versus Blitz the Wolfman

2. Zinjo the Myrmidon versus Atrog the Troll

Alea was getting the free win and becoming a finalist.

After a short break of healing, the next round started.


Broly looked at the Wolfman in front of him, waiting for the fight to start. As soon as the signal was given, Blitz disappeared. Reappearing on the right side of Broly, before disappearing again and emerging on the other side. Creating afterimages with his speed alone, as he circled around Broly.

Blitz new he couldn't just attack this opponent of his. The Saiyan is far stronger than the others he fought before, he had to be cautious not to get caught by him.

Broly just stood there, seemingly undisturbed by the speed of his opponent. A whole minute passed with just Blitz circling around him, until Blitz couldn't take it anymore, dashing towards the still standing Saiyan.

With incredible speed he shot out his punch towards Broly's face, who was apparently not even noticing the incoming blow.

Seeing this Blitz became happy. 'Even if his strength is incredible against my speed it becomes utterly meaningless!'

As he made contact with Broly's face Blitz's expression turned for the worse. He sped past Broly and came to a stop a few meters away.

Blitz was showing a pained expression, contorting his entire face. He kneeled down to the ground before tilting sideward. He was holding his one hand he punched out with. It was bent in a weird way. Numerous bones from his palms and fingers were broken the instant he hit Broly. It was like his hand met a steel wall, it completely shattered his hand.

Broly went ahead picked the still whining Blitz up by the head before throwing him out of the ring.

[Narrator: Broly and Alea made it to the finals, but who will be their opponent? Atrog or Zinjo? Find out in the next chapter of Broly the Saiyan of Legend!]