Partially Ascended

Without hesitation Goku jumped at Broly who watched him with curiosity. Goku seemed to punch out but before it connected, he opened his palm revealing a small ki sphere. It exploded in Broly's face. The boulder couldn't handle the explosion and quickly crumbled.

Goku quickly retreated and threw more ki blasts at the figure that was walking through the dust cloud, but no matter how many blasts Goku fired, Broly didn't seem to be disturbed as he just walks through it. He didn't even bother to defend as he just took the attacks head on.

Seeing these small attacks not work, Goku steadied his stance and stretched out his arms to the front and then pulled them to his sides as he charged up his attack.

"Kamehame…" Broly had walked out and stood right in front of Goku waiting for his attack. He smiled haughty as if the attack wouldn't do as much as a scratch to him.

"…haaaa!" Goku directly shot out his Kamehameha wave in Broly's face at point blank. Everything behind Broly was obliterated as he just stood there like he was enjoying the breeze.

A second later the attack ended in a huge explosion. The dust didn't even settle before an arm shot out of the dust cloud and grabbed Goku by the hair and lifted him up. Goku was striking Broly's arm with his elbow, hoping to get out of his grasp but to no avail.

The dust finally settled with Broly smiling at him.

"What was that supposed to be, Goku?" Without warning Broly struck out with his free hand, sending Goku flying parallel to the ground. Before Goku could get out of his daze from the hit, Broly appeared behind him in his flight path. Without giving Goku a chance to retaliate, Broly fiercely kicked him into the air. He felt some bones crack under his kick, but Broly didn't want to give him time to recover. He pursued him.

A moment later Broly caught up, surpassed Goku and with a chop, sent him to the ground. Like a meteor, he shot to the ground but instead of a huge impact, Goku managed to deviate his flying path, making him slide across the ground. It didn't take long for him to rebalance and disappear into a rock formation.

Broly didn't bother follow him and started to fire a few ki blast, blowing the whole surrounding up until he saw a figure flying out of one of the explosions.

He hovered in the air before realizing that Goku threw in a healing capsule. Yes, not a Senzu bean.

"Using my healing capsules right in front of me? You have some guts!" Broly quickly flew straight towards Goku, who finally stopped and headed back, meeting Broly midflight. Broly punched out and Goku evaded it barely, delivering a kick to Broly's stomach, but before Goku could follow up, Broly retracted his arm, restraining the leg. Broly squeezed, intending to break it but Goku suddenly burst out with power again for just a moment, heavily kicking Broly's arm, but it didn't move. Goku's countenance changed. In the next moment with a snap, Goku's leg broke. Only then let Broly let go of him.

Goku fell to the ground. He quickly stood up but stumbled back, trying to avoid putting weight on his broken leg. His face grimaced in pain.

"Hehe. So, I didn't imagine things! That burst of power is not something a normal Super Saiyan can achieve. Ahh. Go head, you will need all the healing you can get." Broly opened his palm, symbolizing Goku to heal himself.

Goku hesitated for a second before he threw in a healing capsule. His face changed to a normal solemn one, devoid of pain.

"Ready for round 2?" Broly's eyes changed back to his base as he outstretched his arms to the side as if he was going for a hug.

Goku frowned deeply as he saw that.

Broly knew what Goku was thinking. "At least now you have a chance." Broly teased him and as expected Goku closed the distance in an instant. With a burst of power his leg swept out like whip, tearing through air. Broly was barely able to block the attack. He slid across the ground as he was sent backwards. His legs pierced the ground, creating two deep trenches along the way.

Broly lowered his arms to take a look and saw Goku just in front of him, punching out. Broly tilted his head, avoiding the punch. Of course, Goku didn't give him any rest as he relentlessly attacked. Only in the last moments would his power suddenly accelerate. This increased the pressure on Broly as he was pushed backwards, but unlike the beginning he was barely grazed let alone hit.

Every few seconds would Goku pop in another healing capsule, quickly restoring his lost energy, before engaging Broly again with all he got, but unlike before Goku was unable to catch Broly off-guard.

They exchanged countless bouts. Broly got bored as he knew that Goku didn't have anything more to offer as of right now.

He tilted his head, avoiding a punch before headbutting Goku squarely on his nose. Goku's nose immediately broke and his head flung backwards. Broly's solemn face gave off a dangerous vibe as he positioned him slightly sideways as he closed in. His right arm suddenly became a blur. An instant later, he had already retracted his arm while Goku's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fainted. Numerous fist marks covered Goku's body.

The fist marks faintly released smoke as if his skin was burning. It took a few seconds before Goku's stiff body finally fell on the ground.

Broly looked at the unconscious body of Goku.

"It took Alea 7 years to ascend the Super Saiyan transformation, but you are already tapping into it after 3. If it had been a year later, you would have already accumulated enough energy to fully ascend. That was why you only boosted part of your body, this is really ingenious and possible usable with divine ki later on. Hmm. You don't mind if I steal this idea, right? …I guess I will take your silence as your acknowledgement."

Broly turned around and flew off. He looked at his fist before grinning.

'I made some progress with Kakos fighting style. It is marvelous indeed. I was able to use every bit of energy with extreme precision in these last attacks.'

He looked around and saw the destruction, he had caused to the surroundings. He shook his head. The destruction he caused was only because his attacks wasn't as controlled. If he was able to master Kako's fighting style, there would be only fist sized holes, instead of those kilometers' wide craters.

Without bothering with it any longer, he disappeared into the direction of Gine and Raditz. They were going at it seemingly fiercely, but Broly could tell that it was more of a spar than a real fight.

As soon as they saw his figure, they stopped. Broly told Gine and Raditz where to find Goku before he headed towards Dr. Gero's hideout with Taro and Aize in tow.

"And, how is he?" Taro asked as they were flying towards the lifeforce, Broly had sensed.

"Not bad. He even caught me off guard, but his power itself leaves a lot to be desired. Nevertheless, he will be an Ascended Super Saiyan soon."

Taro and Aize were surprised. They knew it wasn't something easy to reach that form. They themselves took over a decade to reach it.

"That is fast…" "Indeed, but it will take him years to reach your power. You should still raise your training up a notch if you want to compete with him in the future." Broly said trying to rile them up, but only Taro seemed somewhat affected. Aize still had his neutral expression. Taro suddenly spotted something on his Broly's neck. A thin string leading down to the front under his armor. It seemed to have come out when he was fighting. Taro quickly dismissed it and just continued flying.

Meanwhile a group had gathered at a mountainside with a road along it. In a crater further down were two figures swirling around each other.

One of them was forced to the ground. Vegeta stood back up and rushed at Android 18 trying to kick her away, but she merely jumped over his attack and dazed him with a kick on her own. As Vegeta stumbled a few steps, she headed back in, delivering a heavy kick to his side with is arm in between.

She didn't follow up as Vegeta was stumbling and kneeled to the ground. He shouted out in pain as his arm was hanging limp on his side. It was clear that his arm broke by the attack.