Origins Spirit Crystal

Broly was the first to step inside. He looked around the hall but couldn't find anything else besides the Origins Crystal.

"Alright, like last time. Guard me while I am absorbing it." Broly went ahead, cut his palm open and wanted to press it against the crystal. As soon as he was about to touch it, the crystal became blurry seemingly moving into another plane and his hand phased through the crystal.

He was a bit surprised but considering that the door only opened with telekinesis, he tried to get a hold of the crystal with telekinesis as well. Although the crystal seemed somewhat affected, he still couldn't touch it.

'Maybe the force I use with telekinesis is not strong enough? But why would the door open with this amount already, wouldn't it make more sense to make them need the same strength?'

Broly looked at the crystal as he pondered about it.

"Maybe, you have to use your Spirit, since it is called Origins Spirit Crystal and all." Zangya said while leaning against the side of the open entrance. Since the others were already watching the surrounding outside, she would be waiting at the entrance in case someone managed to get past the two, an unlikely event but still possible. Although if they were able to get past 2 Ascended Super Saiyans, they would also get past a weaker Hera. She would be only be able to delay them further.

"Hm. Use my spirit. Maybe something like the Image Training that Helen taught me?" From what Helen told him, Image Training was to increase the strength of one's soul. If the soul was strong it would even affect the body and energy one had. That was also why Frieza increased tremendously after he died a second time as he used this type of training in Hell to increase his soul's strength. Broly and Helen would link their minds and used this method to train and test out many techniques.

Broly used this kind of training after that a lot, since basic strength training in the gravity chamber wasn't able to increase his strength as much as this type of meditative training would.

He sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes and started imagining how he would step out of his body and move towards the crystal. He pressed his palm against the crystal but only a second later his hand went through it again. He frowned for a second but quickly came to a realization that since it existed in both states, he would need to touch it, spiritually and physically.

He again went into a meditative state. With closed eyes he started to stand up and walk towards the crystal. He pressed his palm against and circulated according to the absorption method. He did it all in sync with his spirit and as expected, it worked!

He felt how an invisible energy entered his body and flowed towards the middle of his head. Hundreds of minutes went by as he absorbed the energy. His mind became clearer with every second and his spiritually-self became easier to imagine and to be felt.

He felt like he expanded into every corner of his own body, it was a weird sensation, but he knew that it was bringing extraordinary results with it.

After hours he opened his eyes again, which seemed to gain depth and profoundness. He examined his mind and could feel how his soul and spirit increased in strength by the second, even though he wasn't training right now. He had gained a lot more, but he would have enough time to explore it when he was back on… he still had to name his planet, he realized. He couldn't let his planet be unnamed and he didn't really want to name it Broly…

He stood up and quietly walked towards the entrance where Zangya was standing while looking outside.

He stood directly behind her and put his hand on her hip and pulled her closer. She quickly turned around while trying to push herself away, considering the enormous strength difference it was no surprise that she failed.

She quickly realized that it was Broly who suddenly pulled her closer without saying anything.

"Ahem. You- you done already? Could… you let me go?" She was putting on her cold expression, but her ears became slightly red, exposing her.

"Sure. Hahaha. Just wanted to tease you a bit." He was in a good mood now and felt like messing around a bit. He touched her nose with his own as he pulled her closer. He saw how Zangya was glancing at his lips from time to time and decided it was enough teasing and put her down, preparing to leave.

"On a second thought…" Zangya pulled Broly back into the hall and closed the gate. She turned towards Broly and quickly stripped off what she wore and slowly walked towards him.

"You know, I used to always speak my mind. I knew what I wanted and would do anything to get it. So why is it so hard to accept it now, to take action, to speak my mind. How could I fall for someone that kidnapped me and ruthlessly woke me up from my dreams of conquering the universe?" She leaned against Broly completely naked. She looked up and stared into his eyes.

"You know what? I am not hiding anymore. Broly make me yours." Broly was shocked at what happened. He only now realized how she would always stick around him. He didn't think about it much since she always had the same expression and wouldn't show anything beyond a slight blush, which was also why he hadn't taken actions yet. He wasn't sure if it was her reaction on the fact that their future daughter came and told them about their relationship. Now she was offering herself to him, he wouldn't get a clearer signal than that. Who was he to deny such a request from someone he liked? He picked her up and pushed her against the wall. He gave her a deep kiss and quickly stripped naked as well. He started to torment her for hours…


"What are you doing, Cana?" "Pshh!" Alea saw how Cana was looking through a small slit between the slightly opened gate.

Alea looked through the gate as well and widened her eyes at the scene. Her face instantly became crimson red. She noticed that Cana was moving slightly and was drooling a bit.

Alea realized what she was doing as she looked at Cana's hand. She closed the door before she shouted at Cana.

"You pervert!" Alea slapped Cana's head.


"You are not allowed at the gate, go watch the surrounding."


"No buts! Now go!" Cana dejectedly flew away. Seeing this Alea leaned against the gate and took a few deep breaths as she was tempted to watch herself. Broly and her weren't as active as they were at the start of their relationship since there was a lot to do, which made her easier to be aroused…


After a few hours Broly opened the gate and immediately saw Alea who was slightly blushing and instantly understood that she knew. She hugged him and whispered something into his ears. She was looking away embarrassed.

"After all the time I thought you became bolder, but here you are shy as ever. Sure, we can fu-" She covered his mouth with her hand.

"What if someone listens!"

"We are in outer space, who would… Never mind" Broly threw up his hands in defeat. "Go absorb the crystal. You have to use your spirit and your body simultaneously to absorb it." He said before sending her in.

Alea glanced at Zangya who was sleeping deeply, before going towards the crystal and getting to work.

Broly told Cana telepathically to come and do the same. He saw her mischievously smile and couldn't help but sigh. What was the point of closing the gate if these two just peeked inside?

Zangya woke up after some time as well and they quickly had absorbed the energy inside the crystal. This time only Zangya gained an ability. She was able to directly attack someone's soul. It was a frightening ability since even if someone has tremendous amount of strength, she would be able to defeat them if their soul strength was insufficient. Of course, if a being's body got stronger it would slightly affect the soul as well, like the soul would affect the body. Although it was a none lethal ability, it would prove helpful in battle.

After the 4 were finished with absorbing the energy, the crystal shrank to a size of 2 meters. Since Broly didn't want to come here every time he decided to take it with him to his planet. He even wanted to take the whole hall with him, but he couldn't teleport with it no matter how he exerted himself.

So before leaving with the crystal, he wanted to at least study it for a bit. He activated his lifeforce vision and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.