Fight continues!

Mamba dashed out and in just a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Broly and slashed at Broly's throat. The space seemed to tear apart. The claw created dark green light beams as it immediately appeared at Broly's throat.

Broly only smirked as he slightly leaned back for a few centimeters, effectively evading the attack. As Broly evaded, his arm stabbed at Mamba's side. Just as his attack was about to reached him, a red light intercepted his attack, slowing him down for just a moment, but long enough for Mamba to retreat. Broly looked at Mous who had his hand stretched out, his fingers pointing at Broly.

Mous didn't wait for Broly as his fingers started glowing in an intense red until five beams shot out. Broly flew to the side and easily evaded the attacks. What Broly didn't expect was that the beams were following him closely as Mous followed him with his palm. They were fast and as they pursued him. Broly turned around, facing the closely following beams. He stretched out his palms prepared to shoot ki blast at the approaching beams as he flew backwards. He already noticed that Mamba was approaching him from the back.

A second later just as Mamba was about to slashed out, Broly stopped and shot several ki blasts at the beams. Before they collided with the beams, they exploded. A giant explosion was created and enveloped Broly who quickly dashed inside the explosion. Mamba was about to head inside as well. Just as he was about to enter the explosion, 5 red beams shot out of the explosion. They were too fast for Mamba to dodge at this close range. He brought his arms in front of his body, blocking the beams.

Five holes appeared in his arms. Mamba was bleeding green blood. His face distorted as he shot a glance at Mous, who only frowned slightly.

They waited for the explosion to clear. After a while everything cleared but no figure was in sight.

"Arghhh!" Mous body shot out and headed towards a planet not far away. He quickly stopped before he reached the planet. A green hole was burned in his abdomen. He wanted to heal but he realized that the green energy that lingered at the wound, slowed down the process and raised the expenditure of energy to heal.

He seemed to notice something. He quickly looked up and saw a fast approaching figure not even 100 meters away. The wound slowed him down. Without being able to react, a fist landed straight in his face. He was shot away right at the planet. Like a meteor, he pulverized a small mountain and created a giant crater on the ground.

Broly didn't follow up as he looked at the planet with a smirk. Mamba suddenly appeared behind him and chopped down, right at Broly's head. Broly took a step back and reached out with his arms, catching Mamba's arm. Broly bent forwards as he threw Mamba over his head. Mamba quickly hurled at the planet but quickly regained his balance.

Mamba stopped and looked upwards at the hovering Broly, but the only thing he saw was a ki sphere. The ki sphere exploded right in his face and launched Mamba out of the sky to the ground, creating a crater as well.

Broly calmly landed on the ground as he looked at the two craters. He saw the two figures move, trying to get up. Without waiting for them to get up, Broly jumped up and shot to the ground again. He heavily landed on Mous back. Mous' back was bent on impact. He looked like he was about to snap in half any moment. Broly jumped and shot to the ground again.

Mous quickly fled after feeling Broly get off his back, but this time he wasn't the target. Mamba was supporting himself with his hands. Just as he was about to stand up, he felt a brunt force knocking his face into the ground. Broly jumped away again and hovered in the air.

Broly looked at the giant crater he created with Mamba's face. He slightly tilted his head to the sides, several times as beams shot past his head. This time they didn't follow him as they destroyed mountains in the back. Broly looked back at Mous whose lights seemed to have dimmed by quite a bit.

Broly grinned as he raised his arm. Mous lightning flickered. In the next moment Mous started fleeing into the sky. Green light beams followed him, he tried to shake them off but like his attack, they pursued him relentlessly.

Unlike him however, Broly didn't need to concentrate a whole lot to do this.

Broly looked back at the hole which started to shine in a dark green light. A figure stormed outside of the hole. Mamba's appearance had slightly changed. He became smaller again, reaching a height of 2 meters, and was now completely dark green, but what stood out was long claws that dripped green liquid. The drops instantly corroded the ground.

Mamba slashed his arms and green blade beams tore through the air. Broly's eyes constricted as he saw tiny drops filling up the gaps of the slashes. Broly dodged to the sides way out of range of this attack. Theses attacks that only had a straight flight path wouldn't be able to reach him.

Without warning loud booms sounded out a few thousand kilometers away, brightening up the sky in a green hue.

Broly only smirked as he dashed at Mamba again. Mamba continued to slash out but to no avail, Broly was too fast. Broly arrived in front him and punched out, landing straight on his stomach, sending him flying. Mamba's body bounced numerous times over the ground until he crashed into a mountain, completely obliterating it.

Broly frowned as he looked at his fist, seeing his energy depleting rapidly as it fought off the corrosion.

Out of the mountain, Mamba's sorry figure flew out quickly escaping into space. Mamba's mouth was covered in green blood, dripping onto his chest. Mamba looked back at Broly who was grinning at him. Mamba couldn't help but shiver at the sight.

"What a monster…" Mamba mumbled as he escaped into space.

"You can try to run if you want. But I'll hunt you down to the very ends of the universe!" Broly's deep voice sounded out. Mamba couldn't help but tremble in fear, but he quickly calmed down as he started grinning with a mad glint in his eyes.

'That's what I am hoping for! This will be the end for you Broly!' Mamba thought as he headed into the empty space.

He was quickly followed by a black light. Mous appeared beside Mamba who widened his eyes as he let his eyes wander over Mous' body. His whole body was filled with black lightning which exuded a sense of destruction. A few black lightnings shot out of his body which easily tore apart space. Mamba started frowning. He had never seen that form of Mous, even though they had fought numerous times in the past.

No matter what the stronger he was, the better. Mamba had already lost confident to defeat Broly in battle, but that he didn't really care as this wasn't the plan after all. They only need to fly for another minute and then they would have reached it!

Mamba and Mous looked back and saw a green domineering aura rushing towards them. After seeing this they quickly accelerated and blindly shot several attacks at Broly's direction. Broly didn't even bother to evade the attacks as they wouldn't hit him anyway.

Broly's eyes turned yellow for a second and instantly appeared in front of Mamba. Broly's leg swung at Mamba's head. Mamba was shocked at his sudden appearance and quickly tried to shield himself. He was only narrowly able to block it, but the force was still too heavy.


One of his arms broke and his other was numb from the impact. He was launched back.

Mous didn't stop to help him but continued to flee, but Broly didn't had any of it. He quickly pursued him, but he was surprised that Mous was able to accelerate even further. Broly stacked Ikari again on his legendary state but even with this he wasn't able to catch up on him.

In high-speed pursuit, Mous suddenly disappeared and Broly looked shocked as he tried to stop but a force seemed to strongly pull him closer to the spot Mous disappeared just a moment ago. Broly's figure struggled to get away as he turned around and his ki flared up. Strangely 3 figures started to materialize a few thousand kilometers away, watching Broly struggle amusedly. Mamba wiped away the blood on his mouth with his still intact arm and started speaking.

"Broly, even with your might, you won't be able to escape this massive black hole! Hahaha. This is the end of your short reign, King Broly!" Mamba raised his arm and shot out a ki blast straight at Broly.