Fight ends!

Mamba shot his ki blast directly at Broly's face, exploding immediately on impact. Broly was pushed back slightly. Broly's ki started rising as he pushed against the gravitational pull. Without waiting any longer, Mous sent lightning at Broly's direction. A storm of attacks pushed him back until his body was ripped into pieces from his toes upwards. With a deafening scream, his body disappeared in the black hole.

"Hahahaha. That's what you get with messing with me!" Mamba shouted at the black hole.

"…There is something wrong." Krake said out with doubt in his voice. "Krake, what do you mea-"

"Did you really think that was going to work?" A deep voice suddenly boomed behind them. The three froze for a second, the voice sent shivers down their spine. They felt like death himself was speaking to them, while his scythe hovered behind their heads.

Krake was the first to recover as he turned around. His dark yellow eyes opened wide as he looked at the monster behind them. Broly looked at them amusedly.

"I have to say it was not a bad idea to create illusions and lure me into a black hole, but I have to disappoint you, my vision is not something you can deceive."

"This… is impossible! I-I saw how you were pulled into the black hole." Krake was agitated and backed away a little.

Broly grinned.

"You aren't the only one that can pull off an illusion and after seeing how you used it so blatantly, I couldn't help but mess with you. Hehehe."

Krake raised his tentacles and his whole body slightly glowed blue. The space around Broly started solidifying, trying to restrict his movements.

Broly couldn't help but snort.

"You are just another bug I am going to squish now!" Broly waved his arm, tearing apart the space imprisonment. Krake seemed to experience a backlash as his body bent forwards as if he was going to puke any moment.

"Haaaaaaa!" A desperate scream came out of Mamba as he dashed at Broly, immediately slashing out. He swung his arm and looked madly at Broly who only mockingly stared at him. Mamba's expression froze as a sharp pain came from his arm. He looked at his arm and saw nothing. His complete arm till the shoulder was gone!

"How-" Before he could say anything, pain filled his stomach. He slowly looked down. His face became hideous as he saw his own arm penetrating his stomach! Broly's arm let go of Mamba's arm. Mamba followed Broly's arm and looked at Broly's face only to see bright yellow eyes staring back.

"Cough. Cough. I won't-" Mamba coughed out blood, his pale expression was distorted in pain as he felt his own innards corroding.

He pulled out his own arm. With a giant hole in his stomach, he retreated quickly. He was deathly pale, but it didn't seem like he was giving up.

The others had a frightened expression on their faces as well. Krake was already backing away by a lot. He seemed like he would ditch as soon as an opportunity presented itself.

"Playtime is over!" Broly calmly said before disappearing from their sight. "Krake watch out!" Mous screamed as he turned towards the octopus, but his warning came too late.

Broly grabbed two tentacles on both sides and pulled hard, directly ripping them off. Blue blood started spewing out of his stumps but before he could retaliate, Broly kicked him away.

Mous knew that he had to give his all if he wanted to survive and kill this monster. Black lightning suddenly lashed out of his body as the lightnings became thicker and seemingly more solid. He waved his arms and whip of lightning slashed at Broly who only raised his arms. The whip wrapped around his arm. Mous tried to pull the whip but it wouldn't move at all.

"Attack him now! We have t-" His mouth automatically stopped after he saw how a grin formed on Broly's face. Just as he was about to release his whip, Broly pulled hard. Mous shot through space straight at Broly. In an instant Mous arrived and was directly sent flying again.

The whip couldn't hold Mous back as it snapped under the pressure. Broly looked at his arm and saw light burning marks, which quickly healed under his manipulation of lifeforce.

Broly disappeared from sight for a moment before reappearing, effectively evading the beams of lights coming from behind. He looked back at the miserable figure of Mamba, who was breathing heavily. Broly didn't bother with him as he saw that Mous fled. He teleported in front of him and punched him towards Mamba, who evaded Mous' body before giving him a harsh look.

The trio instantly understood after feeling how he used space to teleport. If they didn't stick together not only wouldn't they escape but their chances of survival would drastically shrink. Although their chance of survival at this point was minuscule, it was higher than if they tried to escape and have him kill them off one by one.

Without thinking further Krake waved his numerous tentacles, who released a storm of blue blades made out of magic and mental energy. These blades would attack Broly's body and his soul at the same time.

Broly silently released a green sphere around him, blocking every blade coming at him. Krake didn't stop as he relentlessly shot out these blades. Mous and Mamba weren't inactive. They released waves of attacks at the same time. They surrounded him as they bombarded Broly with attacks, completely drowning Broly under their attacks. Explosion after explosion filled the area between the three.

This went on for minutes until they stopped. Their body trembled heavily after the high energy expenditure. They tried to recover as much power as they could. They knew that their attacks wouldn't be able to kill him.

"Bwahahahaha! Insects, the lot of you!" Broly's voice rang out and with it a green light tore through the explosions, dispersing them in an instant.

Broly's body was completely enveloped with his flamelike ki. Their minds were already on the verge of breaking as they didn't expect Broly to completely unharmed. After their failed trap, Broly reappeared with yellow eyes. His power was now far too much for the three to handle.

"Was that your best?"

They were already despairing. In a last attempt, they all raised their arms and channeled their energy to shoot out their strongest attacks.

Mous arms fused with each and all the lightning in his body headed towards his arm. Krake's whole body was enveloped with blue energy and became brighter with every moment until he shined brightly and space around him warped.

Mamba opened his mouth frighteningly wide, while his fangs started glowing green. His fangs connected with green energy threads in front of his mouth, forming a green blinking horn.

"Lightning Cannon!" "Space Cut!" "Basilisk horn!"

Three dazzling attacks that filled the empty space with bountiful and destructive energy headed straight at Broly. The target of these planet-shattering attacks squinted slightly. A black lightning beam, a blade that separated space and a green shining horn shot at Broly.

Broly's grin had already disappeared and became solemn, facing the attacks. An instant later his body shrunk, and his hair stood on ends. Lightning covered his body, as he outstretched his arms.

"Haaaa!" A solid green sphere surrounded his body and blocked the attacks at the last moment. The attacks pressed against the sphere from all sides. The sphere protecting Broly not only didn't cave in but slowly pushed the attacks away. Slowly the energy and destructiveness in the attacks of the three emperors was slowly lost and faded away. The sphere was still expanding until the resistance became nil. No cracks or even scratches could be found on its surface. The sphere faded and revealed Broly who was frowning slightly as he looked at the completely exhausted trio.

"I guess I have nothing more to see." Broly raised his arms slowly with his palms up. Spears of green lightning appeared all around him. Hundreds of spears pointed at the exhausted three.

They stared at the spears in front of them and became deathly pale. There was no escaping this.