After the war

It has been over 4 years since the war against the CE ended. All races have celebrated for weeks after the news was made public. Many of the people that used to live in villages started to emigrate from Elpis and moved back to their villages wanting to rebuild their livelihood. The population started spreading out again, over the whole planet. An era of peace had been ushered after the years of war.

The races that used to have ongoing wars with each other before the CEs, were now trading partners and allies. The crisis in form of an outside threat trying to eradicate them all, pulled the races together.

Now that the races had enough place to live, even the past conflicts about territories ceased to exist. This planet was destined to flourish in the future. Given that the races traded with each other and had more interactions with each other, the advanced technology was not limited to Elpis anymore.

The races lived happily together. At the beginning the higher-ups of the races used to feel threatened by the Saiyans. The race was known as warmongers after all.

After one of the Saiyan's strength increased to a level that the others couldn't even hope to achieve and still didn't make any moves, the races slowly accepted that those Saiyans didn't seem to have any intention to conquer the planet. Many even felt that they were rather approachable, except for their intense desire for battle.

Of course, through the fact that a Saiyan was responsible to end the war, was reason for the public to have a favorable opinion about them.

Although they have accepted the Saiyans, that didn't mean that they now didn't want to leave this planet. Almost all races that were kidnapped to this planet were now thought to be extinct and all of them wanted to rebuild what they had in the past. They wanted to let the members of their races, which were wandering in this vast universe know that they weren't alone.

With that motivation they searched through every information that they got through the mastermind of the CEs. They have found that he used the power of his lord to traverse the troublesome space at a place where it was usually the calmest. It didn't take long for them to find that place. They analyzed the space and found that it was not as calm as depicted in his notes.

They came to the conclusion, that because the mastermind had no reason to return to the outer universe, since Broly was already on this planet, he disturbed the space, to prevent from being accidentally found. He made it almost impossible to traverse the spot he took to leave.

Although the spot wasn't traversable anymore, the scientist through analyzing the space around it, were given some information as to how it was the calmest region. With that information in mind they started searching for other places in space that were similarly calm.

The Saiyans with the black liquid on the other hand were already cured after half a year. Through the notes about creating black liquid, they were able to create something to lure them out of the bodies. They also have broken the liquid down to get more information about how it was created. In the end they did find it out, the catch was that it needed a specific unknown energy which would make the liquid into a living organism. Otherwise the liquid would dissolve into useless waste. In other words, only, that lord or someone with his energy would be able to create more of it.

After those Saiyans were cured, they were forced to integrate themselves into society. They were used to conquer planets but now they had to satisfy themselves with sparring and training in gravity chambers. In the beginning many were dissatisfied as some of the strength stayed with them and they felt that they were strong enough to be independent. But they were still intimidated by Broly and his crew, so they didn't voice any complaints out. After these few years they still had the mindset of the strong rule the weak, but their war-crazed nature dimmed down a bit.

Broly had been busy these past years as well. He had greatly underestimated the lifeforce he absorbed. Only after the four years of constant training, his cells were able to digest the power and make it his own. His strength has skyrocketed in these years. His cells were strengthened to a point that almost nothing on this planet could hurt him and that was him in his base form without ki. Even if someone caught him off guard, they still had to be unbelievable strong to do any damage to him.

At least on this planet, there shouldn't exist someone like that.

Although his ki was being suppressed by the immense lifeforce, he was still able to guide a miniscule amount out of his body. Through the difficulties to even manifest his ki outside his body, his control unexpectedly grew. Not only has his control increased but there was also a slight change to his ki. Because it hardly could leave his ki center, it accumulated inside and condensed. His ki was thicker than others and was unbelievable powerful.

If he would clash with someone with the same amount of ki, Broly would undoubtedly win through sheer power. It didn't matter if his opponent was miles above him in control.

After the four years of training, he became a monster in all aspects of battle, be it his seemingly indestructible body, his precise ki control, the power of his ki itself or his profound martial arts. There was no one on this planet anymore that could rival him, but that didn't mean he couldn't improve. Broly knew that his strength in front of Beerus was just a joke, but he also knew that he still had unbelievable strength hidden inside his body.

He didn't even master his legendary transformation yet or achieved a higher grade of it. There was also divine ki, which was exponentially stronger than regular ki, which would make even his pale in front of it. The thoughts about these things only made him anticipate his future progress.

Now that he digested the lifeforce his body strength growth slowed down. He already knew that this would happen, his body was still too underdeveloped after all and he didn't have anything like lifeforce that could boost him now. He estimated that the time he needed to increase his body strength through training would be too slow. He would gain a tremendous power up after his body reached adulthood and the rate of his growth would be faster as well.

So, instead of spending his time training in the gravity chamber, he wanted to search for inspiration in this world and focus on his ki on the journey, as it would give him the highest yield for now.

With the experience on this journey, he wanted to invent some new techniques that fitted him the best. He knew that this journey wouldn't be that effective as he was the strongest on this planet and nothing could probably threaten him anymore, but it was something that he always wanted to do, especially in his past life.

He wanted to travel around a planet, see and experience the world in thousands of different ways. Even more so as the history of this planet intrigued him, and he wanted to unravel it and see its past with his own eyes and if he finds more fragments of the origin crystals, that would, of course, be a welcome surprise.

So not taking too much time to think about it, he already said his goodbyes to Gine, Daz, his crewmembers and all his fellow disciples and headed out.