Unexpected Challengers

"That's right my friend. Let me ask you. Does a machine like yourself ever experience fear?" Vegeta's body increasingly released ki that drew in the clouds until the energy burst out, destroying the near periphery. A crater was formed around Vegeta. He slowly stepped outside with his hair glowing in a golden hue. He slowly walked towards Android 19 while holding his monologue about how a low-class Saiyan had achieved something he couldn't. He talked about how he trained and his struggles to become a Super Saiyan.

Android 19 and Dr. Gero seemed to be surprised by this discovery.

Broly listened to his speech while Aize and Taro were bored. They only asked themselves why Broly was so interested in the former prince, who was struggling to become a Super Saiyan. It was true that there were only 5 Super Saiyans on Exousia at the moment, but they had many good seeds, who would join their ranks sooner or later.

"After I have defeated Broly and his henchmen, I will be prince of all Saiyans once again!" Vegeta shouted.

Taro snorted disdainful as he heard this.

"Hmph. What a joke! Not even in a thousand years!" Broly side glanced at Taro. "You shouldn't look down on him. He had reached the level of legends after all."

"Yeah right, it may have been a something impossible in the past, but now? I even doubt what he is saying. He probably went to Gine on how to turn and now he is making up a nonsensical story."

"No, he had reached this level on his own. Even if he knew that Gine would be willing to tell him on how to turn, he would be too stubborn and prideful to ask."

"Then he is stupid, not knowing when to grasp opportunities. It's not like Gine would humiliate him."

"Yes, he may become stronger when he asks for guidance, but his very pride is his source of strength. He will reach great heights in the future."

Taro frowned as he looked at Broly, he really didn't understand why he defended him. Broly didn't even put Alea, the strongest Saiyan besides Broly into his eyes. Now the former prince, someone who had barely reached Super Saiyan, had caught his attention.

"Whatever." Taro crossed his arms as he looked down at the fight between Vegeta and Android 19. It didn't take long until Vegeta completely obliterated his opponent.

Broly knew what Taro was thinking, but how would Taro know that these were his childhood heroes? What height, they would reach in the future? He didn't bother with him anymore and continued observing the scene.

The destruction of Android 19 resulted in Dr. Gero fleeing from the group, but Vegeta didn't follow up immediately. He first ordered Krillin to give him a Senzu bean.

"Hm? That is?" Aize suddenly caught onto the Senzu bean as it immediately recharged the exhausted Vegeta.

"A Senzu bean, like our healing capsules only a bit more instantaneously." Aize rubbed his chin as he heard this. He pondered for a moment before opening his mouth to speak again.

"Should we-"

"Don't bother with it. The yield of these beans is far too low to become useful to our empire. Stick to the healing capsules." Broly interrupted, guessing Aize' thoughts.

"Alright, let's follow them and keep check to not release your energy." Since they got here the Z-Fighters weren't able to locate them. That was because they already had trained their control of ki to not leak out when performing actions that didn't require high expenditure. Broly on the other hand had difficulties in doing the same as his ki was harder to control than theirs.

Instead he used magic to fly. He was able to reach far greater speed than the other two, even if it was wasteful, considering the amount he needed to reach this speed.

Just as Broly was about to head off after them, he noticed someone heading towards their direction at an incredible fast rate. Broly turned his head and looked into the far distance and saw how Kakarot was heading towards them.

Goku's eyes locked with Broly's. Goku was surprised for a second before it was replaced by a solemn expression as he increased his speed.

"I guess we get some company." "Hm?" Aize and Taro looked at the fast approaching ki signature.

"This is Kakarot? Gine's son?"

"Yes, indeed." Broly's corners of his lips curved upwards as he looked at the imposing aura, Kakarot was giving off.

'Shouldn't he be miserable right now, suffering from the heart virus and all? Even if he didn't, why is he only coming now? Perhaps he already suffered from it and is already cured now?'

It didn't take long for Kakarot to arrive, he silently stared at the three, before his eyes wandered over the destruction on the ground and then into the distance where the Z-Fighters disappeared to. This surprised Broly as they suppressed their ki, he himself would only be able to sense them by their lifeforce.

"Hey Kakarot, long time no see. Good to see you healthy." Broly said to him with a grin on his face. His concern didn't come off as sincere at all. Suddenly two figures approached from the same direction Kakarot came. They quickly arrived and hovered slightly behind Kakarot as they looked at Broly's small group. These two were Raditz and Gine.

"Ah. I see, a family trip. A picnic, maybe?" Kakarot frowned listening to Broly's mocking tone.

"My name is Goku for you and I believe you are a few years too early." Goku said while putting all his attention on Broly, he didn't even bother with the other two as he knew the greatest threat now is Broly himself.

"Hehe. Don't worry I keep my words. I am only sightseeing, showing my subordinates this beautiful planet. After all, it won't exist for long, now will it?"

Goku was only gritting his teeth, which surprised Broly as he assumed that he would rush head first in.

'Seems like with his Mother around, he matured.' In an instant a leg fiercely kicked against the side of Broly's head. He was pushed to the side for a few meters before he rebalanced himself.

'Never mind.' Broly looked at Goku who had instantly transformed into a Super Saiyan and attacked him.

Broly's group saw the apologetic expression on Raditz and Gine, before they took on a solemn one as well and headed out, rushing at Aize and Taro.

Broly was pleasantly surprised as he saw Gine and Raditz turn Super Saiyan. He had to grin as he looked at Raditz, who looked like he turned Super Saiyan 3. Of course, the only thing different were his eyebrows.

Aize and Taro transformed as well and engaged Raditz and Gine, easily pushing them back. Although the other two had attained Super Saiyan, they were of course no match for Aize and Taro, who were able to turn for years already.

Goku quickly rushed at Broly and released dozens of attacks in a second. He pushed Broly back and struck him to the ground with both his hands intertwined. Broly didn't crash into the ground but used his arms to somersault, before landing on his feet.

'I have to give it to him, even with all this strength, the planet would hardly be affected by this fight.' Goku didn't give him any rest and pursued him. Broly blocked and dodged all the attacks calmly. Although he was grazed from time to time and was obviously in a disadvantage, he didn't want to turn Ikari, not yet at least.

Seeing how undisturbed Broly was, Goku suddenly burst out with power directly sent a powerful punch straight at Broly's face. Broly's eyes constricted as he saw this, but in his base form he was too slow to react and could only endure the attack.

The punch squarely landed on his cheek, sending him flying into a rock formation. Broly's body went right through the rocks, leaving a trail of destruction behind him.

Goku was heavily panting after delivering the punch, before calming his breath shortly after. A few seconds later his eyes focused on the figure that walked out of dust cloud. Goku saw how Broly licked the blood coming out the corner of his mouth.

"Yuck!" Goku exclaimed. In the next moment his eyes widened as he looked directly into Broly's yellow eyes just a few centimeters away, before feeling the brunt force impacting his stomach. His view turned as he was sent across the floor. He bounced for several kilometers before ramming into a giant boulder. He was deeply embedded into the stone.

His body arched, but he knew that he had to be vigilante for any attacks that might come soon.

Just as he was about to crawl out again, at the end of the hole, he saw Broly eying him with a ferocious smile on his face. Goku felt a shiver down his spine as he felt the immense power exuding out of Broly, but instead of feeling fear, he became more excited!