
"Unlimited Thunderspears!"

As soon as his voice fell, hundreds of Thunderspears shot through the air and headed towards dark Shenlong.

The demons that were intercepting earth's Saiyans were shocked as they looked back, seeing a rain of spears heading for the dragon.

Every single Thunderspear created a light beam in its path as they closed the distance with terrifying speed.

Just before a leading spear reached its target, it shattered into thousand pieces heading into every direction. It looked like a spear, made out of glass, was hitting a rock.

At the impact area, a big curved barrier could be seen, shielding the dragon. Broly frowned slightly seeing this, but his eyebrows quickly eased up as it turned into a sneer. Broly swung his arms, making a cross in front of his face. Suddenly, the Thunderspears behind him seemed to have formed two groups as they headed to the respectively other side in lightning speed, making a curve as they shot to the dragon.

The spears now flew in an arc, attacking the dragon from the sides, while Broly raised an arm with his palm facing the dragon. In the next moment, a ki sphere formed in front of his palm, before it burst open and transformed into a volley of ki blast. Like a machinegun, he fired dozens of ki blasts in a second straight at the dragon, while his spears were attacking the dragon from the sides.

Broly heard a snort as a giant barrier formed around the dragon, encasing it completely. Broly's attacks seemed to have no effect as his spears shattered and his ki blasts exploded immediately on impact without leaving as much as a scratch on it.

Broly suddenly felt danger and sensed a compressed magic blast heading his way from the round stage-like surface. He immediately stopped firing his ki blasts and dodged in a wide arc. The magic sphere unexpectedly followed him, and he quickly found out that more magic blasts were heading towards him at frightening speed. He directly burned his lifeforce, enabling him to escape for longer while blindly shooting some ki blast onto the stage.

He made his way towards the dragon while fleeing from the attacks. The dragon had already finished his greetings and was now waiting for the wish to be made.

Broly grinned as he saw the several magic blasts almost reaching him as he flew straight towards the dragon. Surprisingly he closed his eyes for a second and directly disappeared from the spot, while the magic blasts continued on after losing their target.

The magic blast directly landed on the barrier, a giant crack appeared on the barrier, but it was immediately trying to heal itself. The crack slowly mended itself, but a shout seemed to announce its doom.

"Gamma-Ray Burst!" Suddenly not far away from the explosion, caused by the magic blasts, a green beam of destruction shot at lightning speed to the slowly mending crack. In an instant the beam arrived at the crack. It was stopped for an instant before it pierced through it, heading straight for the dragon. "Nooo!" An old voice sounded out from the surface. Only now Broly saw who had fired those magic blasts at him. He looked like a very aged member of the Demon race. Pale blue skin and white hair with black eyes and red irises staring furiously at Broly. His outfit and the white and yellow staff screamed sorcerer.

Broly didn't bother with him anymore and looked back at the dragon who was impaled by his green beam or this is what he thought, no, what everyone thought.

The green beam was stopped by the dark scale of the dragon. The dragon turned towards Broly and stared at him with its red eyes.

Broly's beam faded away without leaving a single scratch on the dragon. The dragon started speaking again, seemingly towards Broly.

"State your wish! I won't wait for much longer!" Its voice boomed throughout the realm, stunning Broly for a second.

"I wish for you to open the seal as much as you can!" Broly stated his wish as fast as he could after regaining his bearings. The curse that affected all Saiyans can't be broken completely but only indirectly opened slightly with hard work and dedication. As long as the seal opened up more, Broly would have more excess to the power that was sealed away and was slumbering deep inside him, he would only grow more powerful.

He didn't ask for the dragon to increase his power directly as the dragon would forcefully increase his capabilities. This of course would also loosen the seal indirectly but why do that if he could just tackle the source? Besides to have his capabilities forcefully increased like that would usually be harmful, so this was the best option for him.

"As you wish, this will take some time as I have to use all my power." Dark Shenlong said. Afterwards his eyes started glowing red and his body started glowing.

Broly could instantly feel the changes happening. His soul, energies and body seemed to lose the weight hindering its advancement. His body's cells started evolving to a higher realm, his energies were increasingly surging out, filling up his body, his mind became more clearer with the second. If Broly needed to do dozens of arduously training sessions and meditations to become stronger, he now only needed a single spar to reach the same result.

While Broly was relishing in the feeling, a certain demon was staring at him with hateful eyes.

"You bastard! DIE!" The demon raised his staff, pointing it at Broly. A red beam shot through the air, the scorching heat it released was deforming the space and light around it.

Broly sensed the danger but it was already too late for him to doge. He urged his powers to form a thick barrier around him.

Unexpectedly, the barrier was directly pierced by the beam like it was paper. Broly couldn't dodge, he could only slightly turn his body.

Broly's body trembled. He touched his chest and felt the warm liquid on his hand. He looked at his trembling hand that was red from his blood. In The next moment, his body became limp and fell towards the surface.

Broly heavily landed on the ground, destroying the stone on impact. A small smokescreen was formed, slightly covering Broly's lying body.

"You piece of trash of a Saiyan. I was so close to regaining my youth!" The demon started cursing at the motionless body of Broly and slowly levitated towards him. Suddenly the demon looked up with a frown on his face before he quickly turned his head again as if he had realized something.

He looked back towards Broly's body but what instead greeted him was a palm pushing a small ki sphere towards his face. In the corner of his eyes, the demon saw Broly to his side, grinning back at him while thrusting his palm in his face.

"Eraser Blow!" As soon as his ki sphere touched the demon's face, the sphere exploded and immediately enveloped the two. An instant later, a figure was thrown out of the explosion. Unexpectedly, this figure was Broly!

His whole chest was bleeding profusely, but Broly didn't seemed to be affected as he instantly regained his balance in the air and landed calmly on the ground. Broly threw in a healing capsule. His chest was trembling, and something seemed to wriggle under his skin. A second later the wound was closing already.

Having his seal open continuously, placed his being into an imbalance. There was so much room for improvements that his body was practically screaming for exercise and Zenkai Boosts. Although he had suffered a severe injury just now, he didn't even flinch. The pain was completely overshadowed with the feeling of his enhanced strength.

He was currently high on the feeling of getting stronger. His body badly wants to exercise and now a demon sorcerer that could one shot his old self presented himself, but Broly wasn't scared, he was so excited, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

The demon slowly stepped out of the explosion as he looked hatefully at Broly.

"I see, you probably have a lot of this medicine…" The demon eyed at the little bag attached to Broly's waist.

The demon smiled maliciously, before continuing.

"Oh, I will make you suffer so much that you hoped you were never born!"

Broly gestured him with his hand to come at him with a sneer on his face.

"Try me, bitch!"