
"You know us?" Towa was shocked as at this time, no one should know of her. Not only wasn't she even born yet, she was from the Demon Realm as well, a realm sealed away from the rest of the universe, it shouldn't be possible for anyone to know them, even if this was a new timeline.


She was awakened by the countdown and smiled slightly after noticing that he ignored her question. "It doesn't matter if you know who we are. We only need your energy." Towa pointed her staff at Broly and a dark purple energy immediately enveloped Broly.

Broly just crossed his arms and continued to look at Towa indifferently. The dark aura dissipated, not affecting Broly at all.

"Not affected by my magic, how could-"


Towa frowned as she listened to the countdown. She couldn't help but feel threatened by this version of Broly. She had already met one version on 'new Planet Vegeta' a few years further in the past, but this one in front of her gave off a completely different vibe. He was far more dangerous and seemed hostile to them.


"Mira get rid of him!" Towa pointed at Broly. Without hesitation Mira dashed at Broly. On the way, with a burst, his ki increased tremendously and his speed accelerated to a terrifying degree. No one of the Z-Fighters were able to follow his movements.

Mira's fist passed Broly's head, which was slightly tilted to the side. Their eyes met and the time seemed to have stopped. Mira suddenly widened his eyes as he looked down, seeing a fist deep in his stomach.


The next instant, his body shot back but almost immediately stopped again. The momentum was terrifying, but he had already regained his bearing after a few dozen meters.

Mira looked at Broly solemnly. He noticed that Broly's eyes had changed to a yellow color, but he quickly dismissed it.

"You are a lot stronger than your counterpart. This might be a small challenge."

Broly suddenly vanished and reappeared in front of Mira and karate chopped at Mira's head, who raised one arm to meet and divert it to the side. As soon as Broly's attack met Mira, he realized his mistake. This wasn't an attack he could easily block!

Mira knew there was not enough time to dodge, so he raised both his arms in order to block it. Mira kneeled down from the force and the surrounding ground was directly crushed, creating a rapidly expanding crater.

Broly didn't wait for Mira and instantly shot at Mira's face with his knee. Mira's head was thrown back and his upper body bend backwards. He slid over the ground for a few meters before coming to a stop. His body remained in that awkward position for a second, before he straightened himself again and stood up as if nothing happened.

Mira silently wiped away the blood, coming out of his nose, before his body made his way to Broly. Although Broly was able to see his movements with all his senses, strangely he still was unable to react. Mira kneed Broly in the stomach and immediately followed up with a headbutt, sending Broly into the ground.

Broly rolled backwards for a few dozen meter before he could rebalance his body and use his feet to stop his momentum. Only after creating a few meters of trenches along the way, he came to a stop. Mira had already closed in again and punched out.

Broly's face was distorted from anger and directly met Mira's fist with his own. The impact made both of them stagger back for a few steps. Suddenly Broly's ki rose rapidly as his body shrunk. Mira recognized the danger coming from Broly and quickly made his way to interrupt him. However, before he could close in, he was met with a ki burst, pushing him back. Mira regained his balance and shielded himself with his arm.

The intense light from the ki slowly dimmed down and the trembling in the ground ceased as well. Mira looked at Broly, who had shrunk to 2.5 meters. From time to time, lightning arcs appeared all over his body and his hair was pointing into the sky. He had transformed to the next level, Ascended Legendary Super Saiyan.

Broly shot a ki blast at Mira, who directly deflected it far way. After Mira got rid of the ki blast, Broly suddenly arrived in front of him and stabbed at his stomach with his fingers. Mira leaned his body to the side and reduced the damage caused. The side of his stomach was slashed open. Blood was gushing out. Mira quickly backed away and pressed on his wound to reduce the bleeding. Mira then used some ki to close the wound, preventing it from losing more blood.

Broly closed in again and relentlessly released a storm of attacks. Mira was easily overpowered and pushed back. Only able to block the attacks without having any time to counter attack. Without warning Mira's energy soared, ascending to a new level. Broly was surprised, he didn't know that Mira was still hiding this much energy in this kind of situation.

Of course, Mira already would have went all out if it weren't for the fact, that they would be easier noticeable by Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time. Now with Broly's ki masking his, it wouldn't be that bad, but Mira needed to end this quickly.

After the huge increase of power, Mir started counterattacking, directly landing a shot at Broly's stomach, making him grasp for air. Mira followed up with a strike to Broly's face sending him flying into the sky.

