
As he went further inside the cave, it started descending deeper underground. After an hour he was already hundreds of kilometers into the ground. The CEs he encountered became less in number but also increasingly stronger. Every CE he encountered already was comparable to high-level class A's and more of them even exceeded that level by a margin. Strangely every CE had faces of a Saiyan, there were no other races to be seen.

Although they had had greatly grown in strength, for Broly they were still all the same, as he obliterated everyone in his path into nothingness. Even before his 3 weeks of training, they would have been no match for him, even less now.

After a while a light shone at the end of the tunnel. Strangely it was a bright white light. Broly thought, if there were lights underground it would have been magma, but he didn't feel any rise of temperature. Without hesitation he flew into the light, only to step into a smooth white tunnel.

Broly was stunned. Although CEs weren't dumb, they weren't on the level to build something on this level deep underground. Their tactics in war and their behavior showed that they had only some degree of intelligence and with the exception of Paragus and Cherry there were no indication of possible communication. In general, they were just thought as beasts.

Broly stopped for a moment but he was still in his legendary form, so it didn't take more than a second for him to move forward. He currently couldn't think reasonable. He just thought it was a bit odd before preceding to go on. With his amplified arrogance and rage he had no sense of danger if the threat wasn't imminent.

He shot through the tunnel. He didn't stop anymore as he searched for more CEs to kill. After a minute of a straight tunnel, he came across a fork. He looked at both corridors to see if he could perceive any lifeforce at either tunnel.

He didn't have to investigate much longer as he saw a Saiyan with black liquid running through his veins rushing towards Broly from the left corridor. The Saiyan shouted as he punched out.

Broly tilted his head, evading the punch easily. He grabbed the head of the Saiyan and slammed it into the wall. Surprisingly the wall was incredible tough, not giving in at all. The head though gave in on impact, instantly turning into a bloody mush.

It painted the wall red with black liquid mixed in it.

"Tch… the left corridor it is then." He looked down the tunnel, before he again started speeding further down, not realizing that the black liquid followed and entered his body. The situation where he was attacked at a fork, repeated itself numerous times. The only difference was that the enemies became stronger. An hour of this farce continued until he entered a massive white hall.

A gigantic black sphere was suspended high in the air. It slowly spun as suddenly a black thread burst out, looking like a solar flare.

It appeared to be a sun except that it didn't gave off any heat or light. It didn't even affect the light of the walls. But it had lifeforce. It wasn't only massive, it was indescribable. It was truly a sun made out of lifeforce.

Broly waved his hand. A dozen of ki spheres shot out of his hand heading towards the black sun. It resembled the lifeforce form the CE and even Broly felt threatened by it a bit. But before they could reach the sun, a blur appeared. The ki spheres were reflected, heading straight back at Broly, reaching him at an even higher velocity than he shot them out.

Broly just scoffed at the display.


He produced a ki shockwave, sending the ki spheres off course, exploding all around him. Unexpectedly the spheres did no damage to the walls or the ground, as they were still spotless.

He looked at the figure that appeared, but it was just an unfamiliar face. He was a Saiyan with a tail. Broly detected his energy and his lifeforce didn't show any difference compared to normal people. With the lack of black liquid in the veins, it was obvious that this figure wasn't being controlled.

The figure was frowning as he looked at Broly. The Saiyan was mumbling something seemingly deep in thoughts.

"Who are you?" Broly spoke with his aura unconsciously activated. His voice rang out in the hall as it pressured his opponent.

The Saiyan squinted his eyes as he felt the pressure.

"I didn't expect you to be this strong already, because of that I had to put my plan in motion prematurely. Well, it doesn't matter anymore, you are already here…"


Broly looked back at the entrance he came through, seeing it completely disappear. He raised his eyebrow, before smiling.

"So? You have trapped me now, what are you going to do. Do you really think you can beat ME?!"

"Beat you?? Hahaha I never intended to fight you! I was never strong, I don't need strength to fulfill my holy mission!"

'He is not strong?'

As if on cue the black sun began to squirm and slowly headed towards Broly.

"Hmph. Do you really think I will just stand here and do…?" He suddenly stopped talking. He couldn't move, he was stuck in place. No matter how hard he tried, he was rooted to the spot. The sun approached him steadily, it wouldn't take long for it to reach him.

He looked down to his feet but couldn't see anything holding him back. In the corner of his eye he saw something black squirm on his arm.

His veins started to turn black. The black liquid that controlled all the Saiyans he encountered was now running through his veins!

A chill went down his spine.

"How could this be?"

"Hehe. I knew that I couldn't handle you, so I prepped my latest puppets. If the previous host died, the liquid inside would invade the closest living being. I especially placed much hope on your parents, at least you wouldn't erase their bodies completely, right? And letting you know that they were only partially controlled would surely make you mad as well. You wouldn't even notice that a bit of liquid invaded your body. I especially fool-proofed my plan by making it seem like it is the same as my lifeforce collectors. I think you call them CEs? Yeah, if a bit of liquid touched your body and seemingly vanished, you wouldn't suspect much, now would you? After all the CE disappear as well. Well, after what I saw, all my thoughts were wasted."

[Narrator: Broly is in trouble! The sun is slowly approaching but our hero has no way to escape! What will he do, will he escape the sun, or will he be devoured by it? Find out in the next chapter of Broly the Saiyan of Legend!]