Fight Begins!

After a few days passed, Broly and his crew had eliminated the last 7 encampments of Mamba's force. Only Mamba's so-called headquarters remained. It was a planet very close to the center of the Andromeda Galaxy.

They were only a few hours away from the planet. They sat in their spaceship looking through the window at the planet. The other 40 elites were already brought back to Exousia. In the incoming fight they would only be a distraction. This wasn't something they could participate in.

After meditating a bit, getting into top form, they parked their spaceship in another solar system. Afterwards they teleported to a few hundred kilometers away from the planet. As soon as they did, they were able to see movement on the planet's surface.

It didn't take long for a few hundred aliens of different races to approach Broly's group. They didn't hesitate and released several ki blasts. It was clear that the group which approached them were the very elites of Mamba, but in front of the powerhouses of Exousia, they were only considered slightly bigger ants. A few seconds was all the time they needed to wipe them out.

Not waiting for them to start attacking the planet, three figures surrounded in domineering auras' shot towards them.

Broly squinted his eyes as he looked at the figures that were flying towards them. The figure among the trio that attracted his attention first was of course Mamba. A humanoid Cobra, he wasn't easily confused with someone else, especially with the ki he was leaking.

Two others were on his side, seemingly of equal standings. Broly looked at the two, a red bull and a being made out of lightning.

Since they seemed of equal standings as Mamba, he associated them with the two ranked beings that reigned in this galaxy as well. Muos, Emperor of lightning ranked 49 and Angus, the Mad Bull ranked 59.

He instantly assigned the others to take on the bull. He wasn't sure if they were able to handle Mamba, not even considering the even stronger Muos. He only needed them to delay him for a bit until he had eradicated the other two.

Instead of instantly attacking the trio started hovering in space in front them.

"You have finally come, Exousia's Lord, King Broly." Mamba said while slightly hissing. He didn't hide his anger and disdain for Broly.

"Did you write your will?" Broly said mockingly.

"Hmph. It was a terrible mistake to mess with my Empire! I will make you suffer!" Mamba suddenly charged out with Mous and Angus in tow. Without hesitation, Alea, Cana and Taro transformed into Ascended Super Saiyans while Zangya transformed into her full power state as well. Broly's eyes started changing into a yellow color as he used his Ikari transformation.

Golden and green lights brightened the dark space on one side, while blue, green and red lights shone on the other side.

The three emperors were slightly surprised by the huge increase of their strength, this wasn't a level many beings in the entire universe could reach. No matter what they were still more than confident enough to deal with them. Broly's crew instantly intercepted Angus, pushing him out of the range of Broly and the other two.

Angus straight up rushed at Zangya and punched out. A domineering pressure came along with his punch as it seemed to be able to crush anything. Zangya narrowly escaped the attack by teleporting behind Angus, but the punch's power seemed to press forwards as it headed to Taro a few hundred meters away.

Taro instantly released tremendous ki forming it into a ki barrier surrounding his body, while Cana and Alea gathered ki in their hands. On impact Taro's body was slightly pushed backwards but he had sustained no injuries. Alea and Cana finished building up their attacks. As soon as they did, they released their attack at the same time. In an instant the ki waves reached Angus who only snorted after seeing the attacks.

Their attacks immediately exploded on impact, completely enveloping Angus' body. They weren't able to see him at all. They waited until the explosion cleared to see how much damage that attack had dealt.

The explosion cleared and a five-meter-tall bull with bulging muscles hovered silently in space as he looked at them with a mocking expression. Veins all over decorated his body. His strength seemed to have increased a couple of times and he didn't have a single injury on him.

"Your pathetic attacks can't even scratch me, let alone injure me." He looked at them intimidatingly, but he only received smiles and even sighs of relief as response.

A vein on his forehead started appearing as he looked at them with rage. "What are you smirking about?? I will crush and grind your bones to dust!!"

Angus dashed out and quickly arrived in front of Taro. He chopped down right at Taro's head. If that attack hit, Taro wouldn't only receive a small injury!

Taro didn't panic as he evaded the attack by slightly moving out of place and released dozens of counterattacks in an instant.

"A giant with an incredible high defense and high attack power? Nothing new! But your even slower than him by a long shot, you clump of muscles" Taro taunted, but he didn't continue his attack as he dodged the arms swipe from Angus. In the next moment Angus was bombarded with attacks from the distance.

Before he was hit, pulse like ki waves blocked the incoming attacks, neutralizing any damage it would have done. Although he had a high-defense, even weaker attacks would accumulate damage on his body over time. He wanted to quickly rush out and crush one to ease the pressure but before he could move out again, Alea appeared behind him and gave a hard kick to his back head. It only slightly nudged forwards. Angus quickly reached out for the leg but couldn't catch it in time as Alea sprung backwards. Seamless, ki waves headed at Angus, but this time he brazed through the attacks. His hand thrusted out of the explosion and reached out for Alea, but she fired a ki blast, pushing herself far away.

"You bunch of flies, if I get you in my hands, I will crush you!"

The others didn't even respond as they proceeded to mix up ranged with close attacks.


While the others were slowly whittling away Angus power, Broly was pushed back by the two emperors. Mous was incredibly fast. Although the attacks didn't do much damage, his lighting had a numbing effect on the spot it hit. On the other hand, Mamba's body had a natural toxic component to it. If Broly touched his skin, he felt how his cells were slowly being destroyed. Even his ki waves were mixed with magic and seemed to have a toxic or corroding feature to it as well. Broly didn't want to block his attack with his body. An incredible fast opponent and toxic attacks were reasons why he was pushed slightly backwards, but he didn't want to show all his cards yet as he tried to gauge their full strength.

Broly dodged over a tail sweep from Mamba and a lightning fist shot right at his face. Broly opened his mouth wide and in an instant a ki sphere appeared before bursting open in a bright light beam. Mous instantly tried to dodge the attack from point blank. Although he was fast, he was still grazed by it. A piece of his lightning shoulder was ripped out, but it was quickly regenerated and reformed with more lightning.

While Broly attacked, Mamba slithered towards Broly with his fangs out. He aimed straight at his neck, but only a dozen centimeter away, Broly tilted his body slightly forwards and to the side, while striking Mamba with his elbow. The elbow tip directly hit Mamba's nose and cut his face.

Mamba was pushed backwards and Mous quickly arrived next to him. Mamba's face grimaced as he still couldn't gain an advantage against Broly even with Mous in tow!

Mamba's body suddenly leaked a tremendous amount of power. His 10-meter-long body started shining in a white light before disappearing as quickly as it appeared. Mamba had transformed into a humanoid being with two legs and arms. His hands still had sharp claws and his new feet had them as well. His whole body was covered in dark green scales with black spots on it. He had shrunk to 2.5 meters height and was releasing a scary power. It was like his mere present would corrode one's body.

Mous on the side wasn't inactive as his body's lightning changed from his light blue to a bright blood red. His body was giving off dangerous wipes. Anyone would feel like a calamity was about to descend on them when they saw Mous.

"You actually pushed us this far, be proud to die after seeing this!" Mamba hissed out as he mockingly pointed at Broly.

"You took the words right out of my mouth!" Broly sneered as his body was rapidly increasing in size only stopping after his frame reached 3 meters. His body was giving off an overbearing pressure that descended on anything near him. Broly released an aura which triggered the primal fear of a predator in the two emperors.

Mamba gritted his teeth and shook his head to get rid of this feeling. In the next moment he dashed out again.