Mira dashed after Broly and quickly caught up to him. He hammered down, sending Broly into the ground. A huge smokescreen was created, enveloping Broly's figure completely.

Mira raised his arms in an attempt to shoot a ki blast at the smokescreen, but a ki burst suddenly pushed the smoke away.

Broly was standing there seemingly uninjured. He suddenly stretched his armor at his collar and pulled at a string, taking something out from beneath his armor.

Mira was slightly stunned at this action, making him forget to attack right away or it was curiosity that made him not follow up with anything.

Mira squinted his eyes as he saw a golden necklace being pulled out. The gem in the middle of the necklace was glowing brightly in a green hue. Broly pulled the necklace over his head and as soon as he did, his ki vehemently lashed out, crushing everything around him. Boulders were immediately pulverized and the ground caved in. The whole world started shaking like it was about to collapse in itself. Mountain peaks in the far distance collapsed and tornadoes started forming in the distance.

Mira had difficulties breathing, the pressure was immense.

Towa sensed the enormous ki and immediately knew that they couldn't defeat Broly.

"Mira we are leaving!" Towa flew towards him. Mira was gritting his teeth but quickly followed Towa's instructions and backed away towards her.

Broly tilted his head as if he was confused.

"You want to leave? I am no longer suppressed, now the fun just starts! Besides I already gave you 10 seconds, but you wouldn't listen! Now you will pay with your blood!"

Mira frantically rushed towards Towa who was already preparing her magic to open a time rift to escape.

Suddenly Mira felt his air pipe being crushed. Only after being lifted up, he noticed Broly standing between him and Towa. Broly raised an arm, pointing his palm at Towa, before a horrifying amount of ki was being gathered in it.

"Broly, if you don't help your friends, they will die here and now!" Towa pointed at Gohan and Cell who were enveloped by a dark purple aura, preparing a Kamehameha at Aize and Taro.

Aize and Taro were currently fighting off 17 and 18, who had a similar aura around them. The two had already thrown in a healing capsules, but those aren't as instantaneously as Senzu Beans, so they were struggling against the powered-up androids. The other Z-Fighters were knocked out. It wasn't clear if they were knocked out by the possessed or by Aize and Taro.

But Broly didn't even bother to look at them, he only grinned at her desperate efforts. Towa gritted her teeth, she thought that this version might care about his friends, she had to risk.

Cell suddenly turned towards Gohan and sent his Kamehameha wave at him. Gohan noticed it and sent his wave to meet it.

"How could this be? He is under my control-" Towa was shocked, seeing Cell unexpectedly attack Gohan.

As shocked as she might be, she instantly acted and disappeared in a time rift, leaving Mira behind. She knew that there was nothing she could do against Broly. The spot where she just floated in, was enveloped by a giant ki wave right after she had disappeared. Broly's attack missed her with just a hair width.

"Tch. Seems like your partner has abandoned you." He looked at Mira who stared back indifferently.

"Grh. Aghh. Rrhh." Mira's air pipe was being squeezed tightly, only able to let out some noises. Broly saw Mira's hatred in his eyes.

"To be honest I could have defeated you even suppressed, but it would have taken too long and then Chronoa would have interfered. Honestly, you are a greater disappointment then I thought." Broly grinned as he saw Mira even more infuriated.

He put two fingers on Mira's forehead. As soon as he did a dark purple spark, made him retract his hands. 'Too bad I can't control him. If he absorbs Towa, he would be pretty strong.' He dismissed these thoughts and again focused on Mira, who was struggling to get free.

"Did you really think that Towa could have escaped if I wanted her dead? You know…" Broly paused slightly, seeing slight anxiousness creeping into Mira's eyes.

"…I can follow her through time."

After saying that Broly threw Mira into the air, before thrusting out both his arms sending a gigantic ki wave at him.

"Nooooo!" Mira agonizing scream sounded out as he was completely disintegrated.

After killing Mira, Broly shot two invisible ki blasts at Cell and Gohan, who were struggling for supremacy, knocking them out ice cold at the same time.

He saw how Aize and Taro were still struggling with 17 and 18, but he didn't help them. He knew that after recovering some more they would be able to handle them.

Broly looked at the spot Towa had just disappeared from. He could see the messy space and time, something had forced itself through it. Obviously, it was Towa and just as he thought, she hadn't time to clean things up. For someone like him, who could see space and time, her tracks were as clear as day.