After Towa!

Broly pushed his ki to its maximum, he even burned his lifeforce to further his power, bending the space, a few tens of meters around him. As soon as space around him was pushed away he approached the spot, Towa has vanished from. The messy space around him was pushed away and a slowly closing purple tear in the very fabric of the universe revealed itself.

Broly knew that this had to be the passageway, Towa used to escape. Without hesitation he released tremendous amount of ki, mental- and magic power and pushed it all into the tear in form of a beam.

With the new energy, the tear started growing again and small streams deviated from it. It started to look like glass being cracked. He knew he wasn't as precise as Towa in travelling through time, so he had to use brute force. If Towa used a scalpel to open up a tear, Broly used a sledgehammer.

After the tear grew enough, he immediately flew inside it. As soon as he passed through the entrance, he saw an absolute tangle of space and time threads. He was immediately bombarded with information that it almost fried his brain. He immediately retracted his senses to a point where it was reasonable. Only ten meters around him was perceivable by him, anything further would cause a headache.

Fortunately, he noticed an area in front of him that wasn't as tightly packed as everything around it. The area led deeper into this whole mess, forming a sort of passage. Without any other options he directly flew towards it. The space that used to be bend in a few tens of meters in his periphery was reduced to a couple of centimeters. Good thing was that it didn't matter how much he bent as long as it covered his whole body. He knew that if he touched on of this thread, it would either rip that body part off or sent him to an unknown timeline. Either way he wouldn't try to find it out.

He bulldozed his way through this messy place and shortly arrived at the area, he had seen before. Afterwards he was like a fish in the water, his speed accelerated ridiculously.

After a while he saw another tear and without waiting any longer, he flew directly into it. After a bright flash, he appeared on a devastated planet. He landed on the ground and started looking around.

Broly couldn't tell on what planet he was, but he sure knew that nothing could survive on it. The rocky ground was a wasteland, completely devoid of life. The waters in the rivers looked toxic and even the red sky seemed depressive. This planet wasn't something Broly would stay long on if it wasn't necessary. Well, he wasn't here for vacation to begin with. He didn't bother with that anymore and directly spread out his senses. It didn't take him long to spread it to a large area until he noticed a familiar signature.

"Hehe. Got you!" He exclaimed and directly turned into a light beam, instantly arriving just a few hundred meters away. He saw Towa with three other figures, discussing something on the ground.

He looked at the three, Slug, Turles and Bardock with a mask on that covered his whole face. Of course, he only knew that it was Bardock since he played the xenoverse games and his hair was kind off dead giveaway.

He noticed that Slug and Turles are very weak. It seemed like they still hadn't any powerups, but Broly didn't really care if they did. They would still be no match against him. The only ones who may be a bit more troublesome and fun would be Cooler and another version of himself.

Towa was shocked seeing Broly. She had escaped through space and time to another whole reality, how was it possible for Broly to be here? It was clearly not any version of Broly, but it was the one she had fled from just now!

Turles was shocked as well, he had heard from Towa about the legendary Super Saiyan and his primal instincts were warning him about the threat that Broly posed. Bardock was completely unaffected, since he was under Towa's control.

While Towa and Turles were thinking about ways to get away, Slug steps forwards.

"So, you are Broly? Not as impressive as I thought." Broly raised an eyebrow in surprise, he couldn't believe how someone was so incapable of sensing the gap between them. Maybe he didn't want to see the truth? The others looked shocked as well. Was Slug suicidal?

"You know, if you hadn't talked you might have lived a bit longer." Broly waved his hand and the next instant Slug's body exploded. Bits of meat flew around and sullied Towa's group who were still frozen in fear.

There was no grand devastating explosion or huge waves of ki. It was like Slug's body decided on its own to explode.

"Well, that was a short as cameo." After getting rid of Slug, he turned to Turles. Shivers were sent down Turle's spine after being looked at by Broly. He could tell from the look Broly gave him. His eyes showed a cold indifference like he was looking at a soon to be dead man. Broly slowly walked towards them.

"Please, Lord Broly, I can be of great use. I have information about a frui-" Before he could finish his sentence a red-light beam pierced his forehead. A perfect hole was being burned through his head. His eyes were wide open from shock. His body lost strength and collapsed to the ground, never to move again.

With a wave of his hand, Broly send out a bit of ki, cremating Turles body. His ashes flew away with the wind. He couldn't just explode him like he did with Slug, what if some body parts touched him?

Now Broly stood just a meter away from Towa, who was trembling all over. Suddenly Bardock on the side started moving but as soon as he did, the mask on his face split in two.

The red eyes of Bardock suddenly turned black as he seemed to have regained his conscious. Bardock looked shocked and observed his hands as he closed and opened them. He had finally regained the control of his body!

He turned towards Towa and a fierce glint appeared in his eyes. Before he could make a move, his suddenly body slid over the ground, creating a distance of dozens of meters between him and Towa. He was surprised by what was happening. He wanted to say something but a ki barrier suddenly formed around Towa and Broly, entrapping the two. Bardock was left standing outside.

Without a chance of looking at what was happening inside the barrier, Bardock decided to wait. There was nothing he could do anyway.

"Now we are undisturbed Towa." Broly grinned maliciously as he let his eyes wander over her body.

"You! …I see, if- if it is my body you want, I am willing to-" Thinking that she understood what he was here for and why he shielded the two of them from the outside world, she led her guard down for a second. Before she could register what happened, Broly's hand landed on her forehead. Broly knew that he couldn't control her like he was unable with Mira, but he still was confident in taking her knowledge.

He directly dazed her with a soul attack and began to read her mind. Reading minds was quite easy if someone was willing to have one's mind read or if the person was incredibly less powerful than the mind reader.

To read Towa's mind however was more than just difficult, she was after all a great magician. He also didn't just want to have bits of her memories, he wanted all of it. He continued to bombard her soul with attacks while he was going through her memories. This would take a while, but that was also why he had allowed Towa to escape.

Towa would surely take a place she was familiar with, away from anyone's attention, so why not let her lead him there? Even if he decided not to use that knowledge, who knew if Chronoa doesn't mention it to Beerus and get him erased. Maybe she would blackmail him to do her bidding like she did with Trunks. After all, she can't let someone with this kind of capabilities and his reputation wander around. Broly was determined to prevent that from happening.

But he also wouldn't let this possibility slide, to know how to freely travel through time itself, without time rings or time machines. Even if he met a powerful foe in the future, his abilities in escaping would rise to whole new level. Maybe with more knowledge of how space and time works, he could even integrate it into his attacks. Possibly, he would be unaffected by time manipulative abilities like that of Guldo or Hit.

There were just too many possible applications that he couldn't ignore!