
After walking for 5 and a half hours he had reached the even ground. With his experience in the temples Broly already suspected what would happen if he took a step on the even ground.

So, before he did step inside, he rested for a moment and ate something so he could reach his current peak. Calming his agitated mind and adjusting his body, he got ready for the incoming battle.

He knew that this fight would be incomparable to the other fights in the temples that he had before, especially considering that his Super Saiyan form was basically useless.

He had walked through the night and now the sky in the air simulated a sunrise. The world brightened with the illusionary sun at the horizon. Broly stepped up after meditating for a few dozen minutes.

He took some steps forward and then looked back and saw the outside getting clouded with grey ominous fog, but it still didn't get any darker because of it.

Broly focused on the guards again that now had their heads turned towards Broly. Before he only felt that they were watching him but now actually seeing them turn their complete attention towards him was unsettling.

They gave Broly a sense of pressure that he rarely felt from others. Of course, he had faced numerous strong enemies and this time it wouldn't be any different.

He would have needed half an hour to walk towards them but Broly knew that he wouldn't be able to have a leisure walk towards the temple.

His legs moved faster as he walked towards the giant intimidating statues. His body started to glow as he broke out in a full sprint. His body flashed towards the guards that took in a stance.

Their bodies were covered with their shield and their spear was laid on top of it, pointing straight at Broly. Even after Broly reached his full speed, the spears were steadily following him.

One of the guards stepped forward. He first walked but then started sprinting as well. With his 300-meter size, he closed in rapidly. Only a few hundred meters away, the guard thrusted out his spear.

Despite the size of the spear, its speed was frightening. Broly, of course, saw the spear heading straight at him.

The tip of the spear was as large as a building which shot towards him. The sheer size created a huge whirlwind that would have blasted most beings in the universe away.

Obviously, this wasn't worth mentioning for Broly, what concerned him was that he couldn't estimate the threat level. He was confident in his strength even as suppressed as he was and since he needed to find out their level of threat, he dismissed the idea of dodging.

He stomped the ground and propelled him directly to the tip of the spear. A spear of solid stone like materials with a length of over 300 meters versus a figure that was 2.2 meters tall.

It looked like the statue was about to smash a fly into the ground that would only leave behind a smudge. However, the moment the two forces met a seemingly impossible scene was played out.

It looked like the spear was being pushed backwards. The statue didn't miss its target, but his spear was blocked and pushed backwards! The guard's strength was actually inferior to Broly's!

Broly held the meters wide tip and pushed onwards. He could feel the struggle, but he only sneered at the effort. To think that he was actually feeling pressured by such a weak creature. He smashed the side of the spear and made it fly in an arc. The tip immediately cracked after being hit.

Broly didn't hesitate to follow up. He shot towards the statues face, but since the guard was too big, it took him a second to reach it. On the way the guard wasn't inactive. Seeing the spear almost flung out of his hand he followed up with a shield bash, trying to swat Broly away.

Broly noticed the movement of the shield and directly countered it. He accelerated his body and spun around creating a fierce tornado with a single spin until he kicked against the enormous shield. The tornado had followed around his leg as it smashed against the shield directly stopping the shield in its path.

Cracking noise sounded from the shield. After the wind dispersed a web of cracks spread from the point of contact. The former spotless shield was now ruined as it was riddled with cracks.

The momentum of the kick had pushed the shield away and opened a path straight towards the guard's chest. Broly hadn't noticed it before as the shield always covered it but a two-meter-tall black spot on the white chest revealed itself after the shield was out of the way.

Broly didn't hesitate and dashed towards the spot like a lightning. The momentum still carried the guard's arms outwards and wasn't able to cover himself. Its only option was to tilt his body, so Broly wouldn't be able to reach it, but it was too difficult for it to do so.

The other guard had first watched the fight leisurely but after the first attack, its countenance changed. It decisively headed towards the two to assist his ally.

Seeing the frantic expressions on the guards' face, he was almost certain that this spot was their source of life. Broly didn't give the guard a single chance to survive as his speed suddenly burst and instantly crashed into the black spot.

The giant guard was lifted into the sky crashed against the other guard who came to assist him. Broly took the chance as the spear was being blocked by the guard's body to come in from the side.

The other guard panicked and moved his shield to his chest to close the gap and prevent Broly from reaching it, but Broly was just flying too fast. In a fraction of a second, he already arrived at the spot and plunged his arms inside the spot and tore it apart.

Broly's face had a nearly fanatically smile on his face as he felt the power of the black stones move inside his soul.

The moment he had crashed inside the first black spot, he had felt a tremendous amount of energy rushing inside his soul and nourishing it. Broly didn't even need to guide it like he had to with the Spirit Crystal, but the energy was being absorbed on its own violation.

Not only had it healed his soul but supplemented and strengthened it tremendously. His soul was even fixed from hidden deficiencies which seemed to have come from the time he had travelled across multiverses after he died.

The second black spot had increased his strength as well, but the effect wasn't as exaggerated as the previous time. It seemed like absorbing the energy out of these black spots made extremely tolerant towards it.

Either way, he was ecstatic as he felt his strengthened soul. He could probably power his whole body at maximum strength for half an hour without any difficulties.

This meant that for half an hour coupled with his normal strength he was able to contend against beings on godly level.

He watched the giant statues fall to the ground and shatter into thousands of pieces. The ground itself was undamaged as if it would remain that way for eternity.

Broly didn't bother with the debris that once had guarded the temple. He was actually surprised that they weren't reconstructed again but he didn't bother with it anymore and headed for the temple.

The pillars gave off a godly feel like it supported the heavens themselves. Broly didn't give them a glance and headed straight past them. A giant golden door obstructed the way inside. Broly had to fly up and pull on the giant handle to open it. Unexpectedly it opened as easy as a normal sized door.

Broly was sucked inside and was blinded for a second. The light dimmed slightly and revealed the inside of the temple.

A giant hall that was at least 500-meters high was revealed to Broly. The pillars were meticulously decorated with a carved pattern. The sides were glowing as if he hadn't entered a room but was in the inside of a sun.

The only thing that wasn't glowing brightly was the red carpet that was laid in the middle of the hall leading towards a small sun like portal at the end of the hall. This whole room was very eye catching and would be considered a sacred place by most, but all these didn't catch Broly's attention.

The only thing that was in his focus were the two roman-like warriors that seemed to be the life versions of the guards outside. Broly squinted as he felt the same pressure that he had originally felt from the statues outside.