
"Spread out" Broly said coolly. Without saying anything the others started surrounding the hut and the assassin at its doorstep. Giving him no direction to escape to. He may be more powerful than the others, but they could still slow him down for a while.

The assassin didn't move as if he wasn't concerned about their actions.

"I didn't think you would be able to find me here. According to the report, you took a while to locate Mamba and yet after a few minutes you have already arrived here…" The assassin spoke calmly while slowly walking towards Broly. Broly moved to him as well. He was curious to know why Broly was able to find and even enter this planet. It was after all in another dimension.

He now stood ten meters away from Broly.

"I wonder, how did you get here?" Broly didn't answer him. He wasn't here for chitchat. There was no reason for that assassin to know about his ability to travel through space. If the assassin had travelled with a spaceship, it would have taken Broly years to find him, if at all. Fortunately for Broly, the assassin forcefully traversed space, leaving behind a clear trail for Broly to follow.

The assassin smiled slightly.

"Seems like I won't get an answer. It doesn't matter anymore, since you were able to get here. Although it wasn't in the contract, it seems like I will have to finish you myself. Remember it was, Reap, who killed you!" Suddenly Reap's body vanished and instantly appeared behind Broly without anyone able to react. Reap was already mid-swing. His katana sliced through the air as it directly reached Broly's neck. As if it didn't meet any resistance at all, his katana cut right through Broly's neck.

Reap squinted his eyes as he jumped backwards creating some distance between him and Broly. Broly's body with a white line on his neck slowly became blurry before disappearing all together.

"The time he disappears is 0.008 seconds. Doesn't stop time but enters another dimension. Uses the dimension to close in to his opponent and exit it again to strike him. While he is in the dimension, he leaves behind a clone and disperses it again after he returns.

This way his opponent won't easily see through it and thinks that Reap moves instantaneously or stops time. Should be about it, right?"

Broly's voice sounded out as he calmly analyzed Reap's abilities and it was coming from the spot Reap had seen them at the beginning. Reap turned around and saw them all still standing there as if they hadn't moved at all. Reap looked around only to see the other figures that had surrounded him disappear in the same manner as Broly's figure did.

Reap was shocked to know that those were just illusions and that they, in fact, hadn't moved at all. After calming down slightly, he only now realized what Broly just said and it shook him to his core. It was a secret that he protected with all his might! Even the organization he was working for didn't know about it and thinks he stops time, but now his secret was easily revealed in a single exchange!

Reap gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down. As an assassin he was quickly able to suppress any panic that might have surfaced. He tried to analyze the situation and figured that even if Broly knew about it, he still doesn't know where he would appear. He can even use invisible ki attacks to strike Broly! He wouldn't even know what hit him.

He had to put all his effort into this, he couldn't allow anyone to know more about his abilities.

Reap held his katan high above his head and swung down right into the direction of Broly, who instantly sidestepped. Suddenly the ground split in half as if it was cut with a gigantic sword.

Broly only sneered and stomped the ground. Broly was propelled directly towards Reap. Just as he was about to reach and punch him, Broly stomped the ground again. He instantly changed his flying path to the left. Suddenly Reap reappeared with his sword high above his head about to swing, but Broly rammed him with his shoulder, knocking the wind out of Reap. Broly pushed him through several big trees until he pinned him against a boulder.

Reap was trying to breath but was directly headbutted by Broly. Then Broly took Reap's face and grinded it across the boulder's surface.

Reap wildly swung his sword, making Broly retract his arm. Reap took a few steps to create some distance between the two. Reap frantically looked around and quickly found what he was looking for, Broly's companions. Reap entered his dimension and exited again directly behind a female Saiyan, which should be Broly's wife, Cana.

He put a hand on her shoulder and put the sword's tip at her back.

"Don't move or I will kill her!" Reap looked coldly at Broly. It was only a short exchange, but he knew that he couldn't beat Broly. Reap cursed at the one who made the profile about Broly. Only twice or thrice as strong as Mamba? What a joke, they couldn't even be mentioned in the same breath! What about killing Broly to keep his secret? If he died here, why would he give a fuck about someone knowing his secret? He only needed to survive!

