Perfect Cell

Cell's body was glowing brightly as his ki started leaking out of his body. With a ki burst, a shockwave pushed the air and the ground outwards. Piccolo and Trunks shielded their eyes from the intense light. Cell body started changing as it started to grow in size, his muscles expanded, and his overall look changed.

Arcs of lightning popped into existence all around his body as he completed his transformation. He reached his Semi-Prefect from and was only one step away from reaching perfection.

Future 18 was shocked at the strength this creature had shown after absorbing her brother. She couldn't believe what was happening. They were having fun just a moment ago until Trunks had arrived much stronger than before. He easily beat them and now has thrown them as food to some monster. Even Piccolo, who she killed, was alive and well, she didn't understand anything that was going on. She was trembling all over from terror. She gritted her teeth and came to a quick decision. She could only think about getting away as far and fast as she could possibly be. She quickly created distance, making her best to escape by diving into the ocean.

Cell obviously noticed her escape but was merely looking at his fist as he clenched it. He was leisurely spectating his body, adapting to it.

Trunks and Piccolo saw her escape but didn't move a single muscle. Cell looked up towards the two.

"You let her escape? I thought you would help me become perfect." Cell said with a smile.

"Hmph. We already brought them unconscious to your feet and you still let one flee. Go fetch her yourself." Piccolo growled before sitting down on a rock meditating. Trunks only crossed his arms while watching Cell closely.

"Oh my. You don't have to be so moody. Hahaha. You should be happy. This is a great opportunity. You will be the first two who will see this perfect being." Cell quickly dashed off with a smile on his face. Never would he have imagined that after killing Trunks, another version would help him achieve his goal. It was truly ironic.

'Maybe I should thank Broly for indirectly helping him. Hahaha' Cell thought as he happily searched for Future 18.

Piccolo and Trunks saw how he flew after 18 and quietly followed. Although they looked disinterested to follow, they still had to make sure that Cell wouldn't risk anyone's life. Trunks took out what looked like a dragon radar with only a single blinking point on it. It was something that Future Bulma had invented after analyzing the unconscious androids, in case they needed to locate the other androids. Trunks looked at the direction 18 was heading and started frowning slightly.

A few hundred kilometers away, Future 18 jumped out of the water and landed on an island.

"Haa haaa haaa. I have to get to a city, hide among the people. Surely Trunks and Piccolo wouldn't allow Cell to clear that area."

She was fully aware of tactics to lure people out and the best way was just to bomb the area, the target wouldn't stay in the explosion and directly flee. She had done it numerous times with her brother as she was hunting humans. Trunks had always tried his best to help the humans escape, now she counted on this trade of Trunks'

"Eighteeeeen, where are you my dear? Your brother is waiting. Hahaha." She looked into the distance and saw a small dot approaching her position quickly. She couldn't believe how quickly that monster was moving.

She saw how Cell throw a ki blast at a nearby island. With a huge explosion the island was immediately pulverized.

She quickly looked around, hoping to find a nearby city, but she couldn't find anything. She hastily looked around until she found a small village. She barely saw a hundred villagers, but this was better than nothing! Without hesitation she quickly entered the ocean and headed there underwater. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Suddenly a golden light beam passed her just a meter in front of her. A huge explosion followed which flung her out of the water.

She heavily landed back on the island. She was slightly dizzy but could still tell what was being said.

"Thank you, Trunks, she almost got to that settlement. Now 18, ready to be absorbed?" She could hear how that monster was slowly walking towards her. This was the end, there was no escaping it. She thought about calling for help but who would be able to help he, who was willing?

Trunks, who she had tormented for years and killed all his friends and former teacher, or Piccolo, who she had personally killed? The answer was obvious. Her mind was filled with despair. She couldn't even start crying as she was picked up by Cell, who was relishing in the sight of her. He could see her unwillingness to be absorbed and struggle for a bit but in front of his newly attained strength, she was easily overwhelmed. She wailed around but she had no chance against Cell.

Without a hitch Cell absorbed her.

After 18 was absorbed, Cell's body once again shone brightly. This time it was more intense as more energy was being leaked. Increasingly more energy was exuded by Cell until a green sphere formed around him.

The sheer energy being exuded, attracted the lightning from the near clouds. The energy quickly covered the whole planet as Cell's energy kept increasing. More dark clouds formed in the air, waterspouts appeared all around the island and the wind was storming. Lightning repeatedly hit the sphere. It was like the end of the world has finally come.

Only Cell's shadow could be seen through the sphere while he was transforming. This took a few moments until all the energy was retracted to Cell and shot back up into the sky in a bright flash like a grand explosion.

A short moment later the light dimmed, and Cell's figure appeared once again, it was glowing in a green hue. The glow stopped and for the first time revealed his perfect form to this universe.

He quietly started expecting his arm and punched out a couple of times as he felt the changes. With every second, he felt more satisfied with this new body, he had gained. He took a deep breath.

"At last, the perfect being has been born." The moment he said that an arrogant expression formed on his face.

He looked at Piccolo and Trunks, he knew he could stomp them into the ground if he wanted to, but…

"Although I am perfect, I need more time to adapt to this body and accumulate more power. I have infinite potential and my strength is already monstrous, but still, this won't be enough to defeat that monster named Broly. Don't you want to show me now, how to become stronger?" Cell asked teasingly, looking at Piccolo, who was slightly sweating. Trunks was gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. If it weren't for the threat Broly posed, he would never allow Cell to advance.

"Follow me." Without waiting for a response, Piccolo headed off towards the lookout. For another year, he would accompany Cell into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and train him. With this he may create a monster, they all wouldn't be able to defeat, but this had to be done if they wanted to survive this. Besides he could tell by what Cell said that his target wasn't only Broly's followers but Broly himself.


The human fighters had already exited the room and were taking deep breaths on the lookout. They then saw how Piccolo and Trunks landed on the lookout with a tall being, following them. It was clear to them that this had to be Cell. Cell didn't hide his strength and was intimidating the fighters. Vegeta leaned against a wall, looking over. Even he felt slightly threatened by Cell, but as soon as he went inside the room again, he would surpass them all. Vegeta firmly believed this. After he had heard what Kakarot had said, he pondered over its feasibility to make Super Saiyan into a natural state.

Although he hated to admit it, Kakarot was most likely right, proven by Goku's strength. Besides he had no other approach on increasing his strength, he could as well try it.

The androids had come a few days later and went inside the room of spirit and time as well. Days passed with them all taking turns to train.


Broly's senses had already covered the whole planet and beyond, reaching into space. Nothing could escape him anymore. He had already noticed Taro and Aize's arrival a day ago. They had let him be after seeing how he was still immersed in his training.

The day of his little game had already arrived, he also knew that Goku and Gohan still had to come out of their training session. The other Z-Fighters, Cell and the androids were already waiting in an awkward silence.

Although the time passed quickly for Broly, he knew the day for the battle had arrived. He slowly opened his eyes and stood up. Without saying anything, he snatched away the food out of Taro's hands again.

"Hey-" Broly ignored Taro's complaints as he suddenly noticed something. He fixed his attention to a few thousand kilometers away.

"This might cause some problems…" Contrasting to his words, Broly was grinning ferociously. His gaze locked onto the direction like a beast looking at his prey.