
Paragus flew towards Broly like a comet. In no time he arrived a few meters away before stopping.

"My Son. Why are you attacking me? I am your father, we are family, we shouldn't fight against each other." Broly looked at him with disdain before tilting his head to the side. An arm clawed at the air where his head has been just a moment ago.

Broly elbowed the CE who had approached him, it instantly exploded on impact. Without waiting any longer, he rushed towards his father and punched out. Paragus tried to block the attack with a punch of his own, but his arm just broke on impact.

Paragus tried to back away, but Broly didn't let him have any rest. With every punch, a cracking sound accompanied with it, he was completely at Broly's mercy. Unexpectedly, unlike other CEs, his body was composed of bones and flesh. With the only exception that black liquid was running through his body.

"Wait, Broly. I can explain this! I didn't mean you any harm. I just-"

"Why are you attacking us for?" Broly interrupted him.

"Attack? I don't know what you-"

"Don't play any games. You are obviously controlling at least a major part of the CEs."

"CE? I really don't know what you are talking about!" Paragus shouted back.

"Then what are you doing here?!"

"I-I don't know I just am. I really don't know anything" As they were talking a few class A's were silently approaching but Broly was not inexperienced with this partial blindness anymore, he could feel the changes they made to the surroundings. Paragus was evidently controlling them to surround him.

'Hmm. Is he stalling for time? Are they using Paragus as bait to lure me out, but what for? Whatever it is, they are just using his body to make me hesitate, I have to end him quickly and figure out what is going on.'

"I don't have time for your bullshit. Die!" Green ki was enveloping Broly until he opened his palm and the ki started to gather in his hand. Broly closed his hand and green light shone out between his fingers.

"Omega Blaster!" Broly waved his hand and a tiny sphere flew directly towards Paragus who unexpectedly used a range attack with his lifeforce to meet his attack.

On contact, Broly's attack suddenly rapidly expanded, growing quickly to a few hundred meters in diameter.

Surprisingly the ki sphere was being slowed down.

Without saying anything Broly still with his outstretched arm, again started to gather ki in his hand before shooting it at his previous attack. It merged with his previous attack and his Omega Blaster again increased in size, pushing the attack of Paragus back.

"No, you can't kill me! I am your father, Broly!"

Before he could say anything else, the attack completely engulfed him and exploded. The devastating explosion erased everything in his path to nothingness, no matter if it was animal, trees or CE. In tens of kilometers everything died, only Broly was left. Broly waved his hand creating a huge torrent blasting away the dust cloud, revealing the only thing left from the surroundings, a massive crater. At the borders a river started flowing into this seemingly bottomless crater, which was the only sign of any movement with the debris which fell from the sky.

He had a faint feeling coming from his back, he instantly knew that something appeared behind him with incredible speed. Without hesitation Broly powered up, creating an expanding green sphere, pushing everything outside away.

But this was not strong enough to prevent the figure from attacking, as it just broke through his ki shield.

An arm which was enveloped by black lifeforce, creating a black blade extension, headed straight for Broly's back.

In no time the blade reached his destination. But instead of piercing through his back, it broke off, shattering into million pieces. Broly slowly turned around and looked at the figure who had attacked him. With complete white eyes, a 250 cm tall frame, his hair in a green color and a devilish grin. Now in his legendary form, he looked at the figure before speaking.

"Oh? Mother, you have come as well, what a pleasant surprise." Cherry, Broly's mother. Her face was staring at him with widened eyes.

"How are you this strong, this wasn't supposed to happen!" She shouted out in shock.

"Hahaha. And what was supposed to happen?!" He grabbed towards her head, but she quickly evaded his hand and distanced herself in a flash still looking at Brolys direction.

Suddenly his figure vanished, and she slammed with her back into something.

"Where do you think you are going? Hahaha." His arms surrounded her, as he gave her a hug from behind.

"You know, you just missed father. It wouldn't be happy reunion if you guys didn't meet!" He started squeezing his arms. Her body started bent under the force.

"Wait, Broly! I am your mother I didn't want to harm you. I just wanted to test my sons- ugh… strength. I-"

"Shhh! I know what you want now. You want to see you husband, understandable. Don't worry I will send you to him!"


Cherry's bones started breaking one by one. The black liquid in her eyes slowly receded, as the black liquid started oozing out of her stomach, which was squished by Brolys arms.

She was panting heavily, she was only moments before dying. Broly turned her around and hold her by her neck. Her eyes seemed to gain clarity as she looked at Broly. She raised her arm resting her hand against Brolys cheek.

"Broly…son… sorry I-I wasn't there for you…" Her hand lost its strength, falling to her side. Broly let go of her lifeless body, letting it fall to the ground. He wiped away the liquid on his cheek and saw a red stain on his backhand. His white eyes widened, and his pupils started to vaguely show themselves, as he only now realized what just happened. The CE didn't take her and Paragus over completely, they just partially controlled them and made them attack him.

He didn't kill puppets, he killed his parents. Although he didn't know his parents well, he was enraged. Enraged by the fact that they made him kill his own relatives and that they let go of their control to show the possibility that he could have saved her! This wasn't just a physical, but a mental attack, an insult!

"Argh!" He screamed out as he held his head, not noticing that the black liquid was being absorbed by him. A few minutes passed with him screaming.

He slowly lowered his arms before standing upright again.

"Uragh!" Green ki spheres emerged from all over his body, flying all over the place. Killing thousands of CEs, who have approached him from afar.

The CEs started retreating into the same direction. Broly noticed this and immediately followed them.

"You think you screw with me? I will wipe you off the face of this planet!" On his face was no smile anymore, instead veins started bulging on his face, as his face was filled with rage. His eyes were back to complete white, as he killed his way through the masses.

Without hesitation he directly flew into a massive cave entrance, seemingly the nest of these CEs. He killed every CE that appeared in front of him, he was filled with endless rage and the only thought to kill every single last of them.

With an unstoppable momentum, he bulldozed through everything inside the cave, going deeper inside. The CEs were facing his wrath as he didn't miss a single one of them, as he went down. An hour-long, tremors were felt even thousands of kilometers away.