
Daz was on his way to one of Exousia's elite team. The galactic patrol had issued some complaints about the destructiveness on a mission and after looking through the data, Daz agreed that some of the members went too far.

Daz looked up and saw black clouds forming in the previous clear sunny sky. On the sidewalk a few elves were noticing something odd as well.

"Is the ground shaking?" "Oh, yes! Did they announce an earthquake? Didn't see anything on the news warning about that"

"No, there wasn't anything-"


Suddenly the ground of the street started cracking, rapidly extending from the city center outside. The tremble in the ground grew exponentially stronger as time went on.

"Whoa what is going on?" A Saiyan spoke out.

Daz frowned deeply. He knew better than anyone else that the ground wasn't something easily broken. It could even endure attacks from someone on the level of a full-powered Frieza.

This wasn't something a normal earthquake could cause. Just as he thought about it, a humongous violent aura spread out. Ki in form of a green fiery pillar pierced the heaven.

The pressure was so immense, the weaker one's directly fainted as the aura and ki was being released, the stronger one's kneeled down and vomited out their dinner.

Even Daz, whose strength was top-class, slumped down slightly from the pressure. Just as the ones who were still conscious thought it wouldn't get any worse, a deep roar shook the planet. Buildings started collapsing and the street split in half as lightning struck the ground.

Almost everyone had collapsed and started bleeding out of their orifices, the only ones who were able to retain consciousness were the very peak of Exousia and even they were kneeling on the ground, not daring to move.

Thunder, the shaking ground, collapsing buildings and a roar that resembled an enraged beast filled the surroundings, but no one screamed because no one was able to muster any strength. Even though the world now was filled with sound, it still was eerily silent.

Daz was still trying to comprehend what was happening. If Daz didn't recognize the ki signature, he would have thought they were under attack. It sounded like Broly was about to go insane from rage, but what made Broly so enraged?

Daz sensed from where Broly's ki was coming from and noticed that it was not coming directly from the center but a bit from to the side. It was on Broly's private property.

Did someone try to assassinate him again, but who would be able to enter Broly's place? It was highly secured, and no one could enter the place without Broly's or his wives' permission. Suddenly another 4 different ki were released violently as if they wanted to compete with Broly. 1 pale green and 3 golden pillars rose into the sky next to Broly's.

Daz could instantly tell which those ki signature belonged to. Aize, Taro, Cana and Zangya.

The four strongest right after Alea and Broly.

'Right, where is my daughters ki, shouldn't she be in Broly's villa as well?' A bad feeling suddenly emerged in his belly. As if he had gained new strength his body directly shot into the sky and flew towards Broly and the others.

His eyes were bloodshot as his thoughts went wild. He urged his energy to his maximum as he headed there. He only took a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity for him. Up-close to the raging ki piercing into the sky, his energy seemed like a small match in front of a storm, but he didn't let himself waver as he directly headed to the open roof of one of the training rooms on Broly's property.

His gaze pierced through the ki and saw how the five were surrounding Alea's body. His eyes were wide open as he saw the blood stains and wound on her chest. He entered the room and directly pushed away Taro and Cana out of his way.

He kneeled down opposite to Broly who was now standing. He held Alea up and pushed away the strains of bloody hair on her face.

"Baby, no no no. Come on open your eyes. Come on, please…" He pulled her into his embrace as he kissed her head.

"My little girl, please…" He begged her to open her eyes and tried to feed her a healing capsule, but no matter what he did, she wouldn't move.

He let out a heart wrenching cry. Daz' ki suddenly turned golden as he directly went Super Saiyan. His ki violently surged out, cracking the already destroyed ground further as he vented his emotions. No one said anything as they looked at Daz, embracing Alea.

After a while Daz put Alea's head gently on the ground and let his fingers wander over a few scars on Alea's neck. A message was cut into her flesh. The message was simple. "For Sen and Sina. X". It was clear that this was revenge for the death of the two assassins that were sent by Mamba to kill Broly.

Daz slowly stood up.

They all had retracted their ki and the only thing that was leaking into the surroundings was pure killing intent. Their eyes were practically glowing with hatred. Daz with his face filled with tear stains and a gaze seemingly wanting to watch everything burn down, looked straight at Broly. He didn't need to say anything as Broly, and the others felt the same. He wouldn't rest until he had found the motherfucker and rip him to shreds and make him suffer as much as possible.

After finally calming down, Broly's senses had already spread out, beginning to analyze the surrounding space to get any clues on the murderer. He instantly noticed an area where the space was forcefully ripped open and closed again. He knew that with this forceful fix, the space would return to normal after a few dozen more minutes. If he wanted to find the murderer, he needed to move out immediately.

Broly nodded to the others and took a few steps. He stretched out with his hands back to back as if he was trying to open something. A small tear at his fingertip suddenly appeared and with yank he ripped it open revealing a black hole with greenish flames at the border. Without saying anything he went through the hole, the others followed him silently.

A few moments later they arrived on a barren planet at the edge of the universe. The space surrounding the planet was chaotic, not very different from Perditus, maybe even more chaotic. Broly looked around for a fraction of a second before ripping open space again.

Shortly afterwards they arrived on a very similar planet with chaotic space around it. A few hurricanes were devastating the ground not far away. Broly again ripped open space and traveled to another planet which was lush green from the flourishing flora.

The space, however, surrounding the planet was not chaotic. In fact, there didn't seem to be any space around the planet at all. A sun was shining brightly in the sky but Broly could instantly tell that the sun was in a different dimension.

Broly's eyes flashed after he had scanned the planet. He seemed to take a few slow steps, but his body moved across half of the surface of the planet before he stopped only a few hundred meters away from an inconspicuous hut, hidden deep in the woods.

The hut itself seemed to contain the energy emissions coming from inside. It not only covered ki but magic and lifeforce as well. It even prevented leakage for mental and emotional energy, but in front of Broly's vision this was completely useless. Nothing could have been there at all and it would still be the same outcome.

The other five quickly arrived next to Broly. They slowly walked towards the hut, the plants around them started wilting as if they met something extremely toxic, but it was just their intense aura crushing the lifeforce of anything near them.

Every step they took, left a deep imprint on the ground.

They looked like six enraged devils had clawed their way out of hell only to meet their most hatred enemy.

Unexpectedly, the door of the hut opened, and a figure stepped out. It seemed like the person already knew of their arrival and was calmly looking at him.

If Broly had to make a comparison, the figure looked like a ninja version of Hit from universe 6. He had a Katana on his side and was wearing all black. The only thing that was missing was a facial disguise and his look would have been complete.

Broly didn't say anything, he had already detected Alea's lingering ki on the blade. Broly knew that this was the one they were looking for.

Broly was already in his Legendary Super Saiyan 3 form and with his rage he was much stronger than before. His senses had risen to another level as well. Even his soul seemed to be held together, even though it was being heavily strained by his actions. His whole being was currently being fueled by his intense rage.