First little bout

He noticed them approach. He quickly conjured up a small elevated stage for his own group to stand on when they weren't fighting. He capsuled the stage with a simple protection spell, which could handle mostly magic attacks and stray energy. After gobbling up the rest of the meat, he had stolen from Taro and finishing the stage, he went back to the middle of the arena. He had locked onto the ones who were approaching with his senses. By now his sensing skills weren't comparable to before. Although now he didn't cover the whole planet, a few hundred kilometers were easily manageable with a bit of concentration.

If he wanted to use it in battle without affecting his concentration at all, he could at most effectively use it in a periphery of a few dozens of kilometers. This might sound a lot for the average being in the universe but for mighty fighters like Broly in high-level battles, this would only give him a slight edge.

In the time he had trained his senses, the army of the earth had come and bombarded him, but neither him nor the stage had sustained any damage. After seeing no affect, they had sent the 'strongest' man on earth.

Now while Broly was waiting for the Z-Fighters, Satan had stepped on the arena, saying something about today's the day he would teach Broly a lesson. Broly first ignored him, but as soon as Satan touched, in Satan's perspective punched, him, he gave him a glare. Satan was immediately overwhelmed by the aura, Broly was releasing. He felt like he died numerous times with that single glare. His knees started shaking until he collapsed to the ground. He was so terrified that he started leaking. Broly released a ki burst, sending Satan flying before he could sully his arena.

From the impact alone, normal people would have died, but Satan was good in taking a beating, so he probably survived, not that Broly really cared. What he did care however, were the people Satan had brought with him. Broly only glanced at the humans who were hiding behind a rock. Suddenly the camera was being pulled out of the cameraman's hands and flew on its own directly onto the stage, where Taro and Aize were waiting on. The camera pointed to the arena.

Broly didn't like the fact that Satan was partly responsible for the public ignorance towards ki, especially in face of the crisis named Cell. Maybe this event would have given birth to a new era. Although in Broly's eyes the earthlings aren't worth mentioning, but perhaps with time, they would become a strong force to be reckoned with. He thought about how Krillin, Yamcha or Tien in the future were easily able to handle the former Saiyans, who had conquered numerous planets. Even someone like Frieza, who ruled over a part of a galaxy would be no match against them.

Either way, he just thought it would be interesting to see the changes on earth if he showed the general public what was possible.

With everything set up he only waited for the participants to arrive. A few dozens of minutes later, Goku and Piccolo's son had exited the room of spirit and time and shortly after, headed together with the rest to his location. After arriving, they directly landed just outside of the arena.

"I have to say, I quite like your simplistic style." Cell said as he inspected the corner pillars. The Z-Fighters, mostly the human fighters were quite tense. The Saiyans were more relaxed but still solemn, this was the same for the androids. Cell was probably the only one who seemed unconcerned, even Vegeta didn't show any arrogance, just his usual resting bitch face. There were 14 people total in Goku's group.

Seeing everyone arrive, Broly spoke out.

"Now the warriors of this planet have finally arrived to fight for their survival. I am sure the lot of you are excited about the upcoming battles, but I have to make some rules.

Seeing that you have arrived with 14 people planning to fight against my two followers, I have to balance the situation a bit. If you just engage with each other without rules, I am afraid that earth wouldn't exist tomorrow." Broly said with a grin.

Earth fighters had appropriate angry expression. Broly implied that without his help, even with more people they would definitely lose. How much did he look down at them?

Vegeta and Cell were especially angry, holding back, not to rush at Broly and attack him.

"First the basics. If you are killed or give up, you are out of this little game. If you are being thrown out of the arena or you lost conscious, you lost the match but after healing up you can try your luck again. You all have two tries. Of course, this rule only applies to you. My followers won't be giving some magical medicine as well." Broly said while glancing at the small bag on Krillin's waist.

"The number of people in the arena can be decided by the participants. If you suddenly want to help out your mate, you can but you can't go back outside as that would mean, you give up. You can also fly, there aren't any boundaries to speak of in the air. Now, if you are ready, you can start."

