
A figure flew up a mountain and landed on its peak. The winds were sharp and cold, it was not something a normal person could endure, but the figure just stood there and looked down the mountain he just flew up.

The figure was light-skinned and stood tall with over 2m of height with a well-built frame. He had golden hair and yellow eyes. He was standing there shirtless, while he wore white pants with an eye-catching red sash draped around his waist, which was secured by a golden belt with a blue gem in its center. He also had golden boots with a blue gem at the front, as well as golden bracelets with the same blue gem.

Of course, this figure was Broly. The clothes he wore was imitated to the one, he saw his counterpart wear in the movie. After wearing it himself, he kind of get where the Broly in the movie was coming from. It was very comfortable, and he felt especially free wearing it. Of course, the main reason he wore this, was because he thought it looked cool.

He was currently in his non-full power version of his Legendary Super Saiyan transformation and he wasn't affected by this state at all.

3 years.

It had been 3 years since he began his journey. At the beginning he only covered small distances as he focused on trying to maintain his Super Saiyan state. After succeeding he used it with the lowest output possible and was able to be comparable to his suppressed base form.

Thereafter he rarely increased his output, only for battles or sometimes to fly up a mountain like now. His output was miniscule, relative to his overall strength.

By now he had completely mastered this state and the transformation became second nature to him. But since this was his non-full power form, it had a limited increase to his overall strength. Now as he looked down the mountain completely undisturbed by the winds, he decided to take on his legendary state. Until now he avoided doing so, as his ki was incredible powerful and not as easily mastered as for other Saiyans.

He estimated that his crew members have probably achieved Super Saiyan Full Power by now, maybe even going beyond it and become a Super Saiyan 2.

He knew that transformation vice he would always lag behind, but the difference in strength made it all worth it. Feeling how much power is hidden inside his S-cells, he didn't want to have it any other way anymore. Maybe he wouldn't achieve the second level as fast as others would, but his legendary state was already stronger than that supposedly superior level of normal Saiyans.

With his increased mastery he unearthed more of his cells strength and it looked to him like an endless ocean.

He readied himself, took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lung. His shout echoed in the wide valleys. His ki output increased until the mountain peak collapsed under the pressure. Broly surrounded by a green ki sphere started floating high in the air.

The sphere began to shine brightly like a second green sun in the sky.

For a minute it shone upon the earth until it diminished and revealed a 250 cm tall giant inside the sphere. Broly furrowed his eyebrows and his bulging muscles were tense. For minutes he hovered in the air until finally yellow pupils emerged in his white eyes.

The transformation and the struggle to regain conscious was burdening. Broly was panting heavily, but he had a bright smile on his face. He abruptly struck out his fist above his head and shouted out.


His scream unlike before not only echoed but it caused a giant avalanche to descend the mountain and his fist strike dispersed the clouds above him.

He could retain his conscious without immediately becoming a sadistic rage monster. Although he could still feel that his emotions were heightened, it was nonetheless a success. Now it was time for him to mediate and reduce his output to a livable degree.

He sat down cross-legged and started his meditation, he already had experience with his predecessor state and was quick at work.

Due to his ability to generate lifeforce he was able to go days without food or water. Even oxygen was less important to him. With that in mind he began his week-long meditation, trying to master his full power state.

Even with his previous experience, trying to reduce the energy output of his full power state to a livable degree, first seemed impossible to Broly. But how could it be a legendary form if it was so easy to master?

After a few weeks he was able to easily go in and out of this transformation without completely losing his mind. With this new ability in hand, he restarted his journey. After all this time he was surprised what this planet still had to offer. All kind of animals and views welcomed him every day, as he moved about. The planet was massive, but he would be done soon with his travel as he almost covered the whole planet. In reality after all these years he could have already traversed the whole planet more than once, but this was about the journey itself.

Through traveling this planet leisurely, he could experience the world in a different view. Since he arrived on this he had been rushing forward and loved the quick results his efforts gave, but now he enjoyed the leisure time as well, when he walked through a river or climbed a mountain.

But he didn't prefer one above the other, what he really liked about all this, was that he would be able to decide his path and no one else. Did he want to fly up a mountain or walk against the river currents. Have a nice walk through a forest or blast through it without restraint. The decision on what path and how he wanted to traverse it was up to him.

Although it seemed that his gains would be slower through the lesser amount of efforts, the opposite was true. Through this new perspective he developed new techniques and his control increased tremendously.

Obviously, his mental strength had the biggest increase, through the constant struggle to stay completely conscious. He had gained an iron will, nothing could sway his determination anymore.

Another 3 years passed as he tried to master his legendary state. He had recently turned 16 and still hadn't returned to Elpis once in the last years.

He was now in a wild hot spring enjoying the hot water, while relaxing his whole body, though still in his legendary transformation. He laid down as he felt like he melted away. His mastery had reached great heights.

Suddenly the volcano not far from him erupted in a splendid explosion. Tons of liters of lava descended down to the earth. Broly only looked at, what he would have called a natural disaster in his previous life, with a smile on his face.

He was quite entertained by the sight, but it wasn't something new he experienced. He looked at the volcano and suddenly had the urge to look at it from a close distance.

He slowly walked up the volcano and looked into the crater with boiling lava inside. What surprised him the most was that an island was situated in the middle. What was strange about it, was the fact that green trees were growing in abundance.