Going after the leader.

Half an hour later, Broly was still absorbing her memories. He didn't realize that her eyes had already rolled back into her head and her mouth started foaming. He also didn't notice that the resistance of her soul had already weakened considerably, even if he didn't attack her soul, she wouldn't be able to resist his forceful memory search.

After two more hours, her eyes, mouth and ears were already bleeding, and her soul couldn't pick up any resistance. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he was done absorbing and finally let go of her forehead.

Her body that was stiff the hole time, collapsed the moment Broly let go of her. Broly had closed his eyes, trying to give the memories, he just had obtained, some order. Meanwhile, his ki barrier around him had splintered away into the sky and Bardock was able to see the two again.

Bardock looked at Broly, who had reverted back to his base and had a satisfied smile on his face, and Towa, who was bleeding out of her orifices. He went up to the two and took a closer look at Towa.

Towa seemed to have noticed his approach. Her eyelids trembled and she was barely able to open her mouth.


Bardock squinted as he tried to deceiver what she was trying to convey.

"…he…lp…me." After Bardock listened to what she said, he snorted and held his palm up. He suddenly transformed into a Super Saiyan and a ki ball started forming in his hand. Without hesitation, he threw the attack at the defenseless Towa. She was so exhausted, she couldn't even scream as she was incinerated into nothingness.

After killing Towa, he had realized that Broly had opened his eyes and was staring at him. "That was not nice." Bardock looked at the slightly smiling Broly.

"I knew what she wanted to do. She is better off dead, otherwise my son would never be left alone by her."

"Indeed, she hated Saiyans. Additionally, she is a master at mind controlling and if I can't control her, she would only be a ticking time bomb. Still, what a shame."

Bardock raised an eyebrow, observing Broly's lamenting expression.

"True. She was an accomplished magician and a great scientist…" Bardock thought that this Broly seemed to have great foresight. If she were on their side, she would make a powerful ally.

"Hm? Ah, yeah that too. But man, she was hot."

Bardock frowned at that comment and took every compliment back, he thought about just now. Broly threw in a healing capsule and started speaking to Bardock, while he was recovering his lost energy.

"That reminds me. Bardock are you a scientist?" Bardock was surprised at that sudden question.

"Me a scientist? Do I look like that?" Bardock retorted sarcastically.

"Not really. Do you have a red headband?"

Now Bardock frowned again as he remembered all that happened before Frieza blew up the planet. Surprisingly Broly wanted to know what happened to him. Bardock didn't knew the reason why he wanted to know all about the betrayal, but he complied, after all he had saved him from these two demons. He also told him everything about the time he had spent being controlled.

"Wait, so they had already met another version of me but were unable to control him, because they were too weak?"

"Yeah. That was why they went to the Cell games to get some energy for Mira, so he could subdue that Broly."

"Hmm. It is a bit different…"

"We should go and destroy their demon army that they had gathered and kill their leader!" Bardock said. He was determined to eradicate this demon threat.


"Yes, he is much more powerful than Mira or Towa and is the real one giving the orders. We have to get to him and…"

Broly ignored what Bardock was saying afterwards and started going through Towa's memories. He skipped through the things he already knew, like the fact that her main reason in changing the timeline was to take revenge on earth's Saiyans and Buu for killing her brother, Dabura and then revive him. Her aim to unseal the demon realm was indeed an order, but he couldn't tell from whom.

Bardock almost started screaming as he saw Broly ignore him. A vein started bulging on Broly's forehead.

"Shut up." Broly said coldly, instantly making Bardock quiet.

He continued going through the memories and quickly found what he was looking for, unfortunately the part concerning their leader was blurry and he couldn't tell who it was. Broly himself could only think of the Demon God, Demigra, but since anything Dragon Ball seemed to be included, it wouldn't be surprising if it was someone else.

After making sure, he got it right, he spoke to Bardock.

"Alright, I have localized that realm. I should be able to bring us there." After saying that he grabbed the surprised Bardock and slashed open a rift in space and immediately flew in.

Unlike before he didn't need to enter that messy space but had a safe passageway towards the location he wanted to go. He didn't need to waste energy protecting the two and only needed to use a bit of magic to get where he wanted.

Concluding from the memories of Towa, he suspected that every thread in that space, he was before, represented another timeline. With the knowledge of the series, he thought there would only be some timelines, which's numbers could be determined by the time rings. Now, however, he assumed that theses rings only allow safe passage to timelines that are somewhat connected to the one's one was in.

The rifts he created just now as well uses the threads to travel to a timeline that is already connected with the timeline, he was currently in. So, what Broly did before wasn't something remotely close to what time rings or Towa used. He had traveled outside a thread, outside time.

In fact, if he had touched another thread, he would probably be in another timeline that was completely different than the one he was in, he wouldn't even be able to return if it wasn't connected with his. In fact, if he hadn't flown to the area that was less packed and found the other end of Towa's passage, he would have been lost there forever with no hope of being able to return.

Fortunately, he now was able to travel safely. Even bringing someone along was easy.

He also thought about the concept of the time machines, were they connecting to another time thread, did they create another thread or maybe something different?

Without being able to think about it further, they arrived on the other side.

His whole vision was filled with endless barren land, not very different from the planet, he was before. The ground was dry and devoid of any life. There was no water insight.

Broly and Bardock looked around and saw a weird plant like construct in the distance, holding up two huge round surfaces. Suddenly a giant black dragon materialized out of nowhere and was now floating above one of the surfaces, looking down at it. He looked like a dark, demonic version of Shenlong.

Now that he took a closer look, he saw thousands of little dots that moved around the plant. Those were figures in uniforms. Through the memories, he somewhat had an idea that those were soldiers and that there should be some of them who were incredibly strong.

Broly and Bardock quickly made their way towards the dragon. They guessed that the leader of the demon army should be there.


Suddenly a frightening explosion swallowed many soldiers, pulverizing them in an instant. Another explosion followed immediately and Broly was finally able to see what was happening. He couldn't hide the shock on his face as he looked at the incredible fast-moving figures, fighting each other. One side was heading towards dark Shenlong and the other were intercepting them. The intercepting side was outnumbered and were slowly but surely being overpowered.

What was shocking for Broly was that the side pushing towards dark Shenlong were actually earth's Saiyans. To be more precise, Broly saw Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan 4 form and adult Gotenks. With them were Chronoa, the supreme kai of time and another dude with red hair. Broly had no idea who that was but that guy felt like the soldiers and the others that were intercepting them. They felt like Mira and Towa, they were clearly from the demon race.

He didn't know why one of them was helping the Saiyans and he didn't care. He was only here to kill the demon leader.

He didn't bother with the other Saiyans but headed straight for the dark Shenlong. The demon race didn't seem to have expected him to be here and weren't able to react fast enough to intercept him, not that any of the normal soldiers stood a chance.

Broly and Bardock suddenly heard the dark Shenlong speak out.

"You, who have gathered the seven dark dragon balls…"

Broly didn't wait any longer and transformed into the Ascended Legendary Super Saiyan, but he didn't stop there. His muscles all over his body tensed up. Veins leading to his eyes bulged and his eye color started slowly turned yellow.

With a ki burst his energy swept all the approaching soldiers away. Without flying closer, Broly's ki surged and Thunderspears kept appearing behind him, pointing directly at dark Shenlong.

"Unlimited Thunderspears!"