After saying that Broly flew to the stage with the camera. Earth's fighters were shocked at the rules. They could basically constantly send in as many people as they wanted until they defeated one of Broly's followers. Even if they are knocked out, they could try again later. These rules benefitted them too greatly. Of course, the premise is that they make it out alive.

Vegeta's face distorted in anger. 'He thinks we are just some children, who can't fight! I will show you who the real king is, Broly!'

Cell's face was solemn, not only him but everyone knew what this implied. Either Broly severely underestimated them or he was just that confident in his followers. They knew that he shouldn't know about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, so they hoped it was the former, but a feeling told them that this wasn't the case.

Without saying anything, Aize jumped inside the arena. He would be the first opponent for them. These rules had disrupted their combat order a bit, so they quickly gathered together before deciding who to send in first.

After conversing with each other, they sent in their first fighters. That's right. From the start they sent more than one.

Krillin, Yamcha and Tien, they were basically the weakest of them with the exception of Tien. Tien's tri-beam was a strong attack, not to be underestimated.

Broly also noticed how the androids had repositioned himself slightly. They would be ready to help them out at any moment.

The three positioned themselves in a triangle with Tien at the front. They all took in their battle stances. Even Aize took on one as well, but this didn't mean much. He was always one, who didn't play around much. Of course, he himself had pride. Broly wondered when he would go Super Saiyan.

Broly raised his arms forwards.

"Let the fight for survival… begin!" Broly swung down his arm. At the moment he did, Tien, Krillin and Yamcha stomped the ground, propelling themselves forwards. Aize was quietly observing their movement. Krillin and Yamcha stomped the ground again and quickly headed at Aize from the sides.

Tien was the first to come in striking range.

He stabbed out with his fingers, directly at Aize's eyes. Aize tilted head slightly and reached out for Tien's arm. Yamcha and Krillin were about to reach him as well. Aize pulled Tien in front of Krillin while diverting Yamcha's kick with a simple palm strike. While Krillin crashed into Tien, Aize moved out. His palm followed along Yamcha's leg, directly landing on his stomach.

Yamcha instantly coughed out blood as he was sent flying like a meteor. His body generated a visible air shockwave as he flew out of the ring. Aize noticed the ki fluctuations behind him, he quickly jumped up, evading a ki disc. Before he could relax, the disc took a sharp turn as it followed Aize into the air.

Aize shot a ki blast at it, instantly destroying it. He suddenly sensed something above him. He quickly looked up and saw how Tien put his palms facing himself next to his face.

"Solar Flare!"

A bright light completely blinded Aize. While he was blinded a voice rang out not far from Tien's position.


Aize noticed the ki being gathered and directly turned Super Saiyan.

"…haaaaaa!" Before the attack could hit him, a barrier formed around Aize. Aize still hovering in air was pushing against the attack. Because his strength was immensely more powerful than Krillin's he easily withstood it.

Aize slowly regained his eyesight but Tien didn't let him any time to fully adapt.


A short beam directly landed on Aize barrier. This was Tien's strongest attack. Even against stronger people, it would be somewhat effective, but the difference here was too great.


Even together they couldn't push him out of bounds let alone hurt him, but it seemed that was something they expected.

16, 17 and 18 positioned themselves next to the two human fighters and gathered immense energy into their arms. 16 had detached both of his underarms and pointed it at Aize. With a flash three additional lights headed at Aize, who had finally fully regained his sight. Seeing the three new participants join in, he only furrowed his eyebrows.

His ki started rising dramatically until lightning arcs appeared all over his body and his hair became even spikier. The barrier moved between him and the attacks. Aize put out his arms and released even more energy as he put everything into the barrier that now turned into bright sun.

He converted his barrier into an attack! With a burst, it suddenly pushed away the other attacks, transforming into quick moving beam, instantly enveloping earth's fighters.

The beam only lasted an instant but afterwards six smoking figures fell motionless to the ground. Without anything catching them, they heavily landed on the arena. They all had large burn marks all over them and 16's body was opened and had many metal parts revealed to the outside.

They were in no condition to fight anymore. Krillin and Tien had already fainted, the androids were still conscious, but it was already clear, who won this first little bout.