He watched Broly as he slowly backed away, pulling Cana with one hand. He used her body as a shield in case Broly used a ki attack, but his unease only increased as he looked at Broly's expression. A mocking smile greeted him as if he looked at an idiot. Cana's head suddenly turned around 180 degrees with a wide smile on her face and blood shot eyes, which frightened Reap for a moment.

Suddenly her body turned into a blur and vanished. Reap was dazed. Another illusion. Then he spotted a few figures in the sky. The others were watching from a distance. They were too far away for him to cross the distance with the time he was in the dimension.

He suddenly felt that he was unable to move his sword. Two fingers were pinching the blade. No matter how much strength he used it wouldn't budge.

Broly was standing right in front of him expressionless. Reap had to look upwards to see his face. Broly's eyes were glowing brightly yellow. He put a hand on Reap's shoulder and clenched it slightly, crushing it completely while taking the sword out of Reap's hand.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" An agonizing scream escaped Reap's mouth as tried to remove Broly's hand.

After Broly let go again, only a bloody mess that looked nothing like a shoulder was revealed. It looked like someone squished pastry except it was heavily bleeding.

Reap wanted to use his ability but he couldn't. He needed time to store so he could open his dimension, but he didn't feel the time around him.

His despair reached an all-time high as he looked into the hatred filled eyes. Reap tried to put strength into his leg to jump away, but as soon as his muscles in his leg slightly tensed, a black blur crossed his view downwards.


A piercing pain came from his leg. Reap looked down and saw his sword going right through his thigh. His screams were driving away the birds in the surroundings.

Broly pushed Reap slightly, forcing him to take a few steps back to support his body, but as soon as he put some weight on his pierced leg, he collapsed to the ground.

Reap's face was covered in sweat. They had only fought for a few ten seconds and he was too exhausted to flee. He wasn't even given a chance to plead. As soon as he tried to beg for his life, Broly would pull out the sword and pierce another limb.

He wanted to tell Broly about his organization that wanted revenge, but Broly seemed to be disinterested, piercing through Reap's limbs and crushing his bones.

Reap's conscious began to blur and he was about to faint until an unbelievable pain came from his forehead, like someone was drilling into his head directly on the nerves.

Broly had put his hand over Reap's face and was absorbing all the memories while he attacked Reap's soul.

He had experience through Towa and his strength increased a lot. The process was far quicker than it used to be. He only took a few minutes until he filtered everything out about a certain organization Reap was working for and about something else.

After Broly was done, he retracted his hand giving Reap time to breath until he smashed down on Reap's navel.

Reap felt like something cracked inside his body and it felt like every bone in his muscle broke at the same time. Something seemed to be robbed from him and he felt extremely weak.

Broly had smashed his center in the navel region that was responsible for generating ki and magic. Reap slowly realized that he was crippled. Even if he found an opportunity to escape, he wouldn't be able to take it. Now he was even less than an ant in front of Broly.

Tears were rolling down his check as he mustered up strength to say something.

"Plea-" Before Reap could finish even the first word he was turned over and felt a blunt force impacting his lower back. Something snapped and he couldn't feel his legs anymore. His eyes were filled with pain, despair but mostly exhaustion.

Not only was his ki and magic crippled but now he couldn't even move normally. Reap slowly started to accept that he wouldn't survive this, he only wished that he would die soon, but after remembering Broly's eyes, he knew that would be an unrealistic wish.

Reap was picked up by the neck making his already difficult breathing worse. He recognized how Broly fed him something. As soon as he swallowed it, he felt his body rapidly repair itself. Even his ki and magic center was slowly recovering.

But he definitely wasn't happy about that. Broly raised him to eye level. Reap was shivering as he saw Broly's glint in his eyes. He couldn't help but have a bad foreboding. Still he gritted his teeth. He didn't show any fear in front the inevitable death. He tried to accept it.

He wouldn't let Broly get more joy out of this. Reap didn't want to plead anymore but mock Broly, saying something about his dead wife but Broly had other plans. He smashed Reap's ki/magic center again, destroying it with precision.

After making him a cripple again, Broly stated speaking.

"You are very brave, Reap, not showing any fear. How about…" The corner of Broly's lips curled upwards, forming an evil smile.

Reap expression changed dramatically after hearing what Broly said. He felt like the next words came straight out of the devil's mouth, filling him with absolute despair.

"How about we show you braveness to your wife and your two little sons?"