
He could tell that he was getting closer, after for a minute until the reaction weakened again.

'It's underground again, huh?'

Broly landed where the reaction was the strongest. The surroundings looked the same everywhere. The whole surface was covered with orange-brown rocks that slightly had a metallic sheen to it.

Before Broly was about to dig into the ground, in the corner of his eye, he saw something red in the shadows of the rocks it was covered by. He didn't notice it at first as everything had a similar color. It was only that it was glowing slightly. It wasn't a sunlight reflection, but it was producing it. Without saying anything he walked towards it and quickly cleared it from the rocks with a wave of his hand.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he saw what he was greeted by.

"Is that a gate?" Zangya asked as she came closer. It appeared to be a solid red gate with some faded markings on it. It laid there flat on the ground. Broly stayed quite as he ran his fingers over the markings on it. He could slightly feel a connection to it as he did back on Perditus when he discovered that temple. He instantly understood that this was something left behind by that ancient civilization, the original owners of those Origin Crystals.

He stopped pondering about it. He put his fingertips in the middle of the two halves of the gate as it didn't have any handles and swung the gate open… at least that was what he wanted to do.

Despite exerting himself, he couldn't move it one bit. He slipped with his hands and almost fell on his butt.

He took a step back and frowned. Suddenly his ki rose as his muscles expanded slightly and his eyes turned yellow. A wild storm pushed all the loose rocks in the surroundings away as his hair turned golden. Surprisingly the ground didn't break open under the humongous pressure he now gave off. Although the ground trembled a bit, the planet was mostly unaffected.

He again approached the gate and tried to pry it open. The ground beneath his feet gave in as he put all his might in opening it.

'What a joke! I can shatter entire planets with my bare hands, and I can't fucking open a gate?!' Veins on his forehead started to bulge as he unsuccessfully exerted himself again.

He stopped and straightened his back. He stretched out his hands and pointed his palm at the gate before firing a ki blast. The dust slowly settled only to reveal an unscathed gate.

"Uraghhhh! Fuck this!" Broly screamed out as he flew into the air. High-up he stopped and looked down before his body gave off an even stronger more oppressive pressure as his ki ravages the surface of the planet.

His size grew drastically until he reached 3 meters of height. His hair was shining brightly green as well as his body as it was covered in flame-like ki. It even overtook the sunlight as he illuminated the planet's surface. His muscles were tense as his whole body gave off a crushing aura.

His eyes slowly turned from a green-bluish color to a yellow one. Everyone that would meet his gaze would feel a primal fear in them, urging them to flee as fast and far away as they possible could. It especially was affecting other Saiyans, like it was something genetically wired into them.

Even Alea and Cana couldn't help but shiver every time he transformed, even though they were ones that would see it more often than any other person.

"Oh no!" "Shit!" "Seriously?!" The girls panicked as they looked in the air as Broly transformed. They knew what would come next. They quickly transformed as well to withstand the pressure and quickly flew away into space. They quickly arrived way behind Broly and spectated his next move.

He stretched out his arms to the side and crackling ki appeared around him. All the energy around him started to gather inside both of his palms. The energy inside was being compressed into almost solid spheres.

He put both his hands together and fused both spheres into one. It didn't change in size but that didn't mean it didn't rise in power, instead the danger this small green sphere gave off was enough for people to believe that they would die no matter what. And for most this was true!

Broly thrusted his arms.

"Gamma-ray burst!"

The sphere burst into a green beam of destruction as it shot at lightning speed to the gate. In an instant it arrived on the ground.

The girls in the back were surprised to see this new attack as they never saw him practice it. This attack far exceeded what they could even hope to fend off. The amount of ki used in this attack was mind boggling. Even space itself seemed to bend to its force.

An absolute overkill that is what they felt this attack was, but against all expectations it didn't immediately pierce through the planet. The energy wave at contact was blocked by the gate! The energy was being dispersed to the sides and instantly pulverized the planet as it was pushed further. The attack flowed around the gate and its underground construct. It shot through the solar system. Parts of near planets it passed were visibly destroyed, even though the attack didn't touch it directly.

The beam shot into the seemingly endless universe. It lasted for a few seconds before it became thinner and finally completely faded away.

Broly was exhausted as he even lost the ability to stay his legendary state.

"I need to do something about the ki consumption…" Broly told himself. The others slowly approached him. They all speechlessly stared at the construct with the gate.

"Okay, well I guess it is impossible to enter it." Zangya stated.

Broly frowned he wouldn't believe that this ancient civilization first gives out the coordinates from every crystal and then make it impossible to excess it.

Broly threw a healing capsule in his mouth and instantly recovered some of his energy. These capsules were mostly created with healing in mind, so although it was able to restore energy, it was far behind the intentional effects.

He flew to the door and again pondered on how to open it. He placed his hand on the door and circulated his energy according to the method, but nothing happened. He already tried it when he was trying to open it with his hands. He first thought that he would need the method and enough power to open it, but he was clearly wrong. He became annoyed and thought he would just destroy the gate. He had estimated that it would be difficult to destroy, which was why he went all out in the end, but he didn't expect for it to be unaffected.

"Oh man. I hoped that I would gain another ability. How about we just bring it back to our planet and try on a later time?" Cana suddenly said.

'Another ability? Maybe…'

Broly took a step back while still circulating according to the technique. He closed his eyes as he focused on something. Suddenly the door creaked as it slowly opened. It shined brightly as it revealed the lit hall with a 10x10x10 green glowing Crystal hovering midair. It seemed unreal as it seemed like it shimmered in and out of existence.

It was a particular sight.

"It is even bigger than the Origins Energy Crystal!" Cana exclaimed.

"How did you open the gate?" Zangya asked Broly as she stared at the gigantic crystal. He smiled at the question.

"I used telekinesis."

"Eh? That weak ability you used to pull some pranks on us in the past? No way." Zangya was surprised as were the others. They would have never imagined that this parlor tricks he learned from Helen would be able to open a gate which was easily able to handle his terrifying attack.

"…. Yeah. I thought I would just try to use a technique that was related to the spirit. I don't know why they did it, but this prevents everyone who doesn't know how to use his spirit to be unable to reach the crystal."

"The other crystals didn't have something like that."

"The Origins Energy Crystal didn't seem to be moved or even discovered until we did, and the Origins Blood Crystal was on a planet that was surrounded by distorted space, so maybe they didn't bother with it? Well this doesn't matter right now. We won't come up with the right answer just by pondering about it. Let's